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LU .Keane J Longman Pr Contents Introduction 1 10 11 12 13 Where? 1 Positions in a town (at, far from, opposite, ...) Positions in a building (above, at the top of, on the third floor, .. Where? 2 Positions in a picture (on the left of, in the middle of,...) Positions in relation to objects (inside, beside, behind, Where? 3 Positions on a map (south of off the coast, 10 km from, ....) ) Positions in relation to landscape (im the mountains, on a river, off the road, ...) Mixed practic prepositions from Units 1,2 and 3 Direction 1 Ina town (along, as far as, tum left into, ...) Ina building (out of into, up, through, ...) Direction 2 Across, over, aff; on to, past,... Direction 3 Between places (go to, arrive in/at, leave for; towards, into, out of,...) Mixed practice: prepositions from Units 5, 6 and 7 When? 1 In. 1989, in the winter, in April; on Friday, on 8 April; at Easter Omission of preposition before last, this, Inthe morning, at 6 o'clock When? 2 Dates and periods (before, until, during, since, for,...) Mixed practice: prepositions from Units 9 and 10 How? Ways of travelling (by car, im her car, on foot, ...) How things are made (of, out of by, with) What are they like? Describing people (of 18, with a big smile, with a guitar, in a white blouse) As and like 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Mixed practice: prepositions from Units 12 and 13 Adjectives + prepositions 1 Feelings and behaviour (good to/about, pleased with/about, ....) About + gerund Adjectives + prepositions 2 Some usual combinations (good at, afraid of, interested in, keen on, ...) Combinations + gerund Adjectives + prepositions 3 Good for, capable of, bored with, famous as, .. Combinations + gerund Mixed practice: adjective + preposition combinations from Units 15, 16 and 17 Verbs + prepositions 1 Some usual combinations (listen to, ask for, look at, look after, ...) Speak, etc. to someone about (+ gerund) Verbs + prepositions 2 Run intoloverlafter, smile at, shout at/to, ... Verbs + prepositions 3 Combinations often found in formal letters (apologise for, look forward to, hear from, ...) Combinations + gerund To be employed in/as, Verbs + prepositions 4 Concentrate, etc. on (+ gerund) Obligatory indirect object (accuse someone of) Combinations + gerund Mixed practice: verb + preposition combinations from Units 19, 20,21 and 22 Usual phrases 1 Nouns + prepositions (a visit to, plan for, book on/about, cause of, increase in, .. Usual phrases 2 Prepositions + nouns (to be at college, to go to college, ...) With or without article? (én hospital/in the hospital, ... ) For lunch, on holiday, .. Usual phrases 3 Amiscellany, including opposites (by mistake/on purpose, owt of date/up to date, ...) Mixed practice: combinations from Units 24, 25 and 26 Answer key 2 32 34 36 38. 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 58 Practise your Prepositions Introduction 1 This book groups prepositions into seven sets, as follows: 1 Position (Units 1-3) 2 Direction (Units 5-7) 3 Time (Units 9-10) 4 Description (Units 12-13) 5 Adjective + preposition combinations (Units 15-17) 6 Verb + preposition combinations (Units 19-22) 7 Usual phrases (Units 24-26) 2 Each unit is two pages. 3 Each set of presentation units (e.g. Units 1-3) is followed by a Mixed Practice Unit (e.g. Unit 4). These Mixed Practice Units revise the prepositions taught in the set, and usually contain some exercises which are more demanding than those in the presentation units. 4 Each presentation unit is self-contained, and therefore these units can be done in any order. It is only necessary to read the information on page 5 before starting. 5 All the work is practised in meaningful contexts, and much of it deals with the four young people introduced on page 5. 6 Many units end with a relatively open-ended exercise, in which students can use the language taught to talk or write about themselves, or to exchange information and ideas with a partner. 7 Itis possible to use this book for class work, homework, or ~ since it has a Key — for self-access study. Introduction ‘Tina is a student. She is twenty years old. Paul is Tina's brother. He is seventeen years old and is still at school. Ted is a photographer for British Tourist Books: Sue is an editor in the same company. Tina, Paul, Ted and Sue are going to travel round England together. They are going to prepare information and pictures for a book called Young People’s Action Holidays in England. Practise your Prepositions 1) Where? 1 i ‘The office of British Tourist Books is in Regent Street, It is at 22 Regent Street, in a large building called Tourism House. This is near Piccadilly Circus, but rather far from Oxford Circus. Totrrism House is on the corner of Carlton Street. There is a cinema opposite it and a bank neat to it. HH where is the office of (a) Japanese Airlines Ltd and (b) the Austrian National Tourist Office? Use the words below: in at near far from, on the corner of opposite next to National Tourist Office Japanese Airlines Ltdis 1_M€@" Oxford Circus. The office is 2 Hanover Square, °_______5 Hanover Square, tobe exact. Itis “_______ Hanover Street. There is a paper shop °_______ it, andatourist shop °____ it. Japanese Airlines Ltd is rather "________ Piccadilly Circus. ‘The Austrian National Tourist Office is not “______ the Japanese Airlines office. Itis °________ 30 St George Street. ‘There is achurch *°_______ it, and some ie 1 Where? 1 o Sue is talking to Tina on the telephone. “So you and Paul can come on Tuesday! Good! Now, our offices are in Tourism House. We're on the second floor. The Regency Restaurant is above us. It’s at the top of Tourism House, and we're just below it. You'll recognise the building easily; there are some flags on top of it.’ REGENCY RESTAURANT [| \ BRITISH TOURIST BOOKS {— Tev's Flat <— Perens FLAT HE wrereis Tea’s fat? Use the words from column 2 in column 3. Cross out each word in column 2-when you use it Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 1 Ted's flat is on Blake House. 2 There are some TV aerials | irr || the building 3 Ted's flat is above _—_______________| the third fioor. 