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Advertising photography is used to help promote certain products or
businesses and give awareness towards brands. The styles of photos in
advertising varies, but they all need careful planning in order to achieve the
right message that the audience will understand. Both large and small
companies use advertising photography in order to boost their business, a few
examples of companies that use advertising photography are: Burberry,
Tesco, McDonalds, Maybelline etc.
Jonathan Knowles is an award-winning advertising photographer whos
worked with companies such as Guinness, Schweppes and hes even helped
to promote the band Black Sabbath along with a few other well-known

Promotional photography is quite similar to
advertising, but is focuses more on boosting the
fame of celebrities and making the general
public aware of who these people are.
Promotional photography is commonly used by
celebrities who are trying to get more
followers/fans who are going to buy their albums
and merchandise, these celebrities are normally
bands, singers or people who are on TV
Another way that celebrities promote themselves
is through social media like Instagram. They post
photos of themselves that make them seem
relatable to their fans/followers and this helps
them gain more respect as well as followers.

Fashion photography can be in the form of
magazines, billboards, campaigns, books etc.
And its main purpose is to promote the
designer/clothing line. Fashion photography
helps a designers clothing line be seen by the
public and this helps with selling the clothes and
getting the designer the attention they deserve.

Photojournalism is a way for photographers to let the world know about a certain story or issue thats
happening in the world. This can be used in newspapers to make people feel a strong emotion (whether its
Joy, shock or sadness.) by the situation; or just make it known to the public what its like.
Robert Capa is a world-famous war photographer and photo journalist whos covered five different wars:
The Spanish Civil war, the Second Sino-Japanese war, World War II, The 1948 Arab-Israeli war and the First
Indochina War.

Portraiture photography is mostly of

people and feature them from the
shoulders upwards. These can be
of celebrities or just regular people,
depending on what the
photographer is looking for.
Portraiture photography can
express different types of emotions
if the subject(s) feels or looks a
certain way.
Christopher Anderson is known for
his various portraiture photos of
random people (both in colour and
Black & White) they all expressed
different emotions and were in
different positions.


Similar to photojournalism,
Documentary photography
documents historical events in
history as well as in everyday life.
This can be used to inform
viewers/the public about what
happened and the emotions that
were felt in those moments.
Erica McDonald is a documentary
photographer, who documents the
lives of regular people. These
photographs are quite recent so
theyre possible relatable.

High street photography is similar to both fashion and studio photography.
However, its not always shot indoors and it doesnt focus on just one subject.
Wedding photos are normally taken by High Street photographers.

Studio photography is photography that is in a controlled environment, this
means the photographer can adjust the lighting and the backdrop. This is
normally popular for family portraits or school photos.

Architectural photography is when a photographer takes a photo of buildings that can be pleasing to the
eye or to give an accurate image of what it looks like. Photographs of buildings can focus on the shapes
and lines that are visible, photographers use certain techniques (like using depth of field to make an image
look 3-D, or using leading lines to lead the viewers eye to a certain area in the photo.) in order to make the
image pop.
You can see in this image, how
the photographer has used a
deep depth of field to make
the image pop. Theyve also
made sure the staircase acts
like leading lines, allowing the
viewers eye to wander round
the staircase all the way to the

This image focuses

on the aesthetic
appearance of the
shapes/lines visible
on the building.

This photo shows an

accurate representation of
what the Eiffel Tower looks
like. It doesnt focus on one
are of the subject, but
focuses on the whole

Medical photography is used
to document the conditions
of patients as well as surgeries,
this can be used to analyse
and to diagnose any medical
conditions that patients may
have. Medical photography is
also used to aid medical
schools so theres also an
educational purpose.

Illustration photography is photography
that helps give instructions or give the
viewer/reader a bit more information on
a certain subject.

Fine art photography is a way for
photographers to express an idea,
message or emotion. They have to
picture in their heads what they want
the photograph to look like and that
would then help them in achieving what
they want. Fine art photography may
seem like something to someone and
another thing to someone else, thats
why photographs are explained by
either one word of a few sentences
which helps others to recognise the
Al Weber has a collection of photos for
the theme Abstraction. This includes
photos of weird patterns and shapes
that resemble abstract art.

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