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The Planet X NewsLetter (2016) Issue #4

Chris Thomas Wakefield

February 10th, 2016

and the time that has taken,

then, combined with best
guesses, we can have a basic
overview of a time-line to the
Pole-Shift. I have calculated
that the total distance of
backwards movement will be
385,440,000 orbit-miles to the
August. Percentage-to-date is
about 68% of an overall
backwards movement-to-PoleShift of 262,099,200 orbitmiles of Earth's total orbital
circumference from the Dec
25th start to the August or
2023. 100 million miles
backward to go, about 2/3
(66% of Planet X passage
completed and about 7 years
of 123 million miles of
backwards movement to go.
Image 1: This graphic is a combination of Earth's orbit as seen from solar
The latter is raw data based on
system north and a depiction of PX's straight-line passage through the inner
what I believe will be the
solar system. Super-imposed on the circle are the Earth positions from orbit
Pole-Shift Year.
halt to Pole-Shift, also, the line shows the approximate position of PX to date.
Let's now look at the allThe purpose of this graphic is to give the reader a sense of Earth's backwards
important ZetaTalk 7-out-ofmovement, how PX interacts with Earth and an approximate Pole-Shift date.
10 Earth-Change event-series
time-line. This blueprint provides us with the
sequence of the massive Planet X-effected geological
The Progress of Planet X
events that are to come. In order. These events are not
In order to most effectively understand, and gauge, the your usual earthquakes, they are on a larger scale and
as such serve as red flags. From ZetaTalk:
progress of Planet X in it's journey through our inner
solar system's ecliptic zone, we have to study & watch 1. - a tipping Indo-Australia Plate with Indonesia
as many mediums of influence over it's movement as
2. - a folding Pacific allowing S America to roll,
possible, and the meanwhile, observe the myriad of
3. - a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift allowing Africa
Planet X-caused Earth-Changes occurring to Earth as
to roll and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,
possible. But first, let's look at some raw data on the
movement of Planet X since it entered our inner solar
system on December 25th 2003.
Now, we do have a few markers from ZetaTalk to
work with: Earth's orbit halt date (25-12-2003),
Earth's August Position end-of-backward movement
just prior to the Pole-Shift and the 7-out-of-10
Earth-change series of events. There are more, but
these are the most important. So, in order to set the
outline, let's first look at the August position. The
August Position is purportedly the final monthImage 2: This (ZT) image shows the sequence of
position that Earth will have been pushed back to: a
massive earthquake, land subsidence & the resultant
retrograde of 8 month-positions. Now, from this
tsunami events that will indicate the run-down timeinformation, we can calculate other factors, such as
scale to the Pole-Shift. Click on this graphic for a
the total distance Earth has moved backwards (so far)
slightly lager image.

The Planet X NewsLetter (2016) Issue #4

4. - great quakes in Japan followed by the New
Madrid adjustment,
5. - which is followed almost instantly by the tearing
of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European
So here we are at the beginning of 2016, and after 13
years of having Planet X slowly grinding it's way
solar system northward at a 32 angle tangent to
Earth's orbital track within the ecliptic zone, Planet Xeffected Earth-Changes have only had a comparatively
small up-tick next to what we are to see a few years
after the lock releases under the Himalayas(#1, image
2, previous page). Yes, the 7-out-of-10 is well
underway, and the Zetas of ZetaTalk have said in
March of 2015 that the New Madrid quakes: will
start within this year., but as far as the overall timeline-to-Pole-Shift goes, we still have a ways to go: the
New Madrid is only at the 2% mark (2015). So, even
when Himalaya releases, the pace still requires time to
progress because rock continents, at an average of 25
miles deep, move slowly. Note, that #1 hasn't
happened yet., this should be our first clue as to how
slow of a drum-beat that the current pace is
progressing. Now, we know that the concurrent Planet
X-relevant Earth Changes have been upon us for years
now, and we also know that the pace of Earth Changes
will eventually increase, yet as a counter-point to the
latter, we also have been made aware that there was a
time-line-to-Pole-Shift delay put in place by The
Council of Worlds (which is still in-place) to allow
those Earth-incarnated souls needing time to make
their spiritual orientation decision for the die-off. This,
while the base frequency of Earth has been raised by
Gaia to spur these to make their personal Souldecisions.
Please refer to my Planet X Newsletter (2015) Issue
#3 for more detail on this.
As mentioned earlier, we can also assess the nearness
to the Pole-Shift by observing the effects of Planet X
on Earth's axis-posture: unusual sunrise and sunset
times; volcanic activity: crustal movement gains;
occurrences of fireball sightings, EMP events & sky
swirls: nearness of the tail of Planet X and the uptick
of earthquake events. Of course, to best orient this
information to the progress of Planet X, one needs to
also intelligently place them in a relative order of
influence and importance, for example: If a major
hurricane happens, the episode needs to be compared
to the history and details of prior events of this type to
the area involved, plus the frequency of these events
needs to be taken into consideration. The eventrecurrences are more important, since storm-

