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8th Grade U.S.

Teacher Information:
Ms. Hannah Hendrickson
Room 117
Modifications are in bold and marked with asterisks

Realize the importance of social studies in lifelong learning

Recognize the importance of global thinking
Examine multiple perspectives of historical event and their effects on

Exhibit historical thinking and recognize bias in analyzing texts


Be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe!

Be Positive! Be Prepared! Be Considerate! Be Organized!
Complete all assignments on time. Extra Credit Assignments will be
available at selected times during the semester. This is only available to

those who have completed all the assignments.

Be willing to cooperate and work with others. Never disrupt the teachers

ability to teacher and peers ability to learn.

**Headphones and cell phones must be put away during class unless

given express permission from the teacher first.

Cheating will not be tolerated. Any student caught cheating will be given
an automatic zero on the assignment and a parent notification.
o **Plagiarism, or taking another persons work and passing it
off as your own, is a form of cheating. Any form of this will
result in a zero on the assignment.

Late Work

All assignments are due on the date provided. Plan for homework to be

due the next time class meets unless noted otherwise.

Late homework may be accepted up to five days at a penalty of 10% per
day. After five days of being late no passing grade will be given but will

points will be awarded.

No assignments can be turned in after the semester is over.


8th Grade U.S. History

Bell Work: Students will complete a bell ringer every day that we have
class. Students are required to complete the bell work and earn points for
the completion of it. Students in school activities or absent will be exempt
from that days bell work. **These points cannot be made up if the

assignment is not turned in.

Current Events: Students are required to complete three current events
per month. These are due on the last day of the month that the class
meets (not necessarily on the last calendar day of the month). Students
may, and are encouraged to, use current events that are discussed in the
bell ringer. Students may also write about events they see on news

channels, hear on the radio, or read in the newspaper.

Students may receive homework. They are expected to complete and
turn in that homework by the next class unless a due date specifies
differently. Late assignments will be graded based on the Late Work

policy listed above.

Students will have projects. These may need to be worked on outside of
school time. If students use their time wisely these should not require the

Internet; just the device the school provided to each student.

**Assignments turned in without a name will not be graded.
**The Remind App is an application that will send out text message
reminders about homework assignments and upcoming due dates.
If you wish to be part of this please include your mobile numbers on
the last page.

**Extra Credit

Extra Credit is available for students who have no missing work at the end
of each month, in the form of one current event per month. Extra credit is
not accepted after the due date and points will not be rewarded if the
student has missing work.

8th Grade U.S. History

Points will be awarded based on completion and effort shown on

assignment. Students can earn up to 10 points on this assignment.

Grade Percentages

70-79%= C
60-69%= D

Please sign and return the last page with your student by the date listed. The
above can be kept for your reference. Please include your contact information.

By signing this and sending it back to school with your student. You are
signifying that you have read and understand this syllabus. If you have any
questions or concerns, please contact me. Please provide your contact
information if you have not done so already.

8th Grade U.S. History

Parent/guardian of
Parents/Guardians Names:
Phone Number:
Email (please disregard if you responded to my email already):

**Remind App Mobile Number:

Students: By bringing this signed form back by Friday January 29, you will
receive your first A, worth 10 points!

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