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Diseases n Cure

Male Sexual Diseases

Al-Ahmar: Is a medicine of first order for impotency but its use is recommended for the old age
patients and those suffering from bronchitis in winters.
Dose: 15 mg.
Direction: To be taken after mixing with 10 gm of butter or cream then drink 250 ml. of milk.
Asabole: Strengthens muscles, cures impotency due to nocturnal emissions and strengtens
erection. Especially useful for old people.
Dose: 1 pill.
Direction: At bed time with milk or water.
Qurs Kharateen: Specially effective in the weakness caused due to sexual act. Stimulates
Nervous system and strengthens sexual organs.
Dose: 2 pills
Direction: To be taken in morning after mixing with 5 gm of Laboob Kabir then take milk also.
It can be taken with milk alone.
Kushta Shinghraf: Removes general physical debility, strengthens muscles, improves appetite,
digests food, increases sexual stimulation and helps in formation of blood, useful in cough,
philgm and Asthma. To be consumed in winters.
Dose: 60 mg. or 2 pills.
Direction: To be taken after mixing with 10 mg. Kushta Honey and 250 ml. milk.
Kushta Samul Far: Vitaliser of first order, increases appetite and improves digestion. Digests
oil and milk.
Dose: 30 mg.
Direction: to be taken after mixing with 25 gm. of cream or butter then take 250 ml of milk.
Johar Seen: Strengthens stomach and improves digestion, increases appetite, gives strength to
the muscles and increases sexuality. It very useful in winter for old people and people suffering
with Bronchitis.
Dose: 30 mg.
Direction: To be taken after mixing with 26 gm. of cream or buttermilk.
Zofine: A speedy stimulant for spinal sex centres. Removes impotance due to weakness of
nerves. An effective remedy for psychic importance, particularly recommended for middle aged
Direction: With the pack.
Majun Aspand Sokhtani: Vitalised potency. Increases stiffness in penis.
Dose: 5-10 gm.
Direction: To be taken in morning with 250 ml. milk.
Majun Jalinus Loolvi: Strengthens body. Acts as vitaliser to muscles, helps in formation of
pure blood and brings lustre on face. Removes general debility.
Dose: 5 gm.
Direction: To be taken in morning and evening with 250 ml. milk.
Habbe Jalinus: These pills strengthen the muscles and increase the libido. Direction: To be
taken in morning with 250 ml. milk.
Majun Jalali: Strengthens sexual nerves and improves fertility, provides strength to muscles
and checks sexual debility. Increases sperm count and makes the semen dense.
Dose: 5 gm.
Direction: To be taken in morning with 250 ml. of milk.
Majun Tila: Impotency and sexual debility caused by multiple erection is cured by this
medicine. Strengthens penis and also provides strength to weak heart.