Chris Thomas Wakefield

February 10th, 2016

intensities can only reach certain level-highs,

especially when we have not even breached the #1 of
the event-series-to-Pole-shift time-line. As of early
2016, we are still in a pre-heavy Planet X-effectedEarth-Change zone where I believe we will remain
until at least about 2018-2019.

A Faux-CERN sky-spiral is real, but dies by

the hand of a benevolent UFO
On December 7th, 2015 a sky spiral developed over
Geneva, Switzerland that
was caught-in-action by an
observer with a digital
camera. The video begins
with a developing full
daylight spiral-event, but
within 30 seconds a UFO
enters the core of the
swirling clouds after which,
the atmosphericelectromagnetic anomaly
quickly disappeared. The
curious must ask
themselves: Why would a
UFO destroy a developing
sky swirl? But first let's
look at what a sky spiral is.
The components of an
atmospheric spiral are: An
electrical-magnetic charge
from the tail of Planet X,
the wafting of the tail of
Planet X contacting the
upper atmosphere, a widearea charge as a result and
an discharge event.
However, in the case of
Image 3: Click on
Geneva, the discharge to
Image to see the
Earth's crust was
original video.
prevented. The spiral-event
is the natural motion of the
air when air molecules are pulled along with the
electrons forming an path-to-ground: the discharge.
For example, in the case of the vortex created as
water drains from a sink: it is the same principle, just a
different medium.
Still, the question remains as to the reason of the
interrupted atmospheric spiral. The spiral was foiled
because the Council of Worlds did not want a public
identification with the false mystique of CERN.

The Planet X NewsLetter (2016) Issue #4

The Irony of the Zika Virus
The Zika virus, like the
Ebola, is just another
disease spreading as a
result of a jet-setting
middle class. The irony is,
that we are living during
the End Times, or the
run-down to the Pole-Shift,
that has been prophesied
to be a time plagued with
Image 4: Wait to have
strange effects on living
your babies
beings such as birth
defects, albinism, depressed and over-active immune
systems, but Zika falls outside of this. We know the
time is here, as the other effects due to a nearby dwarf
star Planet X are pestilence, extreme weather,
floods and geographic upheavals, and these have
already begun years ago.
But, what is actually causing these divergent
biological fallouts? ZetaTalk tells us that albinism is
caused by a roiling magma, a response to nearby
Planet X which is increasing the strength of a
frequency of radiation normally experienced by cavedwelling and deep water creatures. Birth defects are
again the result of vastly increased heretofore
unknown atomic particle flows interrupting the DNA
message to the developing fetus. This is not a time for

Star Wars Yoda is a Real Entity After All

One of the many good aspects about historical objects,
unlike modern Internet-based information, is that the
elite hierarchy cannot erase or alter them to fit their
nefarious plans. Avenues for the release of historical
facts, a greater truth that is contrary to what is taught
by modern history, can leak-out via innocent articles,
interviews and blogs. A blog, such as Julian Harrison's
Medieval Manuscripts Blog, the curator at The British
Library, is such a source in this case.
The Planet X cover-up cabal abhors the discussion of
ETs despite the plethora of evidence in ancient
scriptures, cave art, rock carvings and recordings of
ET involvement in Earth's previous cultures such as
cuneiform tablets. Yet the cabal has managed to reach
out and repress the great work of star-born Spielberg
and Lucas by preventing the financial support of
investors for their new films since ET and Close

