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Novel Update #3

4. Explain the meaning of the title. Look beyond the

obvious: My Name is Asher Lev has more significance than
the fact that his name is Asher Lev!
The Devil we Know Is the title of the book we are currently
reading as a class. I have heard a phrase that sounds like
that, the complete phrase says The Devil we Know is better
than the devil we dont know. I think this is a prefect title
for this book, because of how it explains the middle east. The
image the middle east, especially Iran and Iraq, is that of a
barbarian terrorist group of people. These countries are seen
in the worst light from years ago because of the bad
reputation they have gathered, and the conflict that has
affected them for such a long time. In this book the middle
east is better explained to us , why they react this way, their
culture and their traditions. After reading this book the
middle east has become more familiar to us. So we can
understand their motives and reasons for how they decide to
act. They have become a devil we now know.

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