Employee Satisfaction

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ROLL NO-106-2015
















Historically, roots of the study of job satisfaction lie in the Hawthorne studies conducted during
1924-1933 and credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School. These studies
culminated into Hawthorne Effect which states that changes in work conditions temporarily
increase productivity. This marked the beginning to investigate factors of job satisfaction. In
addition to this, Taylorism of Frederick Taylor (1911) popularly known as scientific
management also become the source of studies on job satisfaction. For the last two decades, the
employees job satisfaction has been a focus of research and practice. It is considered to be a
critical issue in organizational performance. It continues to be rhetoric in the minds of scholars
and management practitioners, because of two questions: first, to what extent, job satisfaction is
determined by personal and social variables? Second, to what extent organizational variables
could be the building -blocks of job satisfaction? Job satisfaction is generally, understood an
attitude towards ones job. It simply indicates ones contentment with the job. Job satisfaction is
a constructive or positive thought about work and the work environment. On the other hand, job
dissatisfaction leads to negative or unhappy thoughts about the work or the working conditions.
Organization exists to achieve the highest profits and productivity. In many instances, most
organizations that focused on profit, neglected the factors that contribute to employee motivation
or employee satisfaction. However, during the company facing downstream of productivity
because of external factors such as economic downturn and strict competition regardless of local
or international companies and also internal factors such as high absenteeism, aggressive
employee turnover, and high cost of production, they realized the importance of their most
important assets, that are their employees. Job satisfaction is often determined by how well
outcome meet or exceed expectations. For instance, if organization participants feel that they are
working much harder than others in the department but are receiving fewer rewards they will
probably have a negative attitudes towards the work, the boss and or coworkers. On the other
hand, if they feel they are being treated very well and are being paid equitably, they are likely to
have positive attitudes towards the job. Job security has been the key component for job
satisfaction so the management of companies must maintain a safe environment for working so
that the worker does not feel insecure in terms of their service tenure or any other things.

Everybody have different types of experience and have different types of needs in a job place. So
job satisfaction has many factors which will be give the job satisfy to the employees of a
company. The factors are:
1. Achievement
2. Feedback
3. Perception of fair payment
4. Complexity and variety
5. Organizational support, etc.
If an employee achieves somethings from the company then the employee more satisfied to their
jobs. Like if staffs are doing their job properly and get the targets of the company the obviously
need to get some achievement from the company. The staffs get bonus or get promotions for their
good jobs. Then the staffs are satisfied in the job, otherwise they are dissatisfied.
Feedback is very important for satisfaction in job place. If employees does not get any feedback
from their workplace then they are does not know that they are doing right things or wrong.
Negative feedback is very harmful for job satisfaction. If the managers or authority does not give
the negative feedback, if they said only that the right way to improve the work then satisfaction
come in the job place.
Perception of fair payment:
If the payments are fair then job satisfaction is coming in the job place. If the payments of the
work less than the expectation then the employees are dissatisfied . So it needs to give the right
payment according to the employees job.

Complexity and variety:


Employees are getting more satisfaction in their job place if they are finding more complex and
offer more variety. The employees are looks to like complex but not impossible jobs, because its
push the employees more. If the works are too easy then the employees get bored. For satisfied
the employees its need to give the challenging jobs and they need variety in tasks they carry out.
Organizational support:
Every employee want to care about them by the organizations that they are getting something
back for that they are putting in the organization. Its important that the authorities or the
managers in an organization treat with their employees. If the employees get support from the
company physically, mentally and on the other ways then the employees are more satisfied in
their jobs
The following are measures of job satisfaction
Overall Job Satisfaction - Cammann, Fichman, Jenkins, and Klesh (1983) developed this
measure as part of the Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire (OAQ). In this
measure three items are used to describe an employees subjective response to working in the
specific job and organization
Job Descriptive Index (JDI) - This was originally developed by Smith, Kendall, and Hulin
(1969). There are 72 items on this index which assess five facets of job satisfaction which
includes: the work, pay, promotions, supervision, and coworkers. Through the combination
of ratings of satisfaction with the faces, a composite measure of job satisfaction is
Global Job Satisfaction - Warr, Cook, and Wall (1979) developed this measure which
includes 15 items to determine overall job satisfaction. Two subscales are used for extrinsic
and intrinsic aspects of the job. The extrinsic section has eight items and the intrinsic has
seven items
Job Satisfaction Relative to Expectations - Bacharach, Bamberger, and Conley (1991)
developed this measure. It assesses the degree of agreement between the perceived quality
of broad aspects of a job and employee expectations. It is most effective to determine how
job stresses, role conflicts, or role ambiguities can hinder an employee from meeting job

Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire - The long form of this survey is made up of 100
questions based on 20 sub scales which measure satisfaction with ability, utilization,













responsibility, security, social service, social status, supervision-human relations,

supervision-technical variety, and working conditions. There is a short version of the MSQ
which consists of 20 items. This can also be separated into two subscales for intrinsic and
extrinsic satisfaction.
Job in General Scale - This measure was developed by Ironson, Smith, Brannick, Gibson,
and Paul (1989). It consists of 18 items which describe global job satisfaction and can be
used in conjunction with the JDI, which assesses satisfaction with five job facets. This was
developed to assess global satisfaction independent from satisfaction with facets
Job Satisfaction Survey - This was developed by Spector (1985) and contains 36 items
based on nine job facets. The job facets include pay, promotion, supervision, benefits,
contingent rewards, operating procedures, co-workers, nature of work and communication.
When it was initially developed, it was specific to job satisfaction in human service,
nonprofit and public organizations.
Job Satisfaction Index - Schriescheim and Tsue, (1980) developed this measure. It consists
of six items that form and index which determines overall job satisfaction. The items are the
work, supervision, co-workers, pay, promotion opportunities, and the job in general.
Job Diagnostic Survey - Hackman and Oldham (1974) developed this survey which
measures both overall and specific facets of job satisfaction. There are three dimensions of
overall job satisfaction which includes general satisfaction, internal work motivation, and
growth satisfaction, which are combined into a single measure.
Career Satisfaction - Greenhaus, Parasuraman, and Wormley (1990) developed this
measure. This is a measure of career success, as opposed to job satisfaction. It assesses
general satisfaction with career outcome, but also satisfaction with career progress.


Employee satisfaction is of utmost importance for employees to remain happy and also deliver
their level best. Satisfied employees are the ones who are extremely loyal towards their

organization and stick to it even in the worst scenario. They do not work out of any compulsion
but because they dream of taking their organization to a new level. Employees need to be
passionate towards their work and passion comes only when employees are satisfied with their
job and organization on the whole. Employee satisfaction leads to a positive ambience at the
workplace. People seldom crib or complain and concentrate more on their work.
Job Satisfaction is most important for success of a company. For job satisfaction employees Job
Satisfaction is important. By the job satisfaction employees can show their best performance in
the company. In the world have many types of company. For the different types of the company,
job satisfaction of the different company also different. But the key points of job satisfaction are
same in all companies. If the employees are satisfied in their workplace then the company get
more benefits from their staffs. Now the companies are face too much competitions with other
companies. To stay in the competitions every company need to make good products and good
customer service for the customers. To give the best customer service and give the customer
good products its needs to satisfy the staffs in job place of the company. Job satisfactions in the
job place always concern for the managers of the company. Without job satisfaction staffs and
the company does not survive. Its not difficult to achieve the job satisfaction of the employees.
The managers of the company need to know about the employees need in the company. The
manager needs to know how the employs are satisfied in the organisation. Manager of the
company is the director of employees for the greatest development and revived. If managers fail
to achieve the employees satisfaction it affect on the performance of the employees.
Communication with the employees and management is essential for a company. But its hard to
maintain. Job satisfaction influence by the Job Satisfaction factors which is influence by external
factors. However, the developments of the company depends on how the employees do their
duties, how the employees perform in their duties, how the Job Satisfaction implement to the
employees for job satisfaction

If a company motivated their employees for get the job satisfaction the companies enjoying some
advantages. The advantages are:

If the manager and the management of the company meet their corporal and mental needs of

the employees, the employees happy to achieve the corporate rules.

For getting the best efforts of the staffs in the company, its need to improving the knowledge
and skills of the employees in the business. It decreases the employees turnover in the
company. If companies reduce the friction between the organisation and the management, it

reduces the employee complaints.

Every organisation needs to improve their quality service by giving the employees
satisfaction in work place. (Beardwell and Holden, 2001).


According to the exit- voice- loyalty- neglect- framework (Farrell, 1983), employees response to
dissatisfaction with the workplace can take four forms, each of which differs from the others on
two dimensions: active vs. passive and constructive vs. destructive. The four responses are:
Exit: exit refers to behavior aimed at leaving the company, such as looking for a new job. Exit is
destructive and active response.
Voice: voice refers to employ initiative to improve conditions at the organizations, for example,
offering ideas on who to improve the business. Voice is an active and constructive response.
Loyalty: loyalty refers an employees attitude of trust toward the organization. It can manifest
itself as a passive but optimistic hope for improvements to come about. Loyalty is a passive but
Neglect: neglect occurs when an employee shows absenteeism, shows up late to work, and
expends less effort at work. By performing inadequately at work, the employee is allowing
conditions to deteriorate. Neglect is passive and destructive.