4 Itis below —____| the building 5 Itis ontop of cai 6 Peter's flat is atthe top of | ____________ | Ted's flat. Practise your Prepositions 2] Where? 2 Sue is planning a photo for the book. She has made a drawing and is talking to Ted about it. ‘Let’s have the Landrover on the left of the picture, Tina and Paul in the middle of the picture, youon the right and all the luggage and equipment at the front. And we can have the entrance to Tourism House at the back of the picture. WE but Ted has a different idea. He says: ‘How about having the Landrover 1_in the middle of the picture, with some trees *. it? ‘Then we can have Paul “_______ Tina yo) 4 the picture, and the luggage somewhere ‘Then Sue has another idea. She says: ‘Let’s have Tina inside the Landrover, and Paul outside it, standing beside it. We can have you én front of the Landrover, taking a picture. The luggage can be rownd Paul. And we'll have Tourism House behind you all’ Hl Now describe the final picture! Ted was |__Wiside __ the Landrover, and Tina and Paul were ® a it. The luggage was Tina, who was standing : the Landrover. Paul was sitting on the ground ®_______it,and ©_________ them all there were some trees. 2 Where? 2 | 3 | This is Paul's room. He is sitting in an armchair, and his guitar is on a small chair. He has several pictures on the wall, and there are some pictures on the ceiling, above his bed. He is packing for his trip with British Tourist Books, so his bag is in a corner of the room. Some of his clothes are on the floor. You can see a tree through the window. HH Now complete this description of Tina's room Tina has several pictures 1____ON __ the walls of her room, ibubshe has none = = the! ceiling. There is alamp °. herbed. “__________ the window, you can see a roof, Tina’s bag is . the floor, there are SON DG0ks) cee chal, and her tennis racquet is e the room. The family’s catis sleeping 5_______ the armchair. What about you? Where is your home? Write about its location, using words from page 6. Hi Now write about a room that you know; for example, your bedroom, a classroom, or the office of a member of your family. Describe its location and some of the things in it. Use words from. pages 7 and 9. Practise your Prepositions 3 BE roresmoutn is a town én Bngland. isi the. Eh compiete tne description Where? 3 south of England, and it is on the coast. Off the coast, near Portsmouth, there is an island called the Isle of Wight. This island is south of Portsmouth. It is famous for watersports. Tina and Paul are staying in St Helen's, which is in the east of the island. St Helen’s is about ten. kilometres from Portsmouth. ‘True or false? Write V after the true ‘statements, and after the false statements. Correct the false statements. 1 Portsmouth is in-the north of St Helen's. 2 Newport is west of St Helen’s, 3 Cowes is in the north of the Isle of Wight. 4 Portsmouth is off the coast of England. 5 Cowes is south of Newport. Majorca isanisland ‘Off the coast of Spain. Itis "________ of Valencia, which isa large town ®_______ Spain. Palma the coast of Majorca. Many tourists come and stay °. Palma. Soller is °__________ of Palma. It is about sixteen kilometres Palma. Soller is ®8____ of Majorca. 3 Where? 3 oi Sue, Paul and Ted are talking about the sorts of places that they like for their holidays. sug: [like climbing, so Ilike a place én the mountains. PauL: Well, I like swimming, so I like a place that's on the sea, or on a lake or on a river. Of course, if the weather's cold, I don't swim in the sea or the lake, but I like being near water. ‘rep: Well, I like a quiet holiday. I don't like a place that’s on a busy road. HE Write in oronin column 2. 1 Londonis on the River Thames. 2 There are fish | _______ | the River Thames. 3 Quito is —_——— | the Andes Mountains 4 Chicago is ——____] Lake Michigan. 5 NewYork is . | _______ | the Atlantic Ocean, 6 People swim | | the Mediterranean Sea 7 Rydeis ——__ | the road from St Helen’s to Cowes. go Complete the sentences. Tina, Paul, Ted and Sue stayed in hostels in many different places. Paul liked hostel C, because it was 1__by river, and hostel D because it was * a alake. Sue liked hostel A because it was a mountain, and she liked hostel B even better, because it was right “_______ amountain. Ted liked hostel F, because it was °________ the road, hostel E 6 because it was a wood, and of course he liked hostels A and B too, because they were *____ the road. cu Practise your Prepositions 4 a Complete the street plan. 12 Mixed practice NORTH STREET H. hroret Read the description below, and draw the symbols in their } took shop correct position. 5 E [A ostottce a 3 tree ienning pool SOUTH STREET & coffee bar There is a church in North Street. Next to the church, west of it, there is a hotel. Also next to the church, on the corner of East Street, there is a book shop. Next to the book shop, just south of it, there is a post office. In front of the post office there is a tree, and behind the post office there is a swimming pool. Opposite the post. office there is a coffee bar. How has this shop window changed? Describe the differences. B ht InAthename is '____________ of the window, but in Bit is *__mmm__ oft. InA, the cupboard is °_____________ of the display, but in Bitis * of it. nA, the hat is °________ the cupboard, but in Bitis 6_____ it. InA, the shirt is "___________ the lamp, but in Bitis $_______ it. 8 In A, the goggles are the bowl, but in B they are 1° 4 Mixed practice oH Write one word in each blank. This is the entrance to Western Recording Q Studios Ltd. The receptionist is sitting 1__OM __ her chair, with a lamp 2____ her. There is a clock *____ thewall 4______ her, anda tall plant ina pot stands °_______ the floor. A visitor is sitting °______ an armchair. ‘The studios are ’________ 53 Alexandra, Street, ©_________ the seventh floor. t Elbais an island °_______ the coast of Italy. It is only about two kilometres 1° the Italian coast, soif is very !______ the coast. Elba is 240 kilometres” Genoa, soit is rather Genoa. Genoais '________ the coast. It is ___ of Elba, and is 16 Italy. Answer these questions, or ask a partner to answer them. Ifyou could choose ... ‘What city, town, village or island would you live in? Describe its location. Where would your house or flat be? How would you arrange your favourite room? Where would you go for your next holiday? Describe the location of this place. 