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Change the sentences into passive voice. (Use both objects)

1.- They gave Susan a prize.

2.- We sent my cousin a birthday card.

3.- Ive bought you a present.

4.- Ill make some coffee for you.

5.- I lent my neighbour some money.

6.- Ill offer Mary a job.

7.- I fetched a plate for him.

8.- She offered her seat to an old lady.

9.- The waiter gave the menu to my wife.

10.- We will send you a letter with your exam results.
11.- A friend sold me a rock concert ticket.
12.- The waiter showed my father the bottle of wine.
13.- She didnt lend her dictionary to me.
14.- Mara left her apartment to her daughter.
15.- I ordered a vegetarian meal for my friend

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Choose the most appropriate modal.

1. My son ..................... be home by now. Where can he
a. have to
b. would
c. should
2. I think your thumb is broken. You .................... go the
a. might
b. ought to
c. could
3. If you are interested in losing weight, you ................. try this
a. have got to
b. had to
c. mustnt
4. Toms fallen down the stairs! ................ you call the
a. Can
b. should
c. Ought
5. You ................... come too early. We wont leave until
a. must
b. had to
c. neednt
6. Children ............. be accompanied by an adult at the
a. must
b. would
c. mustnt
7. You .................... talk during tests. Its
a. must
b. couldnt
c. mustnt
8. I can feel the heat. We ................ be near the
a. must
b. have to
c. would
9. Youve never heard about the Beatles! You ............ be
a. had to
b. cant
c. shouldnt
............. you like to have dinner with me
a. Will
b. May
c. Would
You .............. tell about the party. It is a
a. should
b. shouldnt
c. mustnt
............... speak to the Chief of Police,
a. Must I
b. May I
c. Am I able to
Rewite the following sentences using modals.
1. If you want my advice, get a good lawyer!
You should get a good lawyer!
2. A university degree is not necessary for that job.
You ...
3. He can only leave work at ten oclock tonight. ( able )
He ...

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4. Perhaps my father will pick you up.

My father ...
5. It isnt necessary to make an appointment at the
You ...
6. Eating is forbidden in class. ( eat )
You ...
7. The boss allows the workers to have one afternoon off a week.
The workers ...
8. Dont take the CD without asking permission.
You ...
9. My car needs cleaning. Ill take it tomorrow.
I ...

She hasnt phoned. Perhaps she is abroad. ( may )

She ...
Perhaps Mike will be too busy to see us. ( be )
Mike ...
I expect her to pass her driving test. She drives well.
She ...


I suggest you go and see a doctor.

You ...
Translate these sentences into Spanish and make up your own
ones based on them.
1. It may not rain again this winter.
Puede que no llueva de nuevo este invierno.
2. You ought to wear your coat today.
3. You mustnt park next to the yellow lines.
4. Youll have to move your car.
5. Yes, you may buy a new dress today.
6. We have to take Timmy to the doctor. Hes got a temperature.
7. Could I please have the car tonight?
8. Do you always have to call during dinner?

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9. I really should visit her, shouldnt I?

Most of the members wont be able to come to the meeting
next week.
Find the mistake and correct it.
1. He must to be there by six oclock.
2. Do you like to go out tonight?
3. You dont have to park here. Its forbidden.
4. You should talked to him. Hes very upset.
5. He can be able to speak three languages.
6. I had like some coffee, please.
7. You ought see a doctor.
8. Did you can finish your work last night?
9. Shall you go out tonight?

Will you like some coffee?


They mustnt read that book. Its not included in the list for the


We always spend our summer holidays in Scotland, but we

dont may go this year.


I think she will can drive in a week.

Choose the correct answer.

Welcome to the White House! We hope you enjoy your visit. However,
there have, are, is, has certain rules which visitors have, ought to,
are able to follow. You may, are , were, could not smoke in the
building. Visitors have, must, ought, mustnt eat only in the cafeteria.
Children are welcome, but they have, must, should, were be as quiet
as possible.
You are able, are, should, must go through a security checkpoint as
you leave, arrive, enter, go out the building. You are, did, must,
have not bring weapons into the building. Visitors can, should, must,
have to leave cameras and tape recorders at the front desk. You must,
have, should, may also leave your coats there if you wish.
What did these people go to those places for?
1. Mary is at the post office (post a parcel).

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Mary has gone to the post office to get/have a parcel posted.

2. Sarah is at the hairdressers (do her hair).
3. Frank is at the tailors (make a new suit).
4. Bob is at an architects studio (build a house).
5. Ann is at the dressmakers (alter her old dress).
6. Sylvia is at the dentist (remove her wisdom tooth).
7. Martha is going to the watchmaker (mend her watch).
8. Patrick is at the typing agency (type some documents).
Before we went on holiday, we had to do a lot of things. Rewrite the sentences.
Example: A mechanic serviced our car. We had our car serviced.
1. A watchmaker repaired my watch.

5. An electrician installed a burglar alarm.

2. A hairdresser cut my hair.

6. A builder fitted stronger locks to the


3. A shoemaker mended my shoes.

4. A dentist checked my teeth.

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7. The passport office renewed my


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