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Dose: 3 gm.
Direction: To be taken alongwith 60 ml of Maullhamm Do Aatsha or 250 ml. of milk.
Majun Pumbadana: It is a stimulant and increases sperm count.
Dose: 10 gm.
Direction: To be taken in morning with 250 ml. milk.
Majun Falasfa: A speedy stimulant for spinal sex centre. Strengthens muscles, kidney and
bladder and stops polyuria. Cures backache and rheumatic pain. Increases appetite and
improves digestion.
Dose: 5-10 gm.
Direction: To be taken in morning or at bed time with 250 ml. milk.
Majun Momyae: A great vitaliser. strengthens muscles, cures coitus weakness. Increases
fertility and removes general physical debility.
Dose: 3 gm.
Direction: To be taken in the morning with 250 ml. milk.
Majun Shabab Awar: It strengthens the brain and nerves. Removes impotency. Checks
premature ejaculation. Miraculous effect in checking general debility.
Direction: With the pack.
Labub-ul Asrar: Strengthens heart, brain and muscles. Increases semen and fertility.
Dose: 10 gm.
Direction: To be taken in morning with 250 ml. milk.
Labub Kabir: Strengthens the brain and muscles. Increases sperm and virility. Removes
general debility.
Dose: 5-10 gm.
Direction: To be taken the morning with 250 ml. milk.
Labub Sagheer: Increases semen and virility.
Dose: 10 gm.
Direction: To be taken in the morning with 250 ml. milk.
Lahmina: Is an essence of 40 vitalisers which provide unlimited power and energy to human
body. Use of Lahmina results in a healthy life and is useful in all ailments due to general debility
in males and females. Lahmina is effective in continuous lack of interest in life and work,
tiredness, lazyness and sluggishness.
Direction: with the pack.
Habbe Ahmar: Good for consumption in winters. Strengthens the muscles and increases
Dose: 1/2 -1 pill
Direction: For first week take 1/2 pill by adding in cream or butter and then drink 250 ml. milk
afterwards. Continue this procedure for one week, then take one full pill in the same manner.
Habbe Ambar Momyae: Provides strength to Heart, Brain and Muscles. Improves semen.
Dose: 2 pills
Direction: To be taken at night with 250 ml. milk.
Habbe Khas: Strengthens all vital organs like liver, brain, heart and muscles. Increase virility.
Improves blood circulation. Strengthens stomach and improves appetite.
Dose: 2 pills
Direction: To be taken morning or night with 250 ml. milk.
Habbe Jadwar: Increases virility and maintains erection. Cures sperm loss and premature
ejaculation. Also useful in cough and cold.
Dose: One or 2 pills.
Direction: To be taken in morning and night with 250 ml. milk.
Mubhi Khas: These tablets are very effective in increasing virility, strengthens the muscles
instantly and cures impotency due to weakness of muscles and indigestion,
Direction: With the pack.

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Habbul Misk: Stimulates the brain, nerves and muscles and thus increases vitality.
Dose: 1 pill.
Direction: To be taken in morning and night with milk.
Hamdogen: It is such a special mixture of stimulating healthy and effective medicines which
help in regaining lost vigour and improves the sexual health. Removes fatigue. Increases the
sexual desire even in healthy men. It is very good tonic for young and old people, because of its
medical effects. It can be used for a long time without any side effects.
Dose: 1-2 pills.
Direction: To be taken in morning and evening with milk or water.
Halwa Salab: It is very good aphrodisiac it increases semen formation, cures general debility of
body and muscles it healthy.
Dose: 25 gm.
Direction: Take 250 ml. of milk every morning after intake of this Halwa. Arq Ambar, Arq
Mullayan Ambri, Kushta Tila katan, Kushta Nakura are also helpful in curing impotency these are
mentioned in 'Heart weakness" Majoon Supari Pak and Majoon Sheel Barh Wali are also helpful
in impotency.

Nocturnal emissions and Spermatozoa

Qurs Jiryan: Checks nocturnal emissions and spermatrorhoea which are caused by excessive
sexual excitement and wrong acts during youth.
Direction: In the pack.
Qurs Salajeet: Useful in all types of nocturnal emissions. Checks the ailment very fast and
stops polyuria. Removes general debility.
Dose: 2 pills.
Direction: In morning with 250 ml. milk.
Kushta Qalai: Rectifies Nocturnal Emissions, Spermatorrhoea and impotency.
Dose: 125 mg. or 2 pills.
Direction: to be taken with 10 gm. Majoon Aarad Khurma and consume 250 ml. milk
Kushta Jast: Checks Noctural Emissions, Spermatorrhoea and seminal thinness. Also useful in
leucorrhoea (whites) in females.
Dose: 60 mg.
Direction: To be taken after mixing with butter.
Kushta Sadaf: useful in Nocturnal guissions in males and leucorrhorea in females.
Dose: 60 mg. or one pill.
Direction: To be taken after mixing with 125 gm. butter.
Kushta Surab: Checks nocturnal emissions., spermatorrhoea, semen thinness and is effective
in women menstruation.
Dose: 30 mg. or 1 pill.
Direction: To be taken by mixing it with 10 gm. Kushta Majun Ard Khurma and drink 250ml.
milk thereafter.
Kushta Musallas: Removes Nocturnal emission, semen thinness and speratorrhoea.
Dose: 60 mg. or 2 pills.
Direction: To be taken with 250 ml. milk after mixing in Kushta Majoon Ard Khurma.
Jernide: Reduces the abnormal sensitiveness and inability of the male organ and thus checks
seminal discharges. Relieves burning sensation in urine.
Direction: In the pack.
Dawae Deputi Sahib Wali: Effective medicine for nocturnal emissions.
Dose: 125-250 mg or one pill.
Direction: To be taken after mixing with 10 gm. butter.
Balooti: Controls all types of seminal discharges. Strengthens kidneys and the bladder. Checks