13 Practise your Prepositions, oO Direction 1 ‘Tina and Paul are in Brighton, in the Tourist Information Centre. An assistant is telling them the way from the Centre to the Dome Concert Hall. ‘When you leave this building, turn right into Barton Street. ‘Tum right again into East Street. Go along East Street as far as North Street. Cross North Street, and go past the Royal Pavilion, continuing towards Victoria Gardens. ‘Turn left into Church Street < and there's the Dome.’ Toure 2) Centre, Itumned/ran into Barton Street (= 1 ENTERED BARTON STREET FROM ANOTHER STREET) Iwas running én Barton Street (= 1 WAS ALREADY IN BARTON STREET, AND I WAS RUNNING INIT) HH Complete the description of Paul and Tina's walk from the Dome It follows the dotted line on the map. Write one word in each blank. Pauland Tina walked '_tO____ The Prince Regent Swimming Pool °______ the Dome. They crossed Church Street and went *_______ Marlborough Place, 4 Gloucester Place. They walked °________ Victoria Gardens and continued °______________ ________ North Road. Then they turned ’_______ §_______ North Road, and found the swimming pool on their left. 5 Direction 1 BBy Peuisvas staying in an old hotel and couldn't find his room, Complete the sentences. Floor | 3 The lift stopped at the — Paul got out of the and went up some thira ‘floon@_ zt Se bh Thenhe wentdown He walked along a through a and into a 4 5 6 bi 1 some The room is | on the third floor. | The lift stopped He lives He got out at the third floor. BBh tine coutan sina ner room either. She walked: some and then s____ the dining room again! Practise your Prepositions 6} Direction 2 By cores over SY, ifthe path or road goes up and then down (e.g because ofa hill ora bridge) something flat (e.g. a road or a railway line) through PGY2 — something that rises on both sides (e.g. tall grass, a wood, a town) HB the dotted line (.....) shows a path in the country. Describe where it goes. ‘The path goes 1 Pt achurch, 2 awood, “_______ part ofa river, “1 abridge, °___ a hill, °_______ a railway line, and 7_____ aroad. a But Tina and Paul went a different way. The broken line (---=-) shows where they went, Describe their walk. They went 1_P@6t__ the church, _______ the wood, *______ the bridge, “_______ stream, °______ a tunnel, °______ aroad, and 7______ a railway line. Ho @ (a) from a flat surface, e.g. a table or a hard chair. off (b) down from, eg. a roof. YL ews from inside something, e.g. a box or an armchair. onto from a place to a surface, e.g, a table or a hard chair. into from one place to the inside of another, e.g. a room or some water. overlacross from one side to the other. Usually over if you go up and then over across down, eg. to climb over a wall. 16 6 Direction 2 HB aut was at an adventure camp. Fill in the blanks to say where he went. Paul fel 1_OfF abridge 2______ river. He swam a the river, then climbed “_______ it, and climbed °________ some rocks. Heran °________ a field and jumped 7_________ a gate. There were some bulls in that, field, so he climbed *______ a pile of stones, and then jumped °________ the stones, '»________ the ground on the other side of the fence. Practise your Prepositions 7) Direction 3 ‘A town or village ‘Acountry She flew/went/ travelled,ete. to | Oxford England She came She got (INFoRMAL- She left Lfor She arrived in | Oxford (iw a part or England (WE THINK OF THE PLACE AS AN : ‘THE TOWN) AREA WHICH SURROUNDS A PERSON. ) She arrived at | Oxford (eg. ay TRAIN, Bahrain (we THINK OF THE PLACE AS A (ever: She AD THE STATION) POINT ON JOURNEY, NOTE THAT WE DO NOT arrived 10) USE AT FOR LARGER COUNTRIES.) ese are some of Marco Polo's travels from Venice. Write af, in, to or for in column 2. 1 In 1271 Marco Polo left — fot _| route 2 Some time later he arrived ——eetemeee: | tem, 3 In 1272he got eee | iba: 4 In 1292 he went —____| India. 5 Inabout 1294 he went back eee 6 Hearrived ———__| Tabriz in 1294 or 1295. 7 At the end of 1295 he came back | ______ | Venice. Ayoung tennis player is telling Tina about her travels. Write én, at, to or for. ‘Last year went 1__tO____ about twenty different countries. I went *________ Japan for the first time. I came *. England for the first time in 1985. We had rather a difficult, journey this time. Our plane arrived “_______ Manchester at 2.00 p.m., but our luggage only got "_______ Manchester three hours later. The car from the airport broke down, so we arrived *_______ Manchester itself several hours late. The next day we left "________ London, and arrived *. Heathrow Airport without any problems, luckily.” 18 Hi Look at the map and read about Tina and Paul's bicycle ride. One day, Tina and Paul cycled from West Dean to Stonehenge. First they cycled north, as far as The Common. Then they cycled West towards Salisbury, going through Winterslow, and continued as far as Winterbourne. It was about, 10.00 am. when they cycled into Winterbourne, so they had a cup of coffee there. They were cycling out of Winterbourne when Tina had a puncture. ‘They cycled out offinto West Dean (IP WE THINK OF THIS PLACE AS AN AREA) They cycled from/to West Dean (iP WE THINK OF THIS PLAGE AS A POINT ON A JOURNEY) HZ Complete the description of Tina and Paul's bieycle ride, using prepositions from the passage and table above. After Tina and Paul had mended the puncture, they cycled west, towards _ north and went °____ Upper Woodford. But then they turned Great Durnford. They continued i Great Durnford, and were cycling - Amesbury when Paul had a puncture. So it was 11.30 when they at last cycled ®. Amesbury; then they took a wrong turning, and began cycling ®_______ Andover. Altogether, the ride 7 Stonehenge *__________ West Dean took them nearly four hours. go Describe an interesting journey - real or imaginary — in your ~ country or abroad. Use these verbs (in any order), with a suitable preposition after each one: travelled left arrived came got went 7 Direction 3 (Andover 20k 19 Practise your Prepositions 8 20 Mixed practice Every year, about 17,000 people run a distance of 42 kilometres in the London Marathon. Complete this description of the route, using the prepositions below: along through past towards asfaras round over into across writer Aas ‘ch \M. _ gL y INES WL A-B Theroute goes | tOWAFAS Woolwich, then tums and goes back CD ?