Createyourownutopia 7 Thgrade

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Create Your own Utopia:

In class, we have read two stories about what happens when humanity strive for equality
and lose track of the notion at the base of humanity: No one is perfect. Our unit theme is
Search for Tomorrow and we are looking at the essential questions of:
How do humans cope with an imperfect world?
In what way has technology added, modified, and impacted
How does media impact the way in which ideas are clarified,
perceived, or understood?
For this mini-project you will analyze, evaluate, and create your own ideas about
perfection and society. You will answer the essential questions by taking what we have read,
and what you know about society, then create your own ideal world!
Follow the directions for you group gem listed below. Some questions will be the same
for each group and some will be different, all will work toward the same goal.
Part One - Independant
What do you think the
Theme of stories we read are?
Write each individually and then
combine the two for an overall
What conclusions can
you draw about each society
based on the story?
What inference can
you make about ideas about
equality and perfection from the
Do you agree with the
outcome of the stories?
What modifications
would you make to solve the
conflict in this story?

What motives are
there for the actions of the
characters is each story?
What is your opinions
of how the characters acted in
the story?
What choice would
you have made if you were
Diana Glampers or one of the
people on Maple Street?
How would you
compare the ideas in the article
and the stories that we read?
What could be done
to minimize the issues present in
these stories?

In what ways can you
justify the actions of the
characters in the stories?
Can you assess the
importance of equality? How is
equality represented in the story?
Elaborate on the way
media was involved in the stories
to propel the conflicts of each
Formulate a theory
about why the authors of the
three text we read wrote the two
stories and the article?
Can you propose an
alternative ending to each story?

Part Two - Assigned Groups

1 per group - Draw an image of a central city or area of your Utopia.
Turquoise/Emerald Members

Amethyst Members

Ruby Members

You will create your own version of a

Utopia. You need to create 10
laws/rules that the people of your
Utopia must follow. Use the themes
of the stories and main ideas from
the article to create your rules.
Elaborate why you chose each of
the your rules and what the
consequences for not following

You will create your own version of

a Utopia. You need to create 10
laws/rules that the people of your
Utopia must follow. Use the themes
of the stories and main ideas from
the article to create your rules.
Highlight important aspects of
society to illustrate the aspects for
the stories you would leave the
same and what you would change
in terms of rules and

You will create your own version of a

Utopia. You need to create 10
laws/rules that the people of your
Utopia must follow. Use the themes of
the stories and main ideas from the
article to create your rules. Compare
and contrast your utopia, the stories
and communism/the US communism
scare showing what rules and
consequences you would keep the
same and what you would change.

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