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frequent and involuntary micturition, backache. It can also be given to children who do bed
Direction: In the pack.
Misali: Normalises the speedy stimulation of spinal sex centres and removes spermatorrhoea.
Dose: 1 pill.
Direction: In morning or at bedtime with water or milk.
Majun Ard Khurma: Checks excessive nocturnal emissions and sperm matorrhoea and
increases density of semen.
Dose: 10 gm.
Direction: To be taken with Kushta Kalai (1 Nug) and drink 250 ml. milk afterwards.
Majun Jiryan Khas: Useful for nocturnal emissions, increases density of semen.
Dose: 10 gm.
Direction: To be taken in the morning with 250 ml. milk.
Majun Mughalliz Jawahar Wali: Highly effective in nocturnal emission spematorrhoea, Checks
premature ejaculation.
Dose: 5 gm.
Direction: To be taken in the morning with 250 ml. milk.
Safuf Muallif: Checks Spermatorrhoea and premature ejaculations.
Dose: 5 gm.
Direction: To be taken on the morning with milk.
Sharbat Salajit: Useful in spermatorrhoea, decreases density of semen and premature
Dose: 5 gm.
Direction: To be taken in morning and evening.

Premature Ejaculation
Qurs Abyaaz: Effective in spermatorrhoea and decrease in density of semen., continued use for
sometime rectifies premature ejaculation.
Dose: 5 pills.
Direction: To be taken in the morning with 250 ml. milk.
Majun Muqawwi Mumsik: Increases sexual vigour and vitality and power of erection.
Dose: 1 gm.
Direction: 3 hours before intercourse with 250 ml.milk.
Kushta Qalai: Increases retentive power and sex virility. Strengthens the nerves and increases
Dose: 1 gm.
Direction: To be taken in morning with 250 ml.milk or 60 ml. Hamdared Mullayam.
Mulazziz Ajeeb: Helps both the partners to regain sexual pleasure during intercourse.
Direction: With the pack.
Mumsik Benazir: Increases power of retention and sexual pleasure.
Direction: With the pack.
Metosine: Continued use of metosine helps in curing the spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation.
Its action as a old age regenerator has been fully established through continuous research and
analysis by hundred laboratories. Metosine cures general disorder and inspires men to lead a
meaningful life.
Note: Mentosin is fully safe from poisonous and unwanted effects.
Dose: 2 pills.
Direction: Twice or thrice a day either with water, milk. The dose can be reduced after some
Habbe Nishat: Increases retentive power, strengthens the virility, cures dissolution of semen
and sphesmatorrhoaea.

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Dose: 2 pills.
Direction: To be taken after digestion of food and 2 hours before coitus with 250 ml. milk.
Habbe Mumsik Tilai: Increases retentive power. Strengthens the nerves.
Dose: 1 pill.
Direction: To be taken after digestion of food and 2 hours before coitus with 250 ml milk.
Habbe Mumsik Surkh: Increases retentive power and virility.
Dose: 1 pill.
Direction: To be taken 2 hours before intercourse with 250 ml.milk.