____ Greenwich, going D %_____ the Royal Naval College. E-F Itgoes*___apark, GH'_____ Tower Bridge, London Marathon = Route the River Thames, We a district called the Isle of Dogs, then K-L © the River Thames, going °_______ the financial district (called “The City’) M Itturns ©_____ Whitehall, and N goes !* Admiralty Arch. N-O)Itgoes “= _ "The Mail’ ®______|___ BnckinghamPalace, P Thenitturns Birdcage Walk, going '*__________ the river again. P-Q Itgoes *________ the Houses of Parliament, and Westminster Bridge, '*_______ the east side of the bridge, where the Marathon finishes, Describe the burglar’s actions, using the prepositions below: -————__——— into in onto on outof from off up down over across through towards He climbed '_UP. a ——— drainpipe, and °____ abalcony. 8 Mixed practice Then he got 4 —a ‘There he found a necklace bedroom, °____. an ss adrawer. abox, open window. and two candlesticks (All this time he had been Thenheslid ' 4 _-_Sa'emallitable. walking 9____ a the drainpipe, carpet that was connected to a burglar alarm.) “ the arms of a policeman. In column 3, write the correct preposition from column 2. 1 They came at | tO Paris last week. 2 They arrived for | _______ France amonth ago. 3 Next, they're going | in | _______Japan. 4 They'releaving | to |_______Japan on Tuesday. 5 They're going _____ Tokyo. 6 They'llarrive Tokyo on Wednesday. 7 They'll come back France next month. 21 Practise your Prepositions 9 22 When? 1 én] 1989 (= a vear) (the) winter (= a season) April (= a mont) New Year’s Day/my birthday (= a ParTicutar Day) 8 April (= apare) A DAY OF THE WEEK) Note We say in April, but o7 8 April. at Easter/Bid (= a RELicious PERIOD) Complete this summary of events in Brighton, 1In 1987, there were many public events in Brighton 2 the spring. For example, *. Easter there was a carnival (it was + Monday 20 April), and ©. May there were three big events. ©. the summer and autumn there were fewer events. There was a fishing boat race 8 a Saturday July, a tennis tournament a October, and a race for vintage cars from London 1° 7 November. Of course, there were many parties and dances a 31 December and '*_ New Year's Day. The programme of public events was similar '® 1988. Some events in 1987 fisasaeer cream ee) Motorcycle race Sat. 21 March Easter carnival Mon. 20 April Festival of the arts Sat. 2- Sun. 17 May Boat show Wed. 6— Sun. 10 May Fishing boat race _/ Sat. 18 July Tennis tournament Sat. 17—Sat. 31 October Fireworks Sat. 9 May Vintage car race from London ‘Sat. 7 November NOLHDIHE 9 When? 1 - There are no prepositions before last, next, this and every: There were many events in Brighton last year. ‘There's a carnival next Monday. It’s taking place this month. It happens every year. paul is writing to a friend. In each blank, write a preposition or put, adash (-). Tm sorry we weren't here '__V__ May! There aren't so this month, but there’s a fishing boat 4 race *_______ next Saturday. Friday we're going riding. (Do you remember? I had some riding lessons 6____Jast summer.) I'd like tobe here ®___ October, when there's a big tennis tournament. They have the tournament ’_________ every October. Hi im the morning/evening | at 6 o’clock/midday ‘APART OF A DAY) (=aTme) HB Here is the next part of Paul's letter. In each blank, write in, at or put a dash (—-), Yesterday we went toa sports centre 1__W1_ the morning. We started playing table tennis *________ 10 o'clock, had lunch *_______ 12 o'clock, and “_______ the afternoon we played basketball and then swam. °_______ the evening ‘we went to a disco, andI got to bed ©______2 o'clock inthe morning. After breakfast “_______ this morning we hired bikes and biked round Brighton. We're having a rest now, but “*. this evening we're going to a concert, which begins °- 830. 23 Practiss 1 your Prepositions 1968 [Born in Oxford, 1970 [Brother Paul born. 1972 |Family moved to London. 1973 | Tina started school. 1979 | Moved to secondary school, 1981 | Started guitar lessons. 1985 | Passed school leaving exam. Then worked ina shop. 1986 | Began university. 1988 | Still at university. Still plays the guitar. Examples Tina lived in Oxford from 1968 tofuntil/till (esroRMaL.) 1972. She was born before Paul. She started school after her fifth birthday. In 1986, she had been playing the guitar for five years. She had been playing it since 1981. She began playing it during her school days. Notes We use for with periods which we measure or count: Jor five years/four weeks/three days/two minutes We use during with periods which we do not measure or count: during \unch/her school days/1986 ‘We use since with a point in time: since 1986/last March/six o'clock Complete these statements about Tina's life, Imagine that it is now 1988. 1 Tinalived inOxford —fOY _ two years. 2 She has lived in London ______ sixteen years. 8 She has lived there ____ 1972. 4 She started school ________ the family’s move to London. 10 When? 2 5 She attended her secondary school _______ 1979 1985. 6 She worked ina shop _______._ her summer holidays 7 She worked there ________ three months 8 She has been at university ________ two years. 9 She has been playing the guitar _______seven years. 10 She has been playing it _______ 1981. ‘Tina was at school from 1973 to/wntil/till 1985. She was at school wntil/till (Not Pa) June 1985. She had left school by July 1985. (by = BEFORE, NOT LATER THAN’ Use each preposition from column 2 in column 3. Cross out each word in colurnn 2 when you use it. 1 Tina lived in Oxford to | until | i972, 2 She had started school to |__| her sixth birthday. 3 She worked in a shop from July 1985 | by | _______ | October 1985. 4 Shelll stay at university by | —____ | June 1989. 5 She'll leave university by | —______ | the autumn of 1989. 6 She says she’s going to work hard | ypefi | _______ | the final examination! 7 Shell forget this promise until |__| next weekend. 