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Limeburners 6th grade class

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Hello and welcome! My name is Rachel Limeburner and I will be your childs
6th grade teacher. Throughout this document you will find information and policies
for my classroom, required materials, textbooks, grading, homework, and more. My
goal in providing you with this document is that you will be aware of what I will be
expecting of your child throughout the school year. I look forward to the year ahead
with your child. If you have any questions, concerns or comments please feel free to
e-mail me, my information is below.

Rachel Limeburner
6th grade
Phone: (559)917-4041

Daily classroom policies and procedures

Entering the classroom:
- Be seated in your assigned seat
- Have all your daily supplies out of your backpack
- If homework was assigned the night before, have it out on your desk and
ready to be collected
During class time:
- Unless assigned to work with a partner, class work is done independently
- No cell phones, must remain in backpack until lunch or after school
- Remain in your seat unless told otherwise
End of class:
- Please remain seated until you are dismissed by the teacher
Raising your hand:
- Raising your hand shows me that you would like to get my attention. I will not
answer questions until ALL instructions have been given out. Once this has
been completed and you have asked three other students, you may ask me.
Remember this rule: Ask three before me. If the questions are not related to
what we are working on at that time, please wait until the end of class and
see me then.
Pencil Sharpening:
- If your pencil should break during instruction, please do not sharpen it during
class. I have a bin of pencils that are pre-sharpened. If you must take one of
these, please leave your broken pencil in the dull pencil box. It may be
beneficial to have your own pencil sharpener to keep at your desk.
Restroom Use:
- There are no bathroom privileges for the first 15 minutes of class or the last
15 minutes of class. After break and lunch you must wait 15 minutes as well.
If you must go during class, I ask that you wait until I am done giving
instructions. Your trip to the restroom will cost you 2 tickets. (You will
accumulate tickets throughout the year in my class).
Group Work:
- During some of the class lessons, there will be time to work in partners or in
groups. This will be done differently throughout the year, I may let the
student select their partner or I may randomly choose for them. I ask that
everyone is respectful of each other and to not express disappointment of
being placed in a group with another student. All students are expected to
contribute to the assignment or activity.
Grading Scale:
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%

D 60-69%
F 59% or below
My Grading Policy:
- There will be tests, quizzes, warm- up activities, class work, and homework. I
will periodically do class checks where I will check for subject understanding.
The students grade will be broken down as follows: Tests/ Quizzes/
Assignments 70%, class work 20%, and homework 10% of the grade.
- Expect homework to be assigned every day. Homework is not a punishment,
but a tool in helping your student better understand the subject materials
and gain practice. All assignments should be labeled with the students first
and last name along with the date and title of the assignment.
- Students are expected to come to class prepared everyday with their
homework, notebook, pencils and any other materials they may need for
- Required materials for class include: pencils and erasers, binder paper or a
notebook, pencil sharpeners (with a cover)
- Textbooks and materials that supplement them will be provided by the
school. They are on loan for the year. Students are expected to respect the
materials and treat them with care and respect. For any lost textbooks, the
school will require a full refund.
- Excessive absences should be avoided. In the event of an absence, the
student will be required to make up the missed assignments from class work
as well as homework. Any student that is absent should check back in with
me immediately upon return to acquire their missed work and assignments.
Parents, if you would like, feel free to e-mail me and I can send you the
missed work for your student.
Behavior Expectations:
- DO not be disruptive in my classroom, especially during instruction
- Respect yourself
- Respect others
- Be responsible
- Come to class ready to learn
- Listen
Behavior Violations:
- Warning
- Strike (giving up break or lunch time)
- Parent contact
- Consequences will be handled on an individualized basis according to the
violation that has occurred, the severity of the violation, and how often the
violation has been a problem within the classroom.

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