Sexual Sluggishness, Feebleness and Obliquity

Gentol: Strengthens the sexual organ and muscles. Increases blood flow in penis & helps in
erection of penis.
Direction: In the pack.
Dawaye Malish: This is used one day before Dawaye Takor. It eases the reflexes ad nerves
which help in erection of penis.
Direction: In the pack.
Dynamol (Liquid Ointment-liniment): is a result of rigorous research done by Delhi
Laboratories of Hamdard. It is composed of medicines which act rapidly in increasing sexual
excitement and blood circulation. It soothens the nerves and helps the orgran to strengthen and
promotes easy erection. Highly effective in gaining sexual strength of organ. A speedy
stimulation for spinal sex centre. Increases sex vigour.
Direction: Gently Rub 10 drops of Dynamol on male organ once a day. Discontinue if there is
any side effect and apply coconut oil on affected portions. Continue with medicine once the pain
and side effect vanishes. For full effect use it for 3-4 weeks.
Dynamol (Cream): Mental tension arising out of pressures in social life, altered food habits etc.
are some of the reasons for sexual sluggishness Feebliness and Obliquity. Rubbing dosage of
this cream strengthens the tissues of male organ and increases sexual vigour by activating the
glandular and nervous system. It massage removes the stiffness in male organ and corrects
Direction: Apply 750 mg. Dynamol Cream on male organ once a day and massage till it
vanishes. In case of any side effect stop its use temporarily and apply coconut oil on affected
portion. On healing continue the use of cream for 3-4 week for full effect.
Tila Azam: Increases blood circulation in the affected organ and removes sexual weakness.
Energises the penis and helps in erection.
Direction: In the pack.
In case of any side effects such as itching or whelks stop the use of cream immediately and
apply Roghan Chameli. After recovery continue the application of cream for sometime.
Tila Ajeeb: Removes sexual debility due to weakness of nerves and strengthens the penis.
Direction: Massage 500 gm of this ointment protecting the lower end of the penis.
Tila Arusak: Usage this ointment removes all sexual disorder caused by sexual misdeeds.
Strengthen the tissues to regain vigour.
Direction: Apply on the penis and tie a warm betel leaf.
Tila Kimiya Taser: A fully safe ointment with no side effects. It cures all disorders in genital
organ caused by sexual misdeeds in young age.
Tila Muqawwi Khas: Its a complete cure for sexual disorders like sluggishness, feebliness,
obliquity etc. caused by excessive sexual acts. Its use increases the stimulation of nerves &
muscles as well as the blood flow to the penis thus making the penis hard and erect.
Direction: In the pack.
Tila Musakkin: Useful in speratorrhoea. Increase retentive power.
Direction: Apply daily on genital organ and testis with cotton swab.
Tila Shabab Awar: Its use help to regain the lost vigour and vitality and energises the blood
circulation in organ. Removes obliquity, specially useful for old people for regaining sex vigour.
Direction: In the pack.

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Roghan Kharateen: Increases sex vigour and vitality.

Direction: Tie the organ with betal leaf after massage.

Diseases of Children
Naunehal Baby Tonic: This tonic is recognised tonic for the treatment of vitamin deficiency
diseases of children e.g. general debility, rickets, pillagra, swollen joints, swollen gums, dry skin,
excessive cold etc.
Direction: In the pack.
Hamdard Lal Tail: This oil clears skin of the limbs and corrects the shape of bones.
Direction: Massage on the limbs of children. Iksirul Atphal and Safuf Chutki are also useful in
rickets. These are mentioned under the heading of "Indigestion".

Excessive Thirst
Arq Pudina and Arq Badyan are useful in excessive thirst. These are described under the heading
Stomach Diseases

Indigestion / Constipation
Iksirul Atphal: Keeps the stomach of children in prime condition, checks indigestion and
maintains growth of children.
Direction: In the pack.
Nauhehal Gripe Syrup: This oil clears skin of the limbs and corrects the shape of bones.
Direction: In the pack.
Bablax: Removes constipation and cures digestive disorders of infants 1-3 months old. Relives
pain due to flatulence and twisting of bowels.
Direction: In the pack.
Safuf Chutki: Useful in many diseases of children. Removes indigestion and constipation,
increase appetite and releases gas.
Dose: 550 mg - 1 gm.
Direction: Give by diluting with little quantity of water.
Hamdard Gripe Water: An ideal digestive tonic for babies. Has all the pain relieving
groupness of five curative herbs Soya, Pudina, Ajwain, Zeera and Saunff.
Direction: In the pack.

