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MATH2860/S2014 Assignment 2, Due Thurs July 24, 5pm.

Fill out the following and submit one print out of this page with your
assignment. Group members for which the info is not filled in will receive
a mark of 0. The assignment is to be submitted in drop boxes located on
the 4th floor of UA. No late submission is allowed.
Last Name

First Name

Learning Objectives: This assignment allows you to explore the technique of undetermined coefficients
which can be used to find a particular solution for a higher-order constant-coefficient nonhomogeneous
ODE. In class, we study Variation of Parameters because it is applicable much more often than Undetermined Coefficients, but Undetermined Coefficients, when it does apply, is much easier, so this assignment
will allow you to learn this method. While we will not be studying the method of Undetermined Coefficients in class, it is a part of our course, and you WILL be responsible for it, but only in short answer/true
or false/multiple choice/fill in the blank questions. (i.e. to set up the form of the solution)
ASSIGNMENT (10 MARKS): Read Section 4.4 Undetermined Coefficients - SUPERPOSITION approach
in TextBook; answer the following questions.

1. (4 marks) SET UP the particular solution (but do not solve for

the constants involved). HINT: mind duplication.
(a) y 00 + 9y = 2 sin(3x)
(b) y (4) y 00 = 4x + 2xex
2. (6 marks) SOLVE the following differential equation by undetermined coefficients (simplify your answer as much as possible).
y 00 + 2y 0 = 2x + 5 e2x

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