Chris Thomas Wakefield

February 10th, 2016

Encounters. To wit,
Lucas has allowed
Disney Studios to
produce the
remaining of the
Star Wars
movies. Mark
Twain: Truth is
stranger than
fiction, but it is
because Fiction is
obliged to stick to
possibilities; Truth
isn't. The latter is
found true when one
pulls back the
shades of latemodern man's
controlled and
shaped information.
Image 5: Taken from a 14thIt all started when
century religious manuscript
Earth engaged in a
known as the "Smithfield
Soul-vote whether
Decretals". Originally reor not Earth was to
appeared from the distant past
become a home for
at read it
light-oriented souls
here or click on the image.
only and to
transition to the next dimension: the Yes vote won
and it was also decided, that all ET contact to Human
consciousness would be prevented and masked with
an over-laid memory, thus the meetings would only be
re-called at a later time/date. Still, as in all things,
there are exceptions, after all, these rules are in place
at the behest of Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy and are in
the best interests of Earth-incarnated souls.
So, it turns out that there is a planet in a nearby star
system that our 1980 Yoda does inhabit, most certainly
not with the same name, but apparently, in body.
Confirmed by ZetaTalk, the image (#5) above is such
an ET genealogy.
Lucas is a Contactee, and like many, has been
consciously introduced to different ETs as his movies
do attest. Our real Yoda is very much like the 1980
character who was cast as a monk. In reality, the real
Yoda is currently working with Earth to assist in
Earth's transformation. His Specialty? It is: working
with those humans who are engaged in battles,
helping them discern when a passive or active role
would be most effective.-ZT
(information compiled from ZetaTalk)

The Planet X NewsLetter (2016) Issue #4

Chris Thomas Wakefield

February 10th, 2016

Image 6: The Photon Belt, or the Golden Nebula, cannot be captured by a camera since human technology does
not have the space craft needed to travel light-years into space to capture it as an image. However, human
science has detected it's presence, and more importantly, channeled-information has helped fill in the human
gaps of knowledge. The image above is a combination of an artists conception of the Milky Way Galaxy to
which I have added a toroid shape to simulate the appearance of the Photon Belt.

The Photon Belt

Introduction. The Photon Belt, also known as the
Golden Nebula, is an enigma, an astronomic
esoteric phenomena and a fantastic dream-come-true
potentiality. I have studied this topic using many
different sources to gain a reliable-as-possible
overview, to wit, I have found several common
existential facts and some reasonable spiritual
opinions that I will start with. Still, the Photon Belt
enigma does persist, this I will explain later in the
article. I wrote a small report on the Photon Belt in
issue #7 of my first Planet X NewsLetter series back
in 2010, but this article is in much more depth.
The implied reality of our solar system entering the
Photon Belt holds incredible consequences that seem
to be very much related to Earth's impending PoleShift and my previous article entitled: The Planet Xeffected Earth-change slow-down in this issue.
The Photon Belt was originally observed by satellite
instrumentation near our solar system in 1961. It's

existence was, in typical fashion, casually announced

to the public in the early 1980'ies, but today, the truth
of it's cause and composition remain hard-to-find, and
what information is available is out-of-date (no ongoing scientific reporting) and compromised with
disinformation by the Planet X cover-up. The Planet X
cover-up is using the concept of the Photon Belt as
another excuse to transfer the blame for our growing
global plague of wild weather anomalies, as was the
invention of Climate Change (Global Warming
Theory) for the same purpose. In addition, even the
historical Three days of darkness (the tipping of
Earth's magnetic north pole 180 as Planet X
approaches for it's pass-by of Earth) has been hijacked
as a Photon Belt-caused rationalization. During the
early 1990'ies there were some reliable ET channeling
regarding the Photon Belt (according to ZT) and it's
true purpose, but since then, these particular
channellings have become vilified, and the channelname (Ashtar) was commandeered by a nefarious ET
group attempting to block the original message.
On the Photon Belt, ZetaTalk offers some limited
explanations, but mainly focus on the influences of

