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CPE Writing Part 1 walkthrough

Give out texts on cinema.

Step 1 Summarise text

In pairs summarise the texts in no more than 15 words. Note form.
Text 1 cinema as escapism, technology makes cinema increasingly popular,
makes people think about issues.
Text 2 films bad now, more focus on money and profit than originality.

Step 2 Jazz it up
How are you going to say that in a different way to the text using fancy
structures and vocab?
Use about 35-50 words per text.
Students work in pairs to rewrite the texts:
The first text/passage/extract states/claims/puts forward the idea that
Conversely the second
Text 1:
Cinema as escapism Cinema is used as a way to put aside the trials and
tribulations of everyday life. To escape the monotony of day-to-day existence. To
flee the daily grind of the rat race.
Technology makes cinema increasingly popular massive leaps/strides in the
field of special/visual effects continue to contribute to the ever increasing
popularity of cinema. Cinema is an increasingly popular form of escapism.
Makes people think about issues leads to a deeper contemplation of the
fundamental issues we face, such as and cinema is capable of triggering
reflexion on the issues that really count.
Text 2:
Films bad now there has been a significant/considerable/alarming drop/fall in
the overall quality of cinema over the last few decades. On the whole, the quality
of cinema has nose-dived in recent years.
More focus on money and profit than originality a lust for higher profits has
replaced true originality and creativity. Film studios are more concerned with
chasing dollars and cents than originality and artistry, to the detriment of the

Step 3 introduction
Introduce the topic in an interesting way.
Since its inception cinema has provided society with form/source of
Seldom has an art form undergone such dramatic changes as those that cinema
has experienced in the last few decades.
Hardly a day goes by without news reports of the latest technological
advancement in the world of cinema.

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