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Where is thy faith ? Where do I see t true Love?

My father who is physically no more.
The mother who we all love most is now lost in the unknown
Lucky I had been than the orphans with no name and home
Their plight none would share and care.
With words from the lips being profusely uttered
While their hearts are gleefully silent.
Few are those with empathy and kindness in spirit.
My body and mind seems to me different,
Each of it acting in different ways lending confusion
causing pleasure and pain. Pleasure lasting only briefly
making us more eager to shed pain which lasts longer.
Pain in the form of physical discomfort and fear of the mind
Vex us all along during our lifetime
Be it the wise or the ignorant , the body and mind being the same.
Fear of the unknown and known as the mind wishes and body feels
A terrible uncertainty driving our faith relentlessly
Seeking in the unknown as my beloved father and mother is no more.
The burden of the body and mind had all along been laid
on their frail shoulders peacefully and confidently
till my body and mind was young
Young in age and unaware of the minds real burden.
Faith is suddenly born when no visible support is seen
Faith is born from hope that someone will care
It is not seen in the young playful children
Nor in the stage of adolescence but practiced
As a ritual on what their parents perceive to adhere.
Helplessness in all spheres of physical and mental activities
Then the religion is seen and born to the individual
to take the front seat on what the parents preached.
The cycle seems to repeat and a childlike faith is born
To be practiced at opportune moments the mind seeking
Support and fulfillment of desires of the body and mind.
We are all a child practicing faith with religion lending
Its value expounded through the Great Masters and Godmen.
Truly remarkable are the ways of Life and the lessons learnt.

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