The Planet X NewsLetter (2016) Issue #4

Image 7: Known as the "sky ribbon", this is a

computer generated image of data from spacecraft
IBEX that detected "stray" high energy neutrons
reflecting back from the night sky. The elliptical shape
is the entire night sky. It is possible that this ribbon is
the Photon Belt intersecting with the Sun's
the soul-orientations of Earth-incarnated souls and the
unlikely timing of Earth's transformation to the 4th
density (via Earth entering the Photon Belt) before the
Pole-Shift, leaving little to go on. All these barriers
notwithstanding, when we stand back and consider the
higher-dimensional existences, the galactic scene of
the Milky Way and the pathway of Soul, some
predictive deductions can be reasonably assumed.
The Photon Belt: it's composition and location.
The form of the Photon Belt can only be described
with words and artist's conceptions since it is
impossible to view with human eyes: it's size is at
least as large as the Milky Way itself and it's light
would be apparently barely-visible by humans
We could say that the Photon Belt is probably 587
quadrillion miles in diameter and 12 quadrillion miles
thick (estimates vary), but given it's other-dimensional
qualities, it's true size is probably far beyond Man's
skill and mind to measure, as it is likely to extend into
the higher dimensions as well.
The orientation of the Photon Belt is at right angles
and is center-to-center with our galaxy, the Milky
Way, as is depicted in my main image (#6). It is
suggested that the Photon Belt super-exists as an
emanation of a spiritual function of the Milky Way
galaxy with the fast-spinning binary star Alcyone as
the common center. Therefore, one may consider that
the Photon Belt is one the same with our galaxy.
In order to understand the human viewpoint of the
Photon Belt, we have to delve into some humanscience including quantum mechanics. I will abridge

Chris Thomas Wakefield

February 10th, 2016

the science-explanations in the conclusion.

The form of the Photon Belt is said to be held together
by a powerful magnetic field reportedly 10 times
stronger than that of our Sun's magnetosphere. The
fabric of the Photon Belt is essentially a mass of
electrons colliding with positrons (or: anti-electrons)
with the result of a canceling-out of the
electromagnetic charge of each. One known result of
this charge-canceling or coupling(channeled)
releases photons that we would experience as light,
but the light would not-at-all appear as we would
expect. As humans, we associate light as the radiated
energy from our yellow dwarf Sun: a single-source,
warm and tanning composite energy, but Sun-light has
many components to it: it is mainly comprized of
Ultra-violet, infrared (which we experience as heat)
and visible light. Pure photonic light from the Photon
Belt, on the other hand will be experienced as an allencompassing cold-light that would energize all the
atoms of the Earth. For example, if one happen to be
in a cave at the time of Earth entering the Photon Belt,
the cave would no longer be dark and void of light,
that the cave walls would glow with the photonic
The central Sun of the Milky Way, Alcyone, is
constantly within the Photon Belt, but most of the
trillion stars and 100 billion planets of the entire
Milky Way galaxy must pass through the Photon Belt
twice every 26,000 years. The cycles are: 10,500 years
of darkness and then 2000 years of divine light,
this cycle is repeated to complete one galactic cycle.
Quantum mechanics (or - theory, physics) is usually
identified with unexplainable phenomena, such as a
particle being in two places at once or a particle only
existing while been observed, but what I want to
simply touch on is the suggestion that the Photon Belt
energy bridges the 3rd dimension to the higher
dimensions, this is the implied magic of the Photon
Belt energy that seems to suggest that it is the engine
that will move Earth to it's higher home in the next
If you imagine the workings of a
mechanical clock, the rotation of
the Milky way would be the
spring driving the minute and
hour hand, the clock face would
be our calendar/time-of-day and
the Photon Belt would be Earth's
transition or say, 12:00 midnight
as-it-were. Still, the transition is said to take anywhere
from a number of days, to ZetaTalk's one

The Planet X NewsLetter (2016) Issue #4

hundred years. During my research of the channeled
information, I found that there were many claims
about a better life, a better mind and improved and
interesting living conditions while Earth passes
through the Photon Belt, but in my opinion, these are
extraneous and fall outside of my intentions to include
in this report. However I will comment that it only
makes sense that Earth's transition (to the Astral - 4th
dimension) will be permanent, which contradicts some
of the claims that Earth will just remain in an endless
galactic cycle of a planet in the 3rd dimension. So too
it is unimportant as to when this transition will occur
since we are on Earth for the ride. Probably the only
important thing to do is to remain focused on our
lives, living from our heart and continue to carry our
responsibilities with a cheerful heart and an open

