Newsletter Winterpdf 2016shettler

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Winter 2015/2016

Mrs. Latsch

Fine Arts
5th Grade
Fifth graders began the cold season creating a contour outline of a
gourd using glue. They first worked in their art journals on contour
outlines before using the glue on paper. They took thin permanent markers to outline
their glue marks so they would stand out. Then they used watercolor paint to color in
their composition. Students were even introduced to metallic watercolor paints.
Next, 5th graders studied Onomatopoeias and collage. They were to create a composition that filled the space using a variety of papers that were available. Many fifth
graders also created an origami eye study. Students also learned about gesture
drawing when they had student models. Students learned three different techniques
to use when drawing a gesture. They also created the human form in sculpture made
from aluminum foil. Finally, students studied 3-D sculpture when they created clay
masks using the slab and pinch hand built methods. Students also learned about the coil
method and where clay comes from
and other vocabulary like green
ware, bisque, glaze, kiln, fire, etc.

4th grade
Students began November by creating a painted landscape made out of tints and
shades. They learned how color appears differently to us as objects move in the distance. They also used watercolor paint to create some winter trees and used permanent markers to outline or for texture. Snow was added in different sizes to show a
variety of depth in the picture. Some students chose to add woodland animals in their
pictures. They turned out wonderful. Next, fourth graders made clay dragons built
using the coil method. They also studied where clay comes from and the many vocabulary words associated with clay like; green ware, 3-D, sculpture, glaze, fire, kiln,
bisque, natural, and artificial. Recently, 4th graders learned how to draw a room in
one-point perspective. They also learned that there are many different kinds of perspectives to draw.

3rd grade
Third graders began the winter finishing their warm and cool study of a fall foliage
tree on a grid. They learned about layering coloring pencils to create new colors.
Third graders also learned how warm colors come forward in a picture and cool colors
recede in a picture. Next, students created a slab built clay pot that included texture designs. Those were fired and painted using metallic and regular watercolor and
tempera paints.
.continued on next page.

I created a website that has pictures of many of

the projects we
are working on as
well as some photos
of our ArtPrize
trip. It can be
found under my
name on Fruitports
website through
the teacher pages
section found under the parent and
student links, or at

3rd grade continued

Students also created a step-by-step drawing of the Mayflower using chalk pastels. They learned how to show
depth or distance in the water by changing colors as the water recedes into the horizon. Students learned how to
use more than one color in objects when coloring them like other artists do to make things
appear more realistic, as in a form rather than a shape. Third graders learned about perspective when they created a birds eye view snowman on a wax-resist background. Students
used the collage technique to create their piece and used 3-D Os as spacers to separate the
snowballs and give depth. Surrealism was studied next. Students looked at Salvador Dalis
work and the work of other Surrealists. Students made their own Surrealist inspired piece
by creating an elephant in a Surrealistic style as well as adding Surrealistic elements to the
background as well. Recently, 3rd graders are studying relief printmaking. They are creating
a Styrofoam plate of a symmetrical city skyline on a background of warm and cool colors.

2nd grade
Second graders have worked on a warm and cool study from a worms eye view perspective involving fall foliage.
This is a paper collage using different construction papers and oil pastels. Students learned that warm colors
come forward in a picture and cool colors recede in a picture. We discussed perspective and how the artist can
change that perspective in their artwork. Next the students created clay pots using the coil building method. Students were able to paint these using tempera paint. A birds eye view perspective was studied next when the students created a snowman as if seen from above. Students used oil pastels and learned how to rub the oil pastels
to make the snowball appear 3-D. They also used 3-D O spacers on the backs of the snowballs to make them pop
out from each other. Students did a wax-resist in the background of the snowman. Penguins were studied next
when students learned how to use black and white chalk to shade a form of a penguin. They used a salt resist
background that created beautiful textures that mimic snow. Henri Matisse was studied next when student created freeform shapes. They looked at the art of Henri Matisse and created a symmetrical positive and negative
space abstract collage. Recently, students are working on a symmetrical rubbed transfer butterfly using oil pastels.

1st grade
Students began the winter creating a Splat the Cat inspired painting. First graders used plastic sporks to drag
the black paint on the edges of the cat to give it its furry texture. They used oil pastel for the details on the
cat. Next students learned about diagonal lines when they created a holiday tree using glue for the lines. Students also learned how to mix different varieties of green by using blue, yellow, and white. They also added sparKindergarten
kle detail to their trees when they were done painting. A self-portrait of the first graders was made next. The
picture involved them catching snowflakes on their tongues. They had to draw their mouth wide open and their
faces tilted up towards the sky. Recently, first graders have looked at the Northern Lights on video and created
a watercolor painting of the sky. Students also created winter animals using simple shapes and lines. They collaged
their winter animals in front of their Northern Light sky and added evergreen and deciduous trees to the snowy
ground. Recently, 1st graders have looked at drawing forms versus shapes when creating their castle marker
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In the beginning of the winter, kindergarteners made pumpkin pinch pots out of clay. They painted those using
tempera paint. Next, students made a collage inspired by the artists; Kandinsky and Klimt. Students learned about
patterns when they made a picture of themselves in mittens and a hat. We discussed details to include on their
faces such as pupils, nostrils, eyebrows, eyelashes, a top and bottom lip, etc. Recently, snowy owls were painted
using simple shapes, and the primary and secondary colors were studied when students made birds. Texture was
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studied next when the students went on a texture hunt around the school and created a texture bear collage.

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