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Student Services

Request For Proposal RFP0958421

Issued: February 25, 2015


College of Excellence

Table of Contents
A. Introduction......................................................................................................3
Company Background.....................................................................................3
Learners Profile.............................................................................................3
Project Scope.................................................................................................4
Target Hardware, Software & Platform..............................................................5
Outcome and Performance Standards.................................................................5
Payments (invoice)..........................................................................................7
Intellectual Property........................................................................................7
B. Vendor Instructions.........................................................................................7
Proposers Capabilities....................................................................................7
Requirements for proposal Preparation...............................................................8
Cover Letter..................................................................................................8
Number of Copies & Contact Information...........................................................8
C. Evaluation & Award Criteria.............................................................................9
Schedule for Submission.................................................................................10

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College of Excellence

Company Background
College of Excellence is the premier college in Canada for career-focused students who succeed
in a challenging, supportive and inclusive learning environment. At College of Excellence, the
student success is the priority. Established in 1976, the college is dedicated to ensuring students
receive a high-quality education, on the job work experience and a diverse learning environment
so they graduate with the market-ready skills needed to succeed and make a difference in the
College of Excellences enrollment has grown to more than 8000 students in full-time studies at
two (2) campuses and three (3) learning sites with thousands more in part-time studies and well
over, 2000 online learners. Offering a wide range of market-driven programs in a number of
different disciplines such as Business, Information Technology, Media, Art, Design, General
Arts, Science, Health and Engineering Technology. College of Excellence is committed to
ensuring students develop the capabilities required to meet the demands of the world of work.

Learners Profile
College of Excellence would like to provide students with the best possible learning
experiences by offering new opportunities for experiential learning within the postsecondary system and ensuring all necessary supports are in place. Taking into
consideration the first-year students needs, we deem necessary to create an online learning
module that will expose students to introductory learning and planning concepts that will
support their success through the college experience.
Audience: First-year students
Type of Audience: Domestic and International students
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College of Excellence

Age: 17 & older

Primary Language: English
Technology: Introductory
Geographical Area: Durham Region, Ontario
Estimated number of enrollment: 5,587

Project Scope
College of Excellence is seeking a vendor to create and execute a college studies preparation
online learning module that meets all the requirements indicated in the Deliverable. This
learning module will be facilitated with students who have been accepted to attend the college
and have registered for courses. The college would like to implement this new component
where students are familiarized with college expectations with an anticipated launch date of
September 2015.
The objectives of this online learning module are:

To acquaint first year students with the colleges learning management system (LMS);

To introduce students to note-taking, best study practices, time-management and basic

writing concepts to be successful in college;

To familiarize students to on-campus academic support services;

To provide comprehensive lessons on information literacy, netiquette, MS Office, social

media use, etc. ;

To prepare students to basic academic integrity concepts.

The goal of this effort is to support the mission of College of Excellence that the student
success is priority by offering an online learning module that will equip students with

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College of Excellence

fundamental knowledge as they begin their studies. This initiative will assist both students and
faculty get a head start in the learning process.

Target Hardware, Software & Platform

Software system which can securely amalgamate with the college learning management

Students interest, comprehension and attendance can be tracked easily

New students can cover the module online before they arrive on campus

Accessible from iPhone, iPad, laptop and desktop

User-friendly interface - navigation system which is simple and easy to use

Provides personalized experience such as students can surf through the module and
revisit at the end of the session

Provides IT support

Outcome and Performance Standards

College of Excellences design team requires vendors support and recommendation for
analyzing, evaluating, and testing of the module. The module will be assessed for user
performance, user satisfaction, and usefulness. The vendor shall also provide support and
consultation to ensure that the design layout and structure of the module is intuitive and userfriendly.

The college is seeking a professional provider to create an online student module that will meet
the following requirements:
1. The learning module shall be delivered via the LMS in use by the college and shall be
used to administrate and mark student material.
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College of Excellence

2. The learning module will introduce students to the following concepts:

a) The college LMS
b) Note taking
c) Efficient study practices
d) Time management
e) Writing concepts
f) Academic support services
g) Information literacy and netiquette
h) MS office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
i) Academic integrity
1. The module shall be 20 hours in duration.
2. The module shall incorporate a PLAR component that will be used to determine if the
student can be excluded.
3. A preliminary course outline including outcomes and sequence of instruction that
complies with the college standards, must be delivered to the college as stated in
schedule of submission
4. The module must be ready to be implemented on September 2015 and will run three
times per year prior to the Fall, Winter and Summer semesters.
5. The provider shall provide up to 15 hours of paid module updates per semester when
requested by the college. The paid support shall be provided under a separate RFP
6. The module will meet the requirements of the AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act).
7. All materials for this online module will be provided to the College of Excellence

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College of Excellence

Payments (invoice)

Payment terms are Net forty-five days (45) upon receipt of vendors valid invoice.