Diarrhoea in Children
Habbe Narkachor: Stops yellowish-green stool in children, strengthens stomach and cures
boils and whelks.
Dose: 1 pill.
Direction: Give 4 hourly by mixing in mother's milk

Epilepsy of Children
Habbe Sara: Useful in epilepsy in both children and adults.
Dose: Children: 1 pill, Adults: 3 pills.
Direction: To children, give by mixing in mother's milk. To adults at bed time with water.
Khamira Gawzaban Ambri Jadvaar Od Saleeb Wala is also effective for epilepsy. Give 1 gm.
three times a day.

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General Debility
Arq Maullaham Ambri Banuskha kalan: strengthens all vital organ and brings pleasure and
increase sexual vigour.
Direction: To be taken in the morning with 25 ml. Sharbat Annaar Sheeri. More effective if
taken with 5 gm. Dwaulmisk Motdil.
Kushta Tila Kalan: Helps in formation of healthy blood and removes general debility. Vitaliser
of class order.
Dose: 30 mg. or one pill.
Direction: To be taken after mixing in 5 gm. Dwaulmisk Motdil Jawahar Wali or 5 gm. Labob
Kabir with 250 ml. milk.
Gamone: Stimulates linear functions. Extremely beneficial for persons suffering from diarrhoea
disorders. Removes general debility. Also acts as an energiser and improves muscle tone.
Direction: In the pack.
Maullaham Do Atsha: The well known tonic of the Unani system for heart, brain and nerves.
Improves liver and intestinal functions, gives vitality in old age. To be used in winter by both
Direction: In the pack.
Maussehat: Regulates the normal functions of all the bodyeven during hot summer. Increases
work efficiency and stamina. Removes giddiness, palpitation, lazyness etc. and makes one
cheerful. Effective for people of all age.
Direction: In the pack.
Mindoza: Very useful in conditions of calcium deficiency, disorders of the teeth and gums and
chronicle. Recommended for expecting and nourishing mothers. Dissolves rapidly in the blood.
Available in pills.
Sharbat Iksir Khas: Helps formation of haemoglobin in the blood, strengthens the brain and
nerves and removes general debility. For consumption by people of all ages.
Direction: In the pack.
Sharbat Faulad: Corrects iron deficiency conditions and checks disease caused by it, Increases
Haemaglobin and face appeares red.
Cinkara: A well known tonic with vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts. Quickly restores lost
energy. Increases appetite, improves debility and condition of fatigue and cavalescence. Should
be given as a diet supplement to all members of the family particularly to expecting and nursing
Direction: In the pack.

Diseases of Brain and Nerves

Weakness of Brain (Brain Fag)
Itrifal Muqawwi Dimagh : This Itrifal strengthens the brain and improves eyesight. Useful for
chronic cold and headache.
Dose: 10 gm
Direction:With milk at bedtime or in the morning.
Khamira Gawzaban Sada : Strengthens the brain. Also Useful for strengthening the heart.
Relieves mental strain and dilirium.
Dose: 10 gm.
Direction:In the morning after wrapping in silver leaf.
Khamira Gawzaban Ambri: Strengthens the heart and the brain. Removes heart palpitation
and tension of bad apprehensions. Improves eyesight and memory. Its daily use is very
beneficial for people doing mental work.
Dose: 5 gm to 10 gm
Direction: : Before breakfast or as and when needed.
Khamira Gawzaban Ambri Jawahar Wala: More effective and gives instant results than all
above mentioned Khamiras. An excellent tonic for the brain and heart, and gives exhilaration.

