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KEY COMPETENCES: These are the 3 main competences worked in this unit: 1. Linguistic Competence ( LC) 2, Mathernatical competence ( MC) 3. Learning to learn (L2L) LESSON 5: What is it for? Now that we have the mural that we have done at first season, the theacher will mark the differnets parts of the body ang the students will have to say what part is it, and what itis for. For example, when the theacher marks the stomach, the students have to answer which part of our body Is, and what It Is for. For example, this part is our stomacn and help us to digest the food. For the evaluation on the one hand evaluate continuing education and other individual written ‘To fit the unit as both parties have to he approved, having @ continuous training loed of 60% and 1.- INDIVIDUAL EVALUATION WORK (20%) she student perticipates actively In the activities, + The student {s able to perform the activities and acquired knowledge. + The student is able to debate and discuss concepts tearned. + The student uses Tie resource properly 2. EVALUATION OF GROUP ACTIVITIES (2076) F Students organize group work + Students expose work properly. + Students do work cooperatively, 3. EVALUATION WORK GROUP EXPANSION (6036) 1 Presentation without following any criteria. Without having prepared. 4 Correct presentation, inform and content information. Lies not structured. 2 It’s structured but incomplete, missing contents, Evaluation criteria - Learning standars {what the student is able to do at the end of the topic) EVALUATION CRITERIA 1. Know the structure of the living things: calls, tissue types, organs and systems: identifying the main features and functions. 72. Know different levels of classification of living things, according to their characteristics and types. 3. Know the characteristics and components of an ecosystem. 4. Use technological means, respecting the rules of use, safety and maintenance of ‘observing instruments and materials work, showing interest in the observation and rigorous study of all living things, and habits of respect and care for the living Beings. [LEARNING STANDARD 1.1, Identifies and explain the differences between, living things and non-living things. | 22 Observes, directly and indirectly, Indentifies characteristics, recognizes and classifies invertebrate animals. 2.3. Observes, direetly and indirectly, Indentifies characteristics, recognizes and. classifies vertebrate animals. 3.4. Recognizes and explain some ecosystems: land and water and the animals that live there. 3.5. Observes and identify different habitats of the living things. 4.1, Shows good conduct and respect towards the livings things. 4.3, Presents work clearly and in an organized fashion. 4.4. with help, carries Out a project about animals using different sources {paper, digital means, books, direct observation) and presenting the results orally and with the Support of images and short texts, 4.5. Respect usage rules and safety standards for using work tools and materials Subject: NATURAL SCIENCES Topic/ module: Human beings and health Level: 1st grade primary education. Timing: first term OBJECTIVES: * Washing hands removes dirt and germs that causes diseases. * Understand the importance of keeping hands clean. * Take responsibility for keeping hands clean. * Identify and practice desirable habits; exercise, rest, cleanliness, nutritional meal. * Understand why rest is important in keeping us healthy. = Name and identify healthy foods. = Learn the five senses. * Students will describe and identify objects by using one sense. Activity 3: Practice and Production - Whole Class (15’) Teacher shows to the pupils a slideshow in the digital board with this pattern: IMAGE OF AN ANIMAL IMAGE WITH THE NAME> X-RAY PHOTOGRAPH ey < And when doing that, the teacher will ask them the fallowing questions before showing the next slide: {. What is this animal? Who can tell me what animal is this? b. What is the name in English? {a2 they may knew it in Spanish, teacher will tell them the name in Englich). cis this animal vertebrate or invertebrate? (students will try to guess ith. While students are answering these questions we will filla chart on the black board which includes a Janguage structure to follow and the movernent of every animal. We will try also to encourage students to say and repeat the right pattern VERTEBRATE INVERTEBRATE ‘STRUCTURE MOWEMENT This is a. (rabbit) tt can. The__{rabbit]__ie — Walk/tump/Fly/Swim/Slither (verteprate/inverterate) Topics modul Human beings and health Level: ast grade primary education. Ti ing: first term OBJECTIVES: * Washing hands removes dirt and germs that causes diseases. + Understand the importance of keeping hands clean. + Take responsibility for keeping hands clean * Identify and practice desirable habits; exercise, rest, cleanliness, nutritional meal. +) Understand why rest is important in keeping us healthy. = Name and identify healthy foods. Learn the five senses. Students will describe and identify objects by using one sense. CONTENTS: Human beings and health. Choose the movement Ht can make ” (only 1 can fits in each) This is 0. Walk Jump. Fly __ parrov’ ‘This tsa This isa CONTENTS: Human beings and health. Language of learning - Vocabulary: Bacteria, antibiotics, contagious, hygiene, illness, infection, medicines, clean, disinfect. Healthy, food poisoning, obesity, exercise, fats, carbohydrate, ilLfed. Touch, sight, smell, taste, hearing, feeling, describes. Language for learning - Language items and structures -You should... -How could you? -| like to have ... for breakfast. +1 like eating .. -llove .. -| like to; smell, see, hear, taste, feel... “This object is; soft, hard, round, big, sma -The smell is strong, nice, horrible. -It taste good or bad. It’s bitter or sweet. “The sound is relaxing, annoying, irritating... CONTENTS: = Food chain, interdependent relationship between