8 Last night she danced fromten pm. | until | _______ | twoin the morning. Answer these questions, or ask your partner to answer them. Use the prepositions in italics in your answers. 1 For how long have you lived in your present home? Thave lived in my present home fOr 2 So thatis since when? ‘That's since 3. Since when have you been learning English? 4 Until what date are you going to attend English classes? 5 By what date will you stop studying altogether? on Practise your Prepositions 11. 26 Mixed practice Ata travel agent's. Write a suitable preposition in each blank. ‘Right! your plane leaves 1_@t__ 14.00 hours. You should check in 1dhours ® yu need to beat the airport “________ 12.30, You can wait in the departure lounge “________ check-in time ®. departure time. You'll probably wait there °________ about 13.50. Now, about getting to the airport. There’s an airport bus that leaves the terminal ’________ 11.00 hours. You could catch that. I know there's always a lot of traffic going to the airport * the morning, °_______ about 8.00 "°___ about 10.00. However, you'll be going '1______ that period, so you'll be O.K. Ina coffee bar. Write a dash (—-) or one of the prepositions below in each space: from for during since to.—sunttiltill ‘Where have you been? We agreed to meet at 2.30. I've been waiting for you 1__for hours! Well, not exactly hours, but *_______ 2.85. Letmesee~ ®__ 2.35, 4 now: that’s forty minutes. I've drunk three cups of coffee 5 ________ that time and got very bored. If’ brought a book I could at least have been reading ® ____ forty minutes. Anyway, what's your excuse?” “My excuse? I've been waiting for you “_____ thirty minutes, in the street. We agreed to meet on the street corner, didn’t we? Anyway, ®______ next week let's meet ‘Tuesday. That's easier for me than Wednesday. See you '°______ next Tuesday, then.” 11 Mixed practice “What? Are you going already? Aren't you going to stay 4 afew minutes?” ‘No, Ican't! I've got the dentist. afternoon. I'll have to wait ©. this ‘Tuesday for your news!" A reporter has been interviewing a pop star and has made these notes. Use the notes to write his article. The date of the article is 10 April 1988. Conxen0o. 1a80 Began singing unth locab ae (The Pebbles). (Left group 1982). 7 18.81 Sang in show in Brighton. Mamm Recarde producer in audience. on wo weeks laiar: Signed Contract usin Mar: Sarge “Hane been pinging for other people 1S ; ing for mypele? (bur really ing for myo eee make third gotd dine (“not oe 2stn birthday!) Checked charts lant Saturday - neemo poasible. 27 Practise your Prepositions 12} How? Yi | Ways of travelling 28 Ingeneral When talking about particular vehicles by | bike/motorbike/car/ |] on his/that, ete. bike/motorbike vamvlorry/train/plane’ |] in my/this, ete. car/var/lorry air/bus/tram/ship on’ the train/plane/bus/trarm/ship boat on the boat (if.a large boat) ‘in the boat (if a small boat) on foot Examples Llike travelling by bike. I travelled around Italy on my cousin’s bike. Note ‘It is possible, but less usual, to say én the train, etc. Ted is talking about a holiday which he had once in the United States. Write prepositions from the table above in these blanks, adding other words if necessary (e.g. the, a). In New York I went around OM ___ foot mainly. You can visit the Statue of Liberty °______ boat, and *_ON1 the_ boat I met another Englishman. We decided to go together to San Francisco *________ bus, because it’s cheaper than going 5 train or °_______ plane. Altogether we spent four days and nights *_______ bus. We wanted to go round San Francisco *______ car, a cousin of mine lent me his car, but after we'd been °_________car for only a few hours, it broke down. By this time it was midnight, and we started to go 10 back to my cousin’s house foot, but a lorry-driver stopped and took us back !!_______ lorry. Icame back to London *______ air, and I can tell you I was too tired to talk toanyone "* plane! I think it would be great to do the 4 trip from New York to San Francisco motorbike. ‘There's a book about a man who took his small son right across the States ‘*______ old motorbike. How things are made ‘Things can be made ... Of MATERIALS OR SUBSTANCES: This table is made of wood. Out of A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THING (one object is changed into another): She is making a dress for her daughter out of some old curtains. by PEOPLE: ‘The Pyramids were built by people who lived a long time ago. ‘with (= using) TOOLS AND OTHER AIDS: On the beach we built sandcastles with our buckets and spades, In Brighton, our four friends made their own costumes for a fancy- dress disco. Read the first description. Then complete the other descriptions, using the correct prepositions. 12 How? STO ——— Safety pins gue drill scissors cardboard ‘This crown is made of cardboard. The jewels on it are made out of a sweets. It was made by Paul. Paul stuck on the sweets with glue. "ao sweets (and glue) Paul's crown This dress is made *_______a rubbish bag, which is made 2 ‘black plastic. The dress was made * rubbish bag ‘Tina, She cut out the armholes and neck line +_______ some (black plastic) _ special scissors. ‘Tina's dress 7 This ‘musical instrument’ was made ® Ted, Itis made piece of wire 6 tops. The bottle tops are made Ted's ‘musical instrument , safety pin 10 Sue. She put it together ™. Sue's dress anoise. Ted made the holes in them nylon, so it’s rather hot. It was made ind \____ along stick, some pieces of wire and some bottle metal, so they make adrill. This dress is made °_______ two table cloths. They are made 1 safety pins. 29 Practise your Prepositions 13) 30 What are they like? He/She is a person . of' (ace) _| with (eHsicaL caracteristics) about 20 | abig smile at least 25 | curly hair about 16 | an amazing hairstyle about 18 | asmall moustache 1Note Do not use ‘years’ or ‘years old’ after of: én (mamas We wear) | with (rHNGs WE CARRY) small black hat a funny football dark glasses astrange bag awhite blouse awalking stick a football shirt aguitar At the fancy dress disco. phrases from the table. Read the first description. Then describe the other people, using Aman of about 20, with a big smile, in a football shirt and with a funny football, Agintof About 8 with 2 in & : andwith + Aman of °______ with @_______ jin 7_____, and with ©. Agirlof 8 in with and with ™. 