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Removes brain weakness and improves memory Useful in overall general weakness.
Dose: 5 gm.
Direction: To be taken in the morning before breakfast or as and when needed.
Khamira Gawzaban Ambri Jawahar Wala Khas: It has all the specialities of the above
mentioned Khamiras but is more effective than them. Shows very quick results.
Dose: 5 gm.
Direction: In the morning before breakfast or as and when needed, Drink milk or water
Majun Brahmi: Very useful for mental debility. Strengthens brain and improves memory.
Dose: 10 gm.
Direction: In the morning with milk before breakfast.
Majun Nuqrah: Strengthens the heart and the brain. Arouses sexual stimulus and strengthens
it. Removes nervous disabilities.
Dose: 10 gm.
Direction: In the morning before breakfast. Drink 250 ml milk afterwards.
Roghan Badam Shirin: Strengthens the brain, removes fatigue and induces sleep. Its use
removes constipation. Improves vigour.
Dose: 5 ml to 10 ml
Direction: Apply on the scalp and instill a drop or two in the nose and ears. For constipation,
take the dose with 250 ml of milk.

Headache and Hemicrania

Ayaraj Fakira : Useful in chronic headache. Clears stomach & intestines (bowels)
Dose: 3 gm
Direction: At bed time swallow with water.
Itrifal Zamani : Useful in cold and catarrh, headache, dizziness, hemicrania, rheumatic pains
and intoxication. Stimulates peristalsis and removes constipation.
Dose: 5 gm to 10 gm according to age.
Direction: At bed time with 250 ml of milk or water.
Itrifal Sanai : It removes chronic headache, hemicrania, dizziness and is useful for sore eyes.
Stops pain and bleeding of nose and ears.
Dose: 5 gm to 10 gm according to age.
Direction: At bed time with 250 ml of milk or water.
Itrifal Kishnizi : Strengthens the brain and intestines. Removes constipation. Its prolonged use
relieves chronic cold for ever. All diseases like headache, dizziness, sore eyes, which are caused
due to cold are cured. Stops pain and bleeding of nose and ears.
Dose: 10 gm
Direction: At bed time with water
Itrifal Mulayyan : A very good medicine for curing chronic headache, hemicrania and dizziness.
Removes constipation. Specially useful in diseases caused due to cold and catarrh.
Dose: 10 gm.
Direction: At bed time with 250 ml of milk or water.
Qurs Musallas : This qurs cures headache and hemicrania.
Direction: Apply on forehead and temple after rubbing one tablet in water.
Roghan Kahu : Relieves headache due to intensity of heat. Removes dryness of the brain and
induces sleep.
Direction: Apply on the scalp and forehead. Instill a few drops in the nose and ears.
Roghan Kadu : Relieves headache due to intensity of heat. Brings soothing relief by removing
dryness of the brain and induces sleep.
Direction: Apply on the scalp and forehead. Instill a drop or two in the nose and ears.
Roghan Banafsha : Removes dryness of the brain. Induces sleep and relieves headache.

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Direction: Rub on the scalp. Also apply on the forehead.

Roghan Gul : Useful in early stages of delirium. Relieves headache due to intensity of heat.
Direction: In the early stages of dilirium, after mixing Roghan Gul with Arq Gulab and Vinegar,
apply repeatedly on the head with cloth or cotton. In headaches, apply on the head and
Habb-E-Ayarij : These tablets are used under the advice of a doctor specially for cleaning of
the brain after the removal of purulent matter.
Dose: 3 gm.
Direction: To be taken at midnight before sleep after mixing with 125 ml of Arq Gawzaban. On
waking up in the morning, take any purgative medicine.

All those medicines which are mentioned under the heading Headache and "Weakness of Brain"
such as Itrifal Ustokhudoos, Itrifal Zamani, Itrifal Kishnizi Itrifal Mulayyan, Khamira Gawzaban
Ambri, Khamira Gawzaban Ambri Jawahar Wala, Kushta Marjan Sada Kushta Marjan, Habbe
Jawahar, Dwaulmisk Motdil, Noshdaru Lulvi, and Khamira Jawahar Wala are useful in curing
Gidiness. They will be described in "Weakness of Heart" in the later part of the book.

Forget fulness
Majun Nisyan: is special medicine for forgetfulness. It improves the memory, very effective for
abnormal children and old people.
Dose: 5 gm
Direction:Either in morning or at bedtime or both times.All kinds of sour food items to be
Sharbat Ustukhuddus: Useful in Memory loss and Palpitation. Relieves fluids easily from the
body which cause cough.
Dose: 40 ml
Direction:As prescribed by physician by adding in 120 ml of Arq Gawzaban.