beings that comprise it; producers, consumers first order, consumers second order and decomposers. - Ecological balance. The actian of man on the environment. Tanguane of learning ~ Vocabulary Tanguane for learning - Language ltems ond structures - Consumers (primary/secondary/tertiary | Sentences-level support (explaining a process) order) “Decomposers ~ Substitution table: = Food Chain 7 Eeclogical balance 2. Plankton |s food tor fish, * Ecosystem ‘seaten by “Vertebrates 2. Fish Is food for whales, “Invertebrates pee, “omnivores = Mammals ~ Sentence starters: = Amphibians TReptiles SHerbivores are animals which only eat l Browsers Primary consumers are animals which eat 2 oGrazers some carnivores are Cpredstors These animals are able to eat “Carnivorous TGmnlwores = Basie grammar: “ Herbivores. > There is/there are - there isn't/there aren't > l/you/ne/shesi/we/yousthey “ present simple/present continuous/past simple/future simple. (positive /megative “/question?) Activity 3: The dive of senses (LS, SCC) In this activity wo are going to play with 2 dico, in each of the face are drawn a picture of @ senses organ, We are throwing both dice and then we are saying un object that we can perceived with these organs. For example: mouth nose what things we can smell and taste? uly 2015-16 ‘Ana Jimenez Vazquez Source for the game: Warm up- (45 min) (Interaction-mainly students to teacher) (CCL/ MCST/ IE/ CAE) 1)Dally routine: Evervday a student of the class (previous agreement with the teacher) introduces the lesson: Greeting, date, weather, menu of the day 2) Brainstorming to review previous knowledge thraugh the following mind map an the board —— nutrition — interaction reproduction Presentation- (20 min) Students are introduced to the contents to be seen today (Interaction teacher to students) (LC/DC/ CAE) Explanation with the help of a projected image of a human being about how the human body is organized and the three different functions of the living beings. Flashcards with new vocabulary related to repradu pronunciation’ n, interaction and specially, nutrition. They repeat the Practice- (5 min)(Students practice individually) (L2L/DC/MCST) Picasso dictation: each student has a worksheet/drawing in their tablets with a shape of a human body and its organs, the teacher starts dictating the process of the food from the moment it enters through our mouth until it is excreted and all the organs involved in the process. The students have to draw the line that the food follows in our bady and colour the organs involved in the pracess Production: (15 min} (Task: students work with the cooperative team, Interaction: students ‘Coal-down = (10 min) (LC/L2L/ie) Filling the card: what | have learnt today Tidy up Song Warm up-(15 min) (Interaction-mainly students to teacher) (CCL/ MCST/ IE/ CAE} Daily routine: Everyday a student of the class (previous agreement with the teacher} introduces the lesson: Greeting, date, weather, menu of the day 2)Review all previous vocabulary, show an slide projected with a photo with different items seen before in the unit for § seconds, right after the image disappears, students have to write down as many things as thay remember Level: 3rd of Primary Education Timing: 1 month ‘OBIECTIVES: © Identity the planets in the Solar System. © Identity the planet's’ pesition In relation to the sun. © Identity the Solar system as 2 part of the Universe. © Identify the Solar System as 2 part of a bigger system, the Milky Way. ‘CONTENTS: “The universe “The Milky Way athe Solar System Eight Planets, Star, Twenty four hours, athe Earth's Rotation “The Moon (New Moon, Full Meon, Waxing “The Earth revolution Moon and Waning Moon} “The four compass points LESSON 10: Session that will be reinforced with more complex exercises the knowledge and skills acquired by student in this unit. 1. ACTIVITY: Conceptual map (10 min) Correct the conceptual map that was made the last session with paints: * Vertebrates. * Invertebrates. * Characteristics. * Has the body covered by * They are reproduced. The concept map should be created with the computer program KEY COMPETENCES: linguistic competence, mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology, digital competence, learning to lear, initiative and entrepreneurship. LESSON 5: This session will strengthen the knowledge imparted so far 1. Review (5.min) Reviewing seen in the last class to enter the class. The teacher will make a brief summary of the concepts given in the last class. 2.- ACTIVITY: Who is who? (15 min) It divides the class in groups of five, professor allocated among student a card with the name of an animal and the student must describe using the vocabulary and the concepts taught so far. The others bandmates must guess what animal it comes. KEY COMPETENCES: linguistic competence, learning te learn socil and clvie competenci, initiative and entrepreneurship. 3.- ACTIVITY: Entertainment (20 min) + to correct (10 min) The teacher will provide students with some crosswords, alphabet soup and phrase with blanks space to fill (annexed 2). Using the vocabulary and the concepts taught so far. KEY COMPETENCES: Ingulste competences, learning to lear, iitlative and entrepreneurship, 4. Reinforce knowledge (10 min) Based on the results of the exercises in the day, the teacher will reinforce the concepts you see that students are less secured, CONTENTS: = Food chain, interdependent relationship between beings thet comprise it; producers, consumers first order, consumers second order and decomposers = Ecological balance. The action of man on the environment ee ay Esological balance: 1. Plankton is food for fish. Ecosystem eaten by eee es 2. Fish is food for whales. ora tent > There is/there ara there isr’t/there aren't > i/vourha/she/t/we/yourthey + present smple/present continucus/east simple/future simple, (positive /negative “/question?)

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