13 What are they like? 4s (FOR A PERSON'S JOB OR ROLE) like (10 compane THINGS) She works as a reporter. She ran like the wind. He joined the team as an extra player.| He looks like his father. Note You must use a/an before the name of a job: She works as a reporter (not ‘as reporter’) Hh things that people said at the disco. Write as or like. 1 ma: ‘Goodness! You look 1_UWke Charlie Chaplin. And you dance 2______ him too!” 2 rep: ‘Iwent to the United States *________ a student. I managed to look *________ an American, but of course I didn’t sound °_______ one’ 3 sug: ‘Ican't dance all night *_______ you! I'mnot here 7_______._ a tourist, you know! T'm working. Anyway, I'll sleep °________ a baby tonight!” 4 paut: ‘Ted’s with us °______ our photographer. I'd like to take photos 1°____ his! His camera's“ acomputer!” Eh tsine of witn ana in. 1 Describe yourself: your age, a physical characteristic, something you are wearing, and something you are holding or using, Tama man/womarvboy/girl 2 Describe someone in your class in the same way. Ask your neighbour to guess whom you have described. 31 Practise your Prepositions 14) Mixed practice 7 Bus? Car? Train? Boat? ‘Air? Write as, like, of, out of or by in the blanks. 1 Thislooks +_Wke _ a handkerchief. Itis made . china, and you can use it ® was made *_______anartist. 2 This was made *. a vase. It a golf ball and some pieces of paper. You can use it “________a paperweight, and it looks 7_____ aduck. 3 This wasmade *_______ achild, ® aplastic carton, some wire and moss. You can use it 1°. a plant pot. Or...? Say how one can travel from your capital or your home to three other places. 1 You can travel from or by to ______ by ,or by 32 14 Mixed practice Hi Someone broke the window of a house and stole some silver. ‘Three people say they saw the robbery, but they have told very different stories to the police. Complete each description with prepositions. YT. By {| Uf WITNESS A: WITNESS B: ‘WITNESS C: ‘Hewasaman Of about20, 2 Jong dark hair, ©. jeans. He was wearing a mask made + astocking, and he looked ®, a gangster. He broke the window ‘ abrick, and escaped 7_______ a bicycle. It looked © aracing bike.’ ‘She was awoman ®. about 30, 1°. short, dark hair, a tracksuit. She was wearing a sort of mask made '?_____ cardboard. She broke the window '*______a bottle, and escaped “4 amotorcycle. She drove that motorbike '®. amad woman!’ ‘He wasaman © about 40, 1”. very little hair, '*_______a dark suit. He looked ae a businessman, and he used his newspaper °° a asort of mask. He escaped a large, black car. Say how you and three other people (family, friends or other students) travelled to work today. 1 Icame to college/school today 2 iS 4 33 Practise your Prepositions 15} Adjectives + prepositions 1 He was good/kind, etc. to my brother (= A PERSON) ‘OR A SITUATION) He was good/kind, ete, about my brother/ his hat/what my brother did (= aN EVENT It was good/kind, etc. my brother, of him to excuse HH a rVcommercial. A cowgirl is speaking to a cowboy. Write to, about or of in each blank ‘Ed, darling, what's happened to you? You used toberude 1__tO___ my parents, but now you're so polite ________ them. You used to be nasty ®______ my cooking, but now youre nice 4____ it, You used to be unkind *_______ my small brother, but now you're very kind .©______ him. You were very kind 7_____ your hat; it really was nice *________ you to keep calm . that! You used to be mean x the farm workers, but now you're generous "______ them. In fact, you used tobe unpleasant '*_______ everybody and everything, but now you're pleasant ‘!________ everybody and 15 everything. Tell me, Ed, what's happened” ‘What's happened, honey? I've discovered Shavex Shaving Cream! It sure was good 4 you to give me that superb cream for my birthday!’ pleased impatient careless | with her daughter/the present (= PEOPLE on THINGS) patient careful’ —_ angry about the match/the heavy traffic (= EVENTS OR SITUATIONS) right sorry? about him/the present/the match/the traffic (= PBoPLE, wrong worried ‘THINGS, EVENTS OR SITUATIONS) Notes *You can also say careful of: Be careful of the traffic (= Be CAREFUL THAT IT DOES NOT HARM YOU), ?Pm sorry about your father (= 1 AM SORRY THAT HE Has DIED) Tim sorry for your father (= 1 pry HIM (BECAUSE YOU HAVE TREATED HIM BADLY, ETC.) ) 7 15 Adjectives + prepositions 1 WH Pautana Tina are at a tennis school in Yorkshire. Paul is writing to his cousin. Fill each blank with one word. 1 My tennis racquet's really good. 'mvery pleased With __ it 2 But I've lost three tennis balls. 'm rather angry ________that__ 3 NowT've only got three, I'll be careful 4 Our first coach used to shout at us, He was very impatient 5 Then he left. We weren't sorry —_____ that. 6 The new coach is excellent, He's very patient 7 At first I thought he was no good, but I was wrong 8 Iwona match today, Imm rather pleased 9 My big match is tomorrow. I'm not worried 10 You said that Yorkshire's nice. You were right oH to be pleased/worried, ete. ¢ Example Tm plessed abesl Oettg ROSES abou nos ind youl a Paul is writing to his parents now. Write one word in each blank. Use the verbs in italics. I lost three tennis balls yesterday. Iwas sorry *_@bowt_ losing. _them 1 dian'tsind any of them; I was angry zabout _ not finding _them _Wehaveto ‘wait for our classes. We have to be very patient *, Iwon a match today. I was pleased #_____ stim playing in a bigger match tomorrow. I'm not worried : Thaven't written to you very often. I'm sorry © more often. a5 Practise your Prepositions 16} 36 Adjectives + prepositions 2 bad at| | afraid | of | | interested | in good fond qualified quick proud slow sure keen on clever tired efficient Examples She's good at arithmetic but slow at algebra, T'm afraid of dogs, but I'm fond of cats. He's interested in computers and qualified in mathematics. She's keen on sport. She really likes it. Tina’s letter from Yorkshire Write at, of, in or on. Dear Lucy, Paul and I can canoe now! At last! So we're very proud 1_of ourselves. Canoeing is a great sport, especially ina river full of rocks! Of course, we're not very good _____ it yet, and at first we were really bad *________ it. We fell into the river at least ten times, I'm sure *_____ that. 