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Lesson Plan Format-Revised 3-25-2014

UIU Student Name_____Elizabeth Davis___________________________________
Classroom Teacher
(for FE and Student Teaching Only)_____________________________________________
Date ___1/8/2016__Grade Level/Content Area____11th 12th Marketing________________
TITLE OF LESSON TO BE TAUGHT ___Marketing Concepts Introduction to Marketing


Set Learning Outcomes and Objectives to explicitly align with National Standards and
Iowa Core (Step LO & O)
Learning Outcome(s):
i. The student will understand the exchange process.
ii. The student will explain how value is determined.

Iowa Core Standard(s): Understand the functions of economic institutions.

Objective(s): Given materials for The Exchange Game the student will be able to
experience the exchange process and describe how value is determined with 100%
degree accuracy.

I Can Statement(s): I can describe the exchange process and how value is

Essential Question(s): What is marketing?

Formative Assessment
How will you use formative assessments to determine whether each student is
learning the intended outcomes? What will you observe the students doing
in each stage of the lesson?
o APK:
Ss will discuss with small group what questions about
marketing they have.
Ss will review table of contents of textbook with small group.
o ANI:
Ss will experience exchange process.
Ss will identify items they exchanged and their value.
Ss will reflect on the outcome of the exchange process.
o APP:
Ss will discuss exchange process.
Ss will explain how value is determined.
How will you use the results of the assessment to plan future instruction?

o Students who describe the exchange process and how value is

determined with 100% accuracy are ready to move on to the next
lesson. Students who had trouble describing the exchange process and
how value is determined will be given small group instruction to
assure they understand these concepts.


Summative Assessment
(Not every lesson will have a summative assessment)
Explain how students achievement of outcomes and objectives will be
assessed at the end point.
Summative Assessment Development: What, from this lesson, will appear
on your unit summative assessment? What will it look like on the
Test Question: N/A
What levels, on Blooms Taxonomy, are being assessed?
Test Question: N/A
What data are you going to gather that will tell you how well the students
mastered your outcomes in Step LO & O?
Ss Exchange Game worksheet
Ss Exit Ticket
What will an assessment that has met the outcomes look like?
The worksheet will have the exchange process properly documented.
The exit ticket will have a description of how value is determined,
along with one thing the student learned today and one question that
the student still has.
(Explain in as much detail as necessary, each teacher and/or student action needed to
achieve the desired results for each of the steps below. If possible, include time
estimates for each action/step.)
o Access Prior Knowledge (Step APK) Approximately 10 minutes
o TTW write the following question on the board, What questions do you
have about marketing?
o TTW divide students into small groups.
o TSW brainstorm and create a list of questions that they have about
o TTW say For each question on your list look at the table of contents
of our textbook and write what chapter you think the question will be
o TTW allow students time to brainstorm questions and review table of
o TTW lead discussion on the questions developed and create a master list
organized by the chapters in the book.
o Acquire New Information (Step ANI) Approximately 20 to 30 minutes
o TTW will introduce The Exchange Game activity (from textbook,
Marketing Dynamics). See Instruction sheet in materials.
o TTW distribute The Exchange Game worksheet to students.

o TSW complete The Exchange Game activity, including completing the

o Apply Declarative/Procedural Knowledge (Step APP) Approximately 10 to 20
o TTW lead class in discussion using discussion questions for The Exchange
Game activity.
o Generalize or Summarize-Closure of the Lesson (Step GEN): What do you want
the students to take from this lesson and apply in other contexts? Tie your
essential question(s) and I Can statement(s) into this.
o TTW review how does the exchange process work.
o TSW complete exit slip
TSW describe how value is determined.
TSW list one thing the learned today.
TSW list one question they still have.
o Homework (Step HW)
o No homework for this lesson

Materials Needed (e.g. video, simulation, graphic organizer, equipment, etc.)

White Board / Markers
Text Book Marketing Dynamics pg. 6- 13
The Exchange Game Instruction Sheet (from Text Book Marketing Dynamics)
One brown paper bag for every student
Small items such as pens, pencils, sample shampoo, candy. There should be
between one and three items per student. Possibly one or two items of higher
value per class such as key rings, water bottles, and T-shirts.
The Exchange Game Worksheet for every student (from Text Book Marketing
ELL Vocabulary Worksheet from


Accommodations/Modifications for Diverse Learners

Explain how instructional activities will be differentiated (options include content,
process, product and/or environment) for these diverse students:
i. TAG
ii. At Risk
1. At Risk students will get inclusion through small group activities.
iii. ELL
1. ELL students will get vocabulary worksheet with pictures.
iv. Special Education


Teacher Reflections
What did you expect the students to know understand, and be able to do by the
end of this lesson?

What went really well in the lesson?
What challenges did you face?
What would you do differently in the future?
Reflect on how expressive (speaking, writing) and/or receptive (listening,
reading) literacy was incorporated in the lesson.

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