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Lindsay Watkins

Professional Development
Due: September 21, 2015
Professional Development is a phrase used to describe various groups and organizations
that can help a teacher stay up to date in technological advances within the special education
field. The reason that these organizations are so important is because we currently live in a time
where technologies are constantly changing. It is crucial that we stay current in the trends of
UDL and special education technology because this can help us to serve our students to the best
of our abilities. There are resources that are specific just to the state of Michigan, as well as
opportunities to participate in events planned by these organizations around the country as well.
Teachers who involve themselves in staying current in the technological advances are presented
many more opportunities to assist the various needs of their students in the classroom.
Two Michigan related sources that can be consulted are MITS (Michigan Integrated
Technology Supports) and MACUL (Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning).
These two organizations can be used as resources for teachers who live in Michigan in order to
improve upon strategies to be used in the classroom. Additionally, there are some national
organizations such as ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), ATIA (Assistive
Technology Industry Association), and CEC (Council for Exceptional Children) that focus more
on laws surrounding technology in the classroom and how to best and most effectively use these
technology devices in the classroom.
MACUL, ISTE, and CEC all hold conferences in order to educate professionals on how
to stay up to date on technology and additionally, how to ensure that teachers are using these
devices correctly. MACUL holds a conference each year in either Grand Rapids or Detroit, and

this is one yearly event that all Michigan teachers could count on to attend on a yearly basis in
order to make sure that they are staying up to date.
In addition to the resource organizations, there are also some publications that can be
mailed to teachers who want to stay current on technology in the classroom. A few of those
publications include L&L (Learning and Leading with Technology), JSET (Journal of Special
Education Technology), and CITE (Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education).
These are useful resources for teachers who wish to read up on current studies or articles in their
free time. This is also useful for teachers so that they can have physical copies of the articles in
their classroom for quick reference.
Lastly, there are some research centers that focus on updating the whereabouts of
technology each and every day. Some of these centers include OSEP (Office of Special
Education Programs), CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology), and CARET (Center for
Applied Research in Educational Technology). These agencies are responsible for updating the
current research that we have on Special Education and to ensure that progress is being made
towards our goals of making strides in our students education.
Here are some of my goals for my Professional Development:
1) Subscribe to at least one of the journals suggested in this paper
2) Attend a conference described in this paper
3) Implement at least one of the new technologies I learn about in the conference in my
classroom once I get a job as a teacher
4) Subscribe to a newsletter from one of the organizations listed in this paper
5) Find at least one way to get involved in one of the organizations listed in this paper

As a whole, teachers can stay current by doing several of the above described tasks. It
does help to get involved with conferences whenever possible, because these conferences allow
teachers to interact with each other as well as with professionals and researchers who may be
there promoting products and sharing information. It allows all individuals in attendance to
collaborate and swap ideas around that can be used in a classroom. A teacher can also subscribe
to one of many publications that can update him or her each time a new issue is published.
Whatever the teacher decides to do, it is crucial to stay updated with current technologies and the
closer an individual can get involved with this, the better.

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