The Announcement
The Official announcement of the
presence of Planet X in the inner
solar system will have to happen
at some point, but who will make
that announcement? It will
possibly be by U.S. President
Barack Obama, but there are other
possibilities. ZetaTalk has been
detailing some of the goings-on
behind-the-scenes for some years now, which has
revealed some of the very delicate and complex timing
issues involved. As an example: first off, Heads of
State (referring to the world-at-large) were told about
the presence of Planet X in the fall of 2003 by George
W. and told to keep it a let's go forward to
mid-September of 2012 when the first planned
announcement was going to take place. The
announcement team had many concerns to satisfy on
their plates: the fear that current social unrest may
burgeon to mass riots, so attacks on U.S. Embassies
caused the first delay. Then, reconsidering the effects
on other countries, and as more Heads of State were
notified (2012), a crescendo of timing-concerns were
becoming a burden for the September 22-23 weekend
timing: Allies in Europe and Australia did not like
the late night Friday hour. Europe would prefer that
they have the day to have the calming voice of their
politicians on TV, and Australia did not want their day
to break first so that they would be the first to have to
explain to the world..., At that time, Nancy Lieder
was consulted and with her input accepted, it required

Chris Thomas Wakefield

February 10th, 2016

a re-taping of the announcement which caused the

next delay. Another attempt was made on the next
weekend of the 30th, but that was when the hardware
of the communication networks was sabotaged (cut in
many places), so as we see, it is not as simple as
setting-up an Oval Office press release and agreeing
on date and time.
There are other obstacles as well, such as
replacements within the announcement crew due to
reluctance to contribute and the many wolves working
for the Planet X cover-up in the upper echelons of the
U.S. Government who were most certainly those
perpetrating the sabotage. Also countering the Planet
X announcement, are the banking industry, Wall
Street, and the government of Israel.
It was decided early-on by the announcement crew,
that the media networks would also be needed. In
what capacity, when the White House had it's own
press corps? One small example will be to provide a
heads-up to the public by the established media that
a solemn presidential announcement was pending
within the hour. This eventually snowballed into a
restricting-matrix by phone calls and secret
agreements within the privileged news media socialnetwork which were aimed at confusing the message
intent with subterfuge such as lies and mis-leading
Moving on into October 2012, additional efforts were
made to clear the path for the announcement by
Obama, using the Emergency Alert System (EAS).
The official EAS is designed to enable the President of
the United States to speak to the United States within
10 minutes. The Zetas: The Emergency Alert System
is complex, many hands in the mix, many arenas
where mischief can play. By the
end of October 2012, the system
was in such a state of sabotage, it
was a scrambled mess rendering it
impossible to use. In researching
this subject I found an article
saying: White House Looking to
Expand Its Use of New Media,
Bypass Traditional Outlets.
Obviously then, we know the reason that the White
House is bypassing traditional outlets.
On November 15th 2015 Pope Francis delivered his
Angelus message to 1.2 billion Roman Catholics
around the world. A small excerp: ...certain
apocalyptic elements, such as wars, famine, cosmic
catastrophes: The sun will be darkened, and the moon
will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from

The Planet X NewsLetter (2016) Issue #4

heaven, and the powers in the
heavens will be shaken When I
first read that press release, day
of, I realized that this was the first
announcement of the passage of
Nibiru, all-be-it shrouded in
religious terminology.
Recently, it seems the potential
announcement seems to be taking
the form of a mutual multi-vector broadcast. More
than what we would expect, the Zetas say: Both
Putin and Obama are prepared to participate in the
announcement admitting the pending passage of
Nibiru. (ZT-Nov.2015) So it seems the announcement
crew has diversified to include new points of attack.
Of course, all along The Council of World's
(Spiritual Hierarchy) have been aiding the
announcement preparation process, and now, enter a
new player: Anonymous: a loosely associated
international network of activist and hacktivist
entities.(wikipedia). Anonymous has the support of the
Spiritual Hierarchy and it is
suggested that this group is an
equal player in the Planet X
announcement saga.
There are many other postannouncement issues to discuss,
such as public reaction,
subsequent political moves and
the reaction of the wealthy elite. Will farmers still
plant their crops and/or continue to produce seed
varieties? Will factory owners continue to produce the
kind of things that people will need in the After-Time
like shovels, rakes, fertilizer, knives and axes? Or,
dried food, blankets, candles & matches, the list is
enormous. It is suggested that the post-announcement
public will be at first stunned and then start asking
questions, such as: Why weren't we told this years
ago? This is what the wealthy elite and the Planet X
cover-up crowd dreads and is the reason for the
resistance to the announcement, that, and all the other
skeletons in the Planet X cover-up closet.
Unfortunately, there may be much gnashing of teeth,
but I am hoping that a spirit of cooperation and mutual
assistance will take hold calming the masses.
Just minutes prior to writing this piece, I had a waking
dream that showed me that the announcement will
certainly occur. I think the announcement will happen
in November of 2016, but be prepared for a great deal
of post-announcement disinformation about Planet X
and the Pole-Shift to emerge, the struggle will go on.

