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Topic: Physical Therapy advances

Estimated Doctors and Therapists,

Physical Therapy advances have been increasing in the last decade. Doctors and therapists
should be informed about all new technologies are now available. The use of these methods for
their patients with movement disabilities of any kind will change their lives remarkably. The
Ekso suit, rehabilitation robots, and the already know videogame console called "Wii", can make
the difference on therapies. These advances need to be in El Paso's hospitals and therapy centers
as soon as possible for citizens to take advantage of this technologies.
The Ekso is a bionic suit that enables patients to stand up by their own with the supervision of a
therapist. It helps patients with any kind of disability such as brain damage, movement disability,
Parkinson, etc. Arjun Kharpal writer and assistant producer for CNBC wrote, Through a number
of different sensors and motors, the device, made by U.S.-based Ekso Bionics, helps people walk
via its mechanical legs. If users move their leg slightly forward, the suit will give mechanical
assistance to help the person take a step by sensing the movement". For instance, the CNBC
news gave a report last year in March 29 of 2015, of a soldier of the British Army named Dale
Messenger. He received therapy and medicine for 12 months until he started using the Ekso.
Because of the use of this, he started to take less medicines continuing with just his therapies and
at the same time he was able to walk by himself.
Another technology that should be incremented in El Pasos physical therapies is the
rehabilitation robot. The Indianapolis University has come with the robots invention in the year
2013. It consists of five robots controlled by a computer system with its own internal engine or
power for movement. The robots have different tasks, one focuses on the shoulder-elbow,
another on the wrist and a third on the full upper extremity. A fifth robotic device focuses on the
ankle. One robot of this kind is called Lokomat, which accelerates therapy intensity and its
rhythm, accelerating the advance of the patient.
This two inventions use high technology, which clearly is making a difference in therapies.
Another invention that is already known and not expensive as the two already mentioned is the
videogame console Wii. It seems to be unbelievable that a videogame console could improve
people live. This console comes with sport videogames such as gold, tennis, box, which are a
passive way to practice and be active improving your body movement. If we make more people
play this kind of videogames, it will make people be more active and at the same time for they to
have a good time. For example, according to the supplemental health care webpage, Wii golf has
helped speed up recovery times for stroke patients at Kaiser Permanente in Redwood City, CA.
Demonstrating that patients will be more excited to practice movement while playing, engaging
them to keep trying in order to improve their health.
There are more physical therapies advances that are making a difference than just the mentioned
above. Health technology has helped million of people around the world, changing their lives
entirely. By saying this, doctors and therapists have the urge to consider changing their therapies
to a more advanced and updated technology. This increments the possibilities of people being
able to walk, move, run, jump, etc. by them selves. If this can be the solution or at least be closer
to accomplish it, definitely they have to be implemented on todays hospitals and therapy centers.
Sincerely, Adali Perez.

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