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Whats Happening?

By Hannah Boufford / Jan. 22, 2015 / Vol. 89, Issue 5

El Chapo recaptured in Los Mochis N. Korea


Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn was captured in Mexico after a gun battle that killed five.

Cubanos Por El Mundo / CC

Jan. 8 saw the recapture of Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico. The leader of the
drug cartel -- one of the largest suppliers to the United States -- was captured after a gun battle. Five were left
dead in the draw, but it marked the end of the hunt for Guzmn.
The manhunt began six months ago when he escaped from the maximum security prison outside of Mexico
City, Altiplano.The criminal tunneled his way out of his cell, with the help of of some allies outside the prison
(and possibly some within) who cut through the floor of his shower and offered him a passage out of the prison;
however, he is now back in the same prison following his capture.
Following his escape but prior to his recapture, Guzmn sat for an interview with Sean Penn. This interview
and story has since raised suspicions: Guzmn was given the final say on what he wanted to go into the story
before being published. Rolling Stone magazine is facing some criticism for allowing this piece to be published
with the violation of journalism ethics. (Source)

Politics: British Parliament will debate barring Trump

On Jan. 18, the British Parliament will
debate whether or not Donald Trump
will be banned from Britain. Following his proposal for a temporary ban
on Muslims entering the United States,
a petition was created to bar him from
entering England. The petition grew,
gaining 500,000 signatures; the opposing petition has received over
40,000 signatures. In response, Trump
said he would cancel plans to invest
over a $1 billion in Scotland. (Source)


Music: David Bowie dies

after 18-month cancer battle

stratopaul / flickr

Following an 18-month battle with

cancer, music legend David Bowie
passed away on Sunday, Jan. 11. This
was confirmed by his publicist the
following day. His death came two
days after his 69th birthday; his latest album Blackstar was released
on his birthday, as well. (Source)


On Jan. 6, North Korea announced that they successfully

detonated a hydrogen bomb.
However, since this report, Japan, China, South Korea and the
United States have looked into
these claims and doubts have
arisen. Given the magnitude of
the denotation and lack of radiation, there is a chance it was not
actually a hydrogen bomb.
We wont know for another
few days or weeks whether this
was (a hydrogen bomb), military expert Martin Navias, from
Kings College London, told
CNN. It doesnt look like one.
... One would have expected [the
power] to be greater if it was an
Following the claim of any
H-bomb detonation, South Korea resumed playing propaganda
and music, including K-Pop, on
their shared border with North
Korea after 10 years of silence.

Health: New dietary

guidelines urge less sugar
in diet
The Office of Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion released the 20152020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans at the start of 2016. They suggest
reducing added sugars to less than
10 percent of the total caloric intake
per day, as well as increasing intakes
of both vegetables, fruits, and whole
grains. Both nutrient-dense dairy products and an increased variety in protein
sources are also suggested. Sodium,
refined grains, solid fats, and saturated fats should be reduced. (Source)

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