Chris Thomas Wakefield

February 10th, 2016

Image 8: The Challenger Disaster January 28, 1986,

with condolences to friends and family of the 7 crew

Nasa's Denied Space Launches

Since the beginning of Nasa's space programs, most
were to do with the U.S. government's awareness of
an incoming Planet X. In fact, the Orion Nebula, the
direction from which Planet X approaches our Sun, is
within the Apollo logo. The Apollo space program had
only two actual intentions from it's inception, to
cover-up the truth about the ET presence and to
develop a plan for the wealthy elite to escape the PoleShift. The Apollo program ended with 13 because of
CIA sabotage: the agency wanted to prevent public
knowledge of ETs and they knew that 3rd dimensional
ET cities were on the dark-side of the Moon. It didn't
help that the astronauts during the 1969 landing were
so astonished at finding dust-covered and abandoned
alien equipment lying around, that they blurted out
that they were not the first to be here ...on live feed.
Consequently, the CIA arranged for Stanley Kubric to
stage and film a sanitized version of the moon
landings for public consumption.
Of course, the Spiritual Hierarchy is not going to
allow the elite to escape the Pole-Shift event, therefore
have blocked many of Nasa's attempts to setup a
ladder-of-escape via the I.S.S., a moon port and a
jump to Mars. Another agenda of the elite that
ZetaTalk has revealed, are the attempts of the elite to
sculpt and reduce the world's population. Let's take a
look a few notable Nasa launch failures. First, we
have the flash fire at the launch pad of Apollo 1 in
1967, then the CIA sabotaged the August 13th 1970
Apollo 13 trip to the moon, but the crew returned

The Planet X NewsLetter (2016) Issue #4

Chris Thomas Wakefield

February 10th, 2016

UFOs as it's intent was to

threaten other countries throwing
off the world military balance.
The last space shuttle flew in
2011, the U.S. space program
had been decimated by then, but
it limps along whipped by the
investment and drive of the
wealthy elite still trying to
escape Earth's Pole-Shift, as
Nasa switches to private
Now the private contractors are
having the same problems:
Orbital Sciences' Taurus XL
rocket failed to lift the Glory
satellite into orbit on March 4th
Image 9: The above image (left) is that of the Apollo logo and the Orion
2011: downed for same reason as
nebula (right) named after Orion, a hunter in Greek mythology. You can see
the Carbon Observatory. Then,
that the star pattern of Orion was used in the logo. Of course, Planet X comes the SpaceX Falcon 9 reusable
from the direction of Orion and reveals the true intentions of the space
rocket (F9R), launched in Aug of
program; moreover, flying Orion, thus Planet X and the Pole-Shift, in the face 2014, exploded just after launch,
of the innocent public, is more than just tongue-in-cheek, it takes a lot of gall downed because the re-use of
and arrogance to do that. The dark-hearted wealthy elite have a long ways to rockets helps to enable the Elite
go yet to see the light of God.
Mars-run. Finally in my timeline
of Nasa slap-downs we have the
safely after 6 days of extreme hard ship. There was the
Orbital Sciences' Antares rocket explosion on Oct 28th
Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in January of 1986
(image #8), it broke up after 73 seconds into it's flight. 2014, ZetaTalk: This latest launch disaster is a clear
and pointed message to the elite to cease their attempt
It was downed because Nasa was using the ISS as a
spy station, to triangulate the position of Planet X(zt). to prevent the common man from knowing what the
elite know that Nibiru has arrived and another
The Titan IV4-20 exploded after 40 seconds into it's
passage is pending..
August 20 1998 launch: what was it carrying? A
The Spiritual Hierarchy simply wants an even playing
classified satellite for National Reconnaissance which
field for all of Earth's inhabitants.
is not allowed by the Spiritual Hierarchy. The Shuttle
Columbia (STS107) broke-up upon re-entry over
Texas in February of 2003, all seven of the crew
perished. What was the Columbia crew up to? They
were part of an overall plan to organize nuclearbomb-equipped probes to be launched from the ISS
at Planet X in an attempt to throw it off-course:
such is the foolishness of those in the Bush
administration at the time: this is what the
desperate hands of light-less souls do,
notwithstanding the Challenger crew following
orders. In February of 2009, the Orbiting Carbon
Observatory (OCO) failed to separate during
ascent. The satellite was designed to surveil the
migrations of starving and desperate humans, so Image 10: Image taken from a Nasa video of Shuttle
as to assist those who would blockade and murder Columbia while in orbit prior to it's re-entry. These are
most likely the UFOs tasked with downing the shuttle: they
them(zt), it was destroyed for that reason.
were following orders from the Council of Worlds or what I
Of the U.S. military, the Nasa Falcon HTV-2
launched on April 23 2010, it was shot down by call the Spiritual Hierarchy.

