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Y OD - The YMI J & the Bird ARAGAMOGO:

By Awo Ifalenu

I ask the spirit Tata G about the Bird ARAGAMOGO. He said that the bird called
ARAGAMOGO is the Spirit of Y OD, that is an astral manifestation of Y OD, that
is why is some TAN (stories) were ARAGAMOGO is mentioned, this supposed Bird
come out of the head of Y OD. In the Astral plane people can do what is called Astral
Travel, and this Bird is a symbolism of the Astral Travel and travel through this Astral
realm. Thus, the spirit TATA G confirms that ARAGAMOGO is directly related with Y
OD, because is her Spirit. The Bird ARAGAMOGO is related with Y OD and her If
initiations of Igb Iwa Od and IGB OD in IF, and the title for the person who
receives this consecration in If is called OLOD, Owner of Igb Od. Y OD was the
Obini (wife) of rnml and also she is one of the GREAT YMI J. Y OD is
the Chief of the YMI J (Mother witches), they belong to a Supreme Council of 17
of them, that form what is called as the YMI OORONGA. They are 17 Great
YMI J, some are known, like UN IBU KOLE, YEMOYALE OKUTI and Y
OD. Some of them are Good, some are Malignant and other are NEUTRAL. They are
conected with he TREES and the Birds. Y OD is the Elder of all of the 17 YMI
J, she has power over all the people who work with witchcraft, over Wizards (O) and
Witches (J in Yorb). She can eliminate any CURSE put by any Witch over any people.

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