'm not afraid °_______ the river, but 'mnot keen °. very cold water! Getting into the canoe was rather difficult too, but we're quite quick 7_________ that now. So we're enjoying ourselves, but we're rather tired “_______ the rain here. It's been raining for three days. Please write. I'l be interested °_______your news. Allthe best, Tina. 16 Adjectives + prepositions 2 Beh [tebe bad at atria of interested én, ete dong something Examples He's good at swimming and running. She's fond of driving fast cars. He's interested in helping other people. She's keen on working with computers. HH when Sue first met Tina and Paul in London, she asked them some questions. Look at her notes and complete her questions. 1 Are you fona__Of getting up early ? 2 Are you good 3 Are you afraid 4 Are you keen 5 Are you interested Hi ‘What about you, your family and friends? Or what about your partner? Write sentences like this: (very keen) I'm very keen on guitar music. Gossssses) is very keen on taking photographs of wild animals. (very keen) (qualified) (clever) (rather slow) (good) (very interested) (rather afraid) a7 Practise your Prepositions U7] Adjectives + prepositions 3 1 | bad for + noun capable | of | +noun good fond + doing something famous | for | +noun be responsible + doing something |_| $2, grateful sorry bored | with Examples T'm sorry for breaking the dish (= 1 po.ocise) T'm sorry for the animals in the cage (= 1prry tHe) Fruit is good for your health. She's famous for her parties/for giving good parties He's capable of good work/af doing good work. Iwas bored with the talk/with listening to the talk, HB Fina the right ending for each sentence, Write your answers below. A Children are usually fond J for its beautiful buildings. B Rome is famous 2 of adults’ conversations. C Children usually get bored 3 for the nerves. D They also usually get tired 4 of their literature. E Too much coffee is bad 5 for sad people. F We feel sorry 6 with reading long books. G English people are proud 7 of eating sweets. al, B 1c 2D .&B sa, : Paul and Tina are at a music summer school. Paul is talking to Vicky, one of the teachers. Complete the changed versions of their sentences, Sometimes there are two ways of completing the sentence. IT Adjectives + prepositions 3 sy gan organise the guitar classes. i A = Tmresponsible for (organising) the guitar classes. 2 Do you ever get bored —____? 3 No, [always enjoy listening to the guitar, so you needn't pity me! No;Inever et tired gg yo needn't feel sorry —________ . 4 like singing, but I don’t think my voice is very good. Tm quite fond —_______, but 'mnot very proud. The singing teacher here gives marvellous classes. She's quite famous) ‘The singing teacher here is quite famous, — 6 ‘Yes, I'm very pleased with all these free lessons, "Wi, Tem pe cs siento 7 You'd better go to bed early. That will help your voice! 7 Ifyou go to bed early, that will be good. —____ 8 But it wouldn't help my social lifel But it would be bad. ———____ on good as + noe | Examples bad She's famous as a singer (= sHE1s famous: A SINGER, AND SHE IS FAMOUS) capable ‘Swimming is good as a form of responsible exercise (= SWIMMING IS A FORM OF EXERCISE, AND ITIS A GOOD ONB) What did they say? Write as, of or for in the blanks. rep: ‘Tmbest '_Gt sports photography. Perhaps one day I'l be famous ® sports photographer.’ tina: ‘People say that swimming is very good °_______ you. 'mnot bad *______ a swimmer.’ vicky: ‘Tmresponsible, °_________ your guitar teacher, ©. giving you finger exercises. Lack of exercise is bad 7________ a guitarist’s fingers.’ Pau: ‘Idon't think I'll ever be famous 8______ my singing. I'mjust capable *. singing a tune. But I'm quite good °_______ the class comedian!’ Practise your Prepositions 8) Mixed practice 7A i) | NM EDD tiere are some facts about Phil Billy, a singer. Write about, as, at, for or to in coluran 2. 1 He's very good — ab __ | singing 2 Buthe'salsogood | —_____ anactor. 3 He's very good —_____ | his family. 4 He says coffee is bad | _____ his voice. 5 He'salways good | _______| any problems during recording 6 He's just rather bad | ______] arriving on time. Ahotel receptionist is talking about her work. Inthe blanks, write adjectives from the list on the right. Use each adjective once. Youhave tobe quite 1__G9O___ at speaking English, French, Spanish and German. You are *. for the | bored 3 capable keys to the rooms, and you have tobe °_________ about _| 80) writing down telephone messages exactly. Also, you must be efficient, 4 . good really (_____ at keeping the list of guests up to date. | P" ag Some guests are not very easy or pleasant, but you have to be patient 5 with the difficult ones, you must at least seem | Polite responsible tobe °__________ in their problems, and of course you tired must be 7________ toall of them! Naturally, there are times when I get °________ of answering all their questions, and at the end of a difficult day I sometimes feel quite *. %____ with the work. of screaming, but I never really get 18 Mixed practice Hi Apologies. Two friends are talking. Choose the right endings from the list below the dialogue. Hullo! 'mso sorry + _d_itsbeen good ® ___ Iwas quite worried * ___ .T'llbe interested * ___ Terashed my bike into a pedestrian. At first, I thought he was hurt, but I was wrong © So? What happened? Tell me! a just be patient ° ___ .A policeman “4 came along and he said I was responsible 7 g —— , because I'd been careless Poor you! I'm beginning to feel sorry ® B ZA, Well, Itold the policeman that I was very a rs And you really were sorry, 'm sure n “S__Yes,so for the next half hour, please be a about the accident d aboutbeinglate —_g fortheaccident —j_ withme. b about that e about signalling —_h of that, k inyour explanation ¢ about you f foryou i tome 1 of you to wait 41 Practise your Prepositions 19 42 Verbs + prepositions 1 listen to look at speak/talk Sais look after | (= TaKe care oF) belong Examples happen Something nice happened to me today. Ga ee Tm looking for my hat. oh Tm looking at some interesting photographs. pe Tm looking after their baby today, look (= trv 70 FIND) ‘Ted is telling Sue about a terrible restaurant he went to. Write a preposition in each blank. Justlisten *_tO____ this. To begin with, [had to wait twenty minutes *. a the waitress. When I asked her the menu, she had to go and look 4____ it; there was only one, and something had happened © it. Then, when I spoke © 7 her she didn’t listen me, so she brought some cheese which | didn’t want. Thadn't asked *_____ it, but she wanted me to pay 9 it! The restaurant belongs 1°_____ Tamara Lane, the TV cookery expert. I shall write ‘her. The waitresses really should look ™. better. the customers speak/talk | (to someone) | about write complain tell someone think/dream +noun + doing something Examples Note Tell must take an indirect object: ‘Tell us about your holiday. (wor:Tell abedt your holiday.) She talked about Spain/about travelling in Spain. He’s thinking about a holiday abroad/about going abroad. 