The Planet X NewsLetter (2016) Issue #4

Attitude Adjustment for the After-Time
After-Time community planning starts now and
depending on the kind of personality, left brain or
right brain dominate, the paths of Pole-Shift and AfterTime PS/AT preparations will be very different. Also,
one's emotional maturity will greatly colour any path
with either patience and kindness towards the self and
others, or dramas dragging attention from one thing to
another slowing and interrupting the natural sequences
of thought and flow of action. Take problem-solving
for example, first thing is to realize is that there is a
problem, second: define the problem not the
symptoms, third: generate various solutions, fourth:
extrapolate the various solutions and select the best
one, and Fifth is to implement the solution. 1. - Planet
X aware, 2. - Focus on conditions during the PS/AT
not how you feel about it, 3. & 4. - Look at your
options, if you don't like them create new ones that
make you feel optimistic about and 5. - Flexibly
follow your plan.
I took this test (44%-56%) to see which hemisphere of
my brain is dominant. It's very important to prepare
for the PS/AT as fully-balanced as you can, it's also
important then, to realize one's limitations which
begins with the brain. I'm often reminded of Clint
Eastwood's line as his 'Dirty Harry' character: A
man's got to know his limitations. (Magnum Force,

Image 11: Essentially, left brain dominance uses logic

to solve a problem (very limited in scope) and a right
brain dominance uses imagination and creativity.
Right, which is better, but best combined with the
"left" part of us that needs details. There are many
iterations of the combinations, but it's still far better
to combine both and work with the whole brain.

Chris Thomas Wakefield

1973). After taking the brain

February 10th, 2016


orientation test, you will see the tendencies of your

kind of thoughts and typical planning style in a new
light. If Left, then one could work on imagining and
drawing their PS/AT preparation and if right-brained
then one could practice making lists and reading-up
about the PS/AT conditions. Now, the latter is a leftbrained kind of plan.
Here is a right-brained style of
problem-solving: it is an amazingly
simple technique to balance your
brain. It doesn't matter which side is
dominant, as it (naturally) causes the
brain to work as a unified neural
network. This method comes from the BodyTalk
System. This link is the BodyTalk originator, John
Veltheim, explaining and demonstrating The Cortices
Technique in a 12 minute video. I use this method
for many things, but in this piece I am suggesting it's
implementation to clear and ground a person's mind so
that they can make better decisions.
Many Planet X-aware that I have met in my
Facebook group, pages & Youtube Channel want
to search for a survival group, this is a potential
precursor to being victimized, but it does depend on
your attitude however. I'm reminded of what Groucho
Marx once said: I wouldn't want to belong to a club
that would have me as a member. This saying puts
the principle in a comedic framework, but accurately
bears the message: be your own club-of-one and for
it's own sake, not for effect. What will occur as the
run-down to the PS progresses, will be that people of
like-mind will be drawn together naturally and a
survival community can be formed by mutual
interests, then it will up-to-you to decide whether you
participate or not. The problem arises however, that
those of like-mind are going to be in your Life
anyway, so what's the point? From my perspective, the
foundation of our future is 90% attitude, our attitude
effects our viewpoint and mind-set which in-turn
determines what information or opportunities we
accept or reject. Thankfully, we can change our
attitudes, viewpoints & mind-sets to allow for a
broader field of pre-Pole-Shift opportunities &
understanding: it only takes a little self-examination
done in our own time and our own readiness.
Our After-Time conditions and experiences are
directly linked to our attitudes, there is no way around
this. There are no exceptions and comparisons to be
made that people can use to avoid this.