Iksir Shifa: Highly useful medicine for inducing sleep. It is mentioned in "Junoon".
Roghan Khashkhash: Its application on head relieves headache caused by intensity of heat
and induces sleep.
Direction: Rub gently on the scalp. Instill a drop or two in the nose and ears.
Roghan Laboob Saba: Soothes and gives a cool feeling to the brain. Useful in Chronic
Dose: Rub gently on scalp and instil drops in the nose and ears.

Over heat
Sharbat Rooh-Afza: Very effective in heatstroke. When the throat is parched, the body is
burning due to heat and the brain & heart are slackened the intake of the sharbat brings an
instant refreshing feeling to the body.
Dose: 50 ml.
Direction: Drink by mixing in plain or icy water.

Qurs Od Saleb: Useful in Epilepsy
Dose: One Pill
Direction: In the morning and evening with water.

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Khamira Gawzaban Ambri Jawahar Od Salebwala: Specially useful for epileptic patients.
Also useful for Epilepsy in children and Hysteria in women.
Dose: 5 gm.
Direction: In the morning only or with consultation of physician with some eatable.

Paralysis Chorea
Dawaulmisk Jawahar Wali: Strengthens Heart, Brain and Liver. Relieves palpitations and
anxiety states. Also useful in Epilepsy, Hemiplegia, Parkingson"s disease and Cough.
Dose: 5 gm.
Direction: In the morning with 125 ml Arq Gawzaban or as prescribed by physician.
Majun Azaraqi: Useful for epilepsy, paralysis, Cough, Arthritis and different kinds of joint
pains.Very useful medicine for strengthening the nerves. Its use in winter protects the old
people from the harmful effects of chill.
Dose: 3 gm.
Direction: Twice daily after principal meals.
Majun Yograj Googal: Useful in nervous diseases particularly paralysis, hemiplegia and
Dose: 5 gm.
Direction: At bed time with 250 ml milk.
Majun Seer Alvi Khani: Useful in all nervous diseases mentioned above. Also useful in sciatica
and gout.
Dose: 5 gm.
Direction: In the morning or at bedtime with water.
Roghan Surkh: Useful for Paralysis, Arthritis, Sciatica, Gout and Lumbar pain. Its use also
relieves the pain caused due to injuries.
Direction: Massage with lukewarm oil and then cover the massaged area with warm cotton.
Roghan Seer: Useful in above mentioned diseases.
Direction: Massage with lukewarm oil and then cover the massaged area with warm cotton.
Roghan Qust: Useful in above mentioned diseases.
Direction: Massage with lukewarm oil and then cover the massaged area with warm cotton.
Roghan Dhatura: Useful in all nervous diseases and relieves nervous pains.
Direction: Massage with lukewarm oil and then cover the massaged area with warm cotton.
Roghan Loban: Useful in Paralysis, Arthritis and Lumbar pain.
Direction: Massage with lukewarm oil and then cover the massaged area with warm cotton.
Roghan Malkangni: Useful in Paralysis, Hemiplegia, Arthrits, Gout, Sciatica and Lumbar pain.
Direction: Massage with lukewarm oil and then cover the massaged area with warm cotton.
Habbe Azaraqi: It strengthens nerves. Useful in Paralysis , Arthritis, Cough etc.
Dose: 1 pill
Direction: Twice a day after principal meals.

Iksir Shifa: It is one of the best medicines for frenzynes and insanity. Immediately cures the
fits caused by these problems. Frenzyness due to hysteria is also cured by its use. Soothes
nerves and brain induces sleep and cures high blood pressure.
Dose: One Pill
Direction: At bedtime with 250 ml. milk.
Majun Najah: Effective in Frenzynes and gastric problems.
Dose: 5-10 gm.
Direction: At bedtime with milk.

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Sharbat Ahmedshah: Useful in Frenzynes. Strengthens heart and brain.

Dose: 25 ml.-35 ml.
Direction: To be taken after mixing in 125 ml. Arq Gawzaban or water.

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