Unless otherwise stated all funds are payable in Canadian dollars

Vendors invoice must include HST registration numbers

All applicable taxes, special charges such as packaging and freight, must be shown

Intellectual Property
After completion of this online module, all intellectual property including copyright owned
and submitted by vendor shall remain the sole property of the College of Excellence. Only
College of Excellent will have the right to decide if this product needs to be republished
and/or reproduced. College of Excellence brand and logo shall be used throughout the

Proposers Capabilities
It is important to the College of Excellence that the vendor has had significant experience with
similar projects of size and scope. The vendor must provide the following as part of their

Describe similar projects performed within the last 10 years which best characterize the
vendors capabilities, work quality, customer service, and cost control.

Describe the vendors experience and capabilities working with public agencies
(governmental, quasi-governmental or /municipal facilities).

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College of Excellence

Describe vendors internal procedures and/or policies associated or related to work

quality and cost control.

Requirements for proposal Preparation

The vendor shall include a response for each item in the Deliverables section. Proposal
responses shall be organized in the following manner:

Cover Letter
The Cover Letter must state the name of the person(s) authorized to represent the vendor in any
negotiations, the name(s) of the person(s) authorized to sign any contract that may result, the
contact persons name, mailing or street addresses, phone and fax numbers and email addresses.
A legal representative of the successful vendor, authorized to bind the vendor in contractual
matters must sign the Cover Letter and the Proposal response.

A listing of three Proposers references, the contact information (i.e., name, address, telephone
number and email, if available) must be attached to and included with the cover letter. Failure to
provide cover letter with necessary information listed above may result in rejection of a
proposal. College of Excellence may, but is not required to, contact references for any
additional information College of Excellence determines necessary in the exercise of its
discretion. Failure to provide the references required may result in rejection of a proposal.

Number of Copies & Contact Information

Your initial proposal should include:

A summary of the process;

A response for each deliverable;

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College of Excellence

A project development timeline;

Description of relevant projects you have been involved with including client references;

An itemized cost estimate broken down by subtasks;

One hard copy of your proposal and copy on a USB key;

If you have any questions about the Request for Proposal, please contact Allison Hector,
project manager, at (905) 721-2000 ext. 2292 or


College of Excellence will evaluate each RFP response based on the following criteria:
Corporate Information - (25%)

Years in operation, number of staff, company focus, company references including

contact and telephone numbers (higher education references preferred)

Number of staff committed to this project, including work experience and education
professional accomplishments

Post-secondary experience

Technical Qualifications- ( 25%)

Demonstrated experience in working with higher education LMS systems

Experience with MS Office tools, study practices, time management and web trends and
technologies: please include portfolio examples

Experience designing online module compliant with Disabilities Act and proposed
Ontario equivalent

Experience creating online learning modules

Pricing: (50%)

Cost of fee for services

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College of Excellence

Allowance for expenses

Schedule of staff hourly fees

Calculation of expense of on-site support visits

In the event that two or more bidders obtain an identical proposal score, the following tie
breaking measures will be used to select the successful bidder:

Proposal with the highest points for Price; and if still tied,


Proposal with the highest points for Ability to Deliver Services; and if still tied,


The selected vendor will be determined by way of a coin toss.

College of Excellence intends to award a 3 year contract plus the option to extend for 1
additional year contract to the Vendor whose proposal offers the best quality and value to the
institution. College of Excellence however is under no obligation to award any contract, in
whole or in part, and reserves the right in its sole discretion to cancel the RFP with due
notification before or after closing without providing reasons for such cancellation.

Schedule for Submission

Please respond by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 4, 2015 with your proposal address to:
Allison Hector
College of Excellence
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4
Upon review and evaluation of the proposals we will select finalists for presentations during the
week of March 23-27, 2015. We are planning to select vendor and negotiate the contract on
April 3, 2015.

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College of Excellence

History. (n.d.). Retrieved from Durham College website:

How to write an RFP for e-learning Services. Retrieved from

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