19 Verbs + prepositions 1 a no eS! ( Pe ve HE inthe terrible restaurant. Complete the descriptions. Use the verbs in italics. 1 Where's the waitress? I've no bread. A is going to complain __to the waitress about having no bread. 2 One day I'll have my own restaurant. B is dreaming 8 I've found apiece of string in my soup! The waitress should know about this! C is going to tell 4 The chef here doesn’t know how to cook vegetables. I want to tell him D wants to talk 5 [think the Health Inspector should close this restaurant. I must send hima letter. E is going to write 6 Perhaps I should look for another job. ‘The waitress is thinking — oi Write some sentences about your last summer holiday, or ask the questions and write about your partner's holiday. 1 Did you speak to anyone interesting? About what? 2 Did you buy anything special? How much did you pay for it? Ipaid 3 Did you or anyone else complain about anything? To whom? 4 Did you write to anyone? About what? 5 What might you do during your next summer holiday? Pmthinking 43 Practise your Prepositions 20; Verbs + prepositions 2 rurvbump into | Iran into a friend yesterday (= we MBT BY CHANCE) run/bump/crash | into | The car ran into the wall (= 1 HAD AN ACCIDENT) run over | The car ran over a cat (= IT KNOCKED ‘THE CAT DOWN AND DROVE OVER IT) rur/drive, etc. after| The policeman ran after the thief (= HE FOLLOWED THE THIEF WHILE RUNNING) catch up with | The policeman ran fast and caught up with the thief (= THE POLIGEMAN was BEHIND AT FIRST, BUT THEN 1EREACHED ‘THE SAME PLACE AS THE THIE! HB rina and Paul took part in a cross-country bicycle race. Complete the description of what happened. 1 Another cyclist Yan into Tina. 2 SoTinanearly _________asmall boy. 3 The father —______________ her. 4 Buthe couldn't —______________ her. 5 Paulnearly ______—— tree. 6 After the race,Tina _________ a friend from her college. 44 (= anony) (= WANTING 70 HIT SOMEONE OR SOMETHING) ‘They shouted at the thief and threw stones at him. | shout (= WANTING THE OTHER PERSON TO HEAR) | throw ‘(= 80 THAT THE OTHER PERSON CAN CATCH) — ‘She shouted to me that I should come upstairs, and threw the key down to me. laugh | at . | First the children stared and pointed smile at the comedian; then they laughed at his stare jokes. point atito| The film star waved at/to the crowd. 1 Imight | stare a toasmall child, 2 wave b ata strange person. 3 throw aball | ¢ at a good joke. 4 shout d ata friend in another car. 5 laugh e at something I wanted to buy. 6 point: f toa friend in another room. Answers: 1b ‘Things that happened at the bicycle race. Write prepositions from Exercises 1 and 2 in the spaces, 1 Tinashouted '_t©___ the small boy that he should stay off the road. 2 The boy’s father was very angry, so he shouted ‘Tina and threw a stone her. 3 The other people stared *________ himand pointed 6 Tina. 4 The father wanted a police car to drive ©_______ Tina, but the policemen only smiled “_______ him. 5 When Tina saw her friend, she waved *________ her and shoute id Ballo 2 her, 20 Verbs + preposition 2 45 Practise your Prepositions 2 = Verbs + prepositions 3 A knife consists of a handle and a blade. Note ‘They couldn't answer the teacher. Tilringltelephone your secretary. +noun | + doing apply for | J = apologise v v reply to |v eS look forward v v hear from| / - (= RECEIVE NEWS FROM SOMEONE IN A LETTER, BY TELEPHONE, ETC.) consist of |v 7 call on | - ISIT SOMEONE FORMALLY) drop in v - (= VISIT SOMEONE INFORMALLY OR UNEXPECTEDLY) Examples_ He apologised for his mistake/for making that mistake. Tm looking forward to my new job/to starting my new job. His job as a tourist guide consists of taking tourists round the town and answering their questions. Ask, answer, ring and telephone take no preposition: HB Finda suitable ending in column 2 for each sentence. Usually: 1 Wereply 2 We look forward 3 Weare pleased when we hear 4 We also enjoy telephoning a from our friends, b for being late. ¢ onold friends and relatives. d to people's letters. 5 We drop in e of work, home life, and leisure. 6 We apologise f togoing on holiday. 7 We apply § our friends. 8 Our lives consist h for jobs, or places on courses, etc. 14,2 a) 14 15 oO i 18 46 21 Verbs + prepositions 3 tobe | employed | in| + noun y as| (note qualified (eg. medicine) (eg. sa involved e + doing (eg. teaching) Examples He’s employed in the oil industry as an engineer. She's involved in travellii ell is ‘ eta ling to many countries as a business WE tinadeci a decided to apply for a spring holiday job at the music school. In each blank, iti ee write a preposition from Exercise I or 2, or write a Dear Sirs, would like to apply * for __ the job of spring holiday helper, which you advertised recently. I apologise o 2 applying rather late. When I telephoned your secretary, she said I could still apply Tam not employed *. teaching, but Iam qualified 5 an advanced guitar player (Grade 8) and Tam involved ©. teaching the guitar “ ahelper inayouth club. My work in the youth club consists “__—— helping the staff generally and some teaching. Thope you will be interested in my application, and am looking 8 forward hearing *°. ‘Yours faithfully, you. Tao Beur Eh write your own application fora job you would like 47

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