The Planet X NewsLetter (2016) Issue #4

The Soul facets of empathy and optimizm (Love
and Hope) are our greatest powers to overcome
personal limitations and blockages, but the way
forward is not always how we think it will unfold,
so we need to stay flexible and accountable. The
Pole-Shift is not just an astrophysical event, it's a
spiritual event too. We are programmed by our
cultures from birth to believe that we are alone
against the world: this is what living-from-the-ego
tells us. Now, this is OK and we still receive
assistance, yet, Life is more dynamic when we are
consciously cooperating with Soul. How then do
we access Soul? This is accomplished by the
expression of Love in all that we do. Is this easy?
No, but it's what gets the job done and grows Soul at
the same time. Optimizm will spring forth from the
expression of empathy: the more we Love, the more
Hope we will experience and feel. If we need, we can
kick start our compassion and empathy simply by
helping others without expecting a return. We can
even benefit by pretending to care coupled with an
act-of-assistance. How is that possible? By pretending,
we are by-passing our personal resistances and our
issues: the energy-mask we all live behind. Sometimes
these masks-of-being-human, our persona's, are hard
to break through, so we do an end-run around them,
BUT, we have to stay-in-the-zone at the same time.
The Zone? The zone is characterized by our
expectations: they need to be self-less, and by the actsof-assistance, which need to be of real benefit, and the
act must not adversely affect ourselves, emotions
aside, and the act itself has to be kept secret. Even if
we sit and think and imagine the After-Time
(conditions of living) for a long time, we will realize
that a healthy survival community is the best PoleShift survival plan. In other words, we need others.
These next few years, during the run-down to the
Pole-Shift, will be the seminal years of our lifetime,
and from a soul perspective, I believe that we will
grow more in the years to come than we could have
ever imagined

Earthquake & Tsunami detection, Naturally

In the next few years, all of us will experience more
earthquakes, land subsidence, sink holes, electromagnetic sky anomalies, fireballs and tsunami than we
have ever experienced before, and we know that
human science is not doing particularly well in
detecting either department well enough ahead-oftime. Pre-earthquake detection is dismal and it's worse

Chris Thomas Wakefield

February 10th, 2016

with tsunamis. Now, I am not talking about detecting

the Pole-Shift, that will announce itself many weeks,
even months ahead of time, that we are going be ready
for anyway, but the multitude of dangers from
unexpected Planet X-caused earthchanges pre-PoleShift is my focus.
It's no secret that animals have hearing ranges higher
than that of humans. For example, dogs and cats can
hear ultra-sound twice as high as humans, up-to 40 K
hz and therefore capable of hearing the pre-earthquake
rock-screech. Then, there is the other side of the scale,
infra-sound: ultra-low frequency sound which is also
associated with such earthchanges. Elephants all
around the Indian Ocean, for example, during the
December 26th 2004 earthquake and tsunami near the
island of Sumatra, Indonesia, elephants ignored their
handlers and ran for the hills: they could hear the
tsunami infra-sound. On the high side of the scale,
insects can hear ultra-sound. Moths can hear up-to 300
K hz. Additionally, ants have chemoreceptors and
magnetoreceptors for detecting carbon dioxide and
magnetic field levels respectively. So I suggest
having pets, even keeping insects, not just for friends
and workers in the After-Time, but to help detect the
impending earthchanges in your area.
I started the Planet X NewsLetter in
late 2009, produced 18 issues to
summer 2011. I restarted in early
2015 when I realized two things: I
missed the writing and creating the
graphics and two, when I was
threatened by a government agent on
Facebook. The latter caused me to
realize that using email with a PDF document was
unstoppable to get the word out. I write, research and
produce this newsletter from inception to the finished
product. I often use ZetaTalk as a source. Also, I now have
a Youtube channel.
Chris Thomas.

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