International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies (DR. G. YOGANANDAN;

The aim of this research is to examine the contributing variables towards job satisfaction among
private sector bank employees working in Tiruchengode Tamil nadu. The effectiveness of the
service provided by the employees is influenced by many factors like promotion, job security,
working schedule etc., most of such factor can be directly attributed to the working environment
of private sector bank.. It is possible to relate the job satisfaction of employees with productivity
and customer satisfaction as satisfied employees create a congenial environment for the bank
customers not only in the banking sector but in any service industry. The sample size of the study
was 129. The study highlighted the demographic profile of the employees working in the private
sector banks in the Tiruchengode town and points outs that they are very much satisfied with
their job. The banks need to the constantly emerging need of the employees and take utmost
steps in ensuring those expectations are fulfilled so as to make them more satisfied with their job.
The Effects of Employee Satisfaction on Company Financial Performance
T-Mobile USA As one of nations fastest growing providers of communications services, TMobile has more than 20 million customers and more than 13,000 customer service employees.
After ranking low in customer satisfaction surveys, the company analyzed the gap between their
brand promise and employee engagement, and instituted a strategy to close the gap. The results
have been dramatic. T-Mobiles rewards and recognition program resulted in the company
ranking highest in JD Power and Associates Wireless Customer Care Performance Study three
years in a row. Employee attrition has also been reduced by more than 15%, and employee
satisfaction has increased by 10%. Performance improvement results at this level come from
effective incentive programming. T-Mobiles program achieved its success through several key
elements: performing up-front research (one-to-one interviews/ surveys and focus groups) to
determine the best awards and program structure; segmenting the audience and encouraging
incremental improvements for different levels; having a strong service mission and reinforcing
company values; linking the brand to mobilize the team and drive external excitement internally;
and recognizing top performers but also encouraging team results. Finally, incentive
programming is but one part of T-Mobiles comprehensive effort but it is a critical part in
motivating employees to deliver results.

Australian Journal of Business and Management Research

Mosammod Mahamuda Parvin Lecturer, Department of Management and Finance Sher-eBangla Agricultural University, Dhaka
The Pharmaceutical sector plays a vital role in underpinning the economic development of a
country. This research paper highlights some of these problems and presents a picture of level of
job satisfaction among employees of pharmaceutical companies. It also identifies unique issues
of job satisfaction in the companies. It focuses on the relative importance of job satisfaction
factors and their impacts on the overall job satisfaction of employees. It also investigates the
impacts of pharmaceutical type, work experience, age, and sex differences on the attitudes
toward job Satisfaction. The result shows that salary, efficiency in work, fringe supervision, and
co-worker relation are the most important factors contributing to job satisfaction. The overall job
satisfaction of the employees in pharmaceutical sector is at the positive level. The nature of
business operation, the work culture and the level of job satisfaction have undergone sea change
for the pharmaceutical companies. As a business proposition initiated huge investment whereas
majority of their stocks is going down bringing a high level of apprehension related to job
security among its employees.




To Study the concept of job satisfaction.

To Study the importance of job satisfaction for an employee in the organisation.
To Study the case studies related to job satisfaction of employees.


The scope of the study has been limited to only a 4 case studies regarding importance of job
satisfaction of employees in an organization.
Sources of data
Secondary data- The study has been conducted using secondary data i.e. through internet.
Time was an important limiting factor in deciding the scope of the study
The compiled data is based on secondary data i.e. internet and May not always be true and
fair or a true representation of the study


Megan has been a Production Coordinator for All About Jazz Dance Competitions company for
three years. She really enjoys her job responsibilities, likes her co-workers, and feels that her

salary is fair. She especially likes the actual competitions and being on stage. Megan grew up
dancing and loves to perform. She has a degree in production and minored in dance in college as
well. As production coordinator, it is her job to be on stage to present during the awards
ceremonies and she lives for the spotlight. Megan has been recognized each year by her manager,
and participating dance studios, for her excellent work on and off the stage.
One of the unique parts of Megan's job is that dance competitions have an on-season and an offseason. On-season is when the competitions actually happen and goes from January until the end
of June. Since the competitions are all over the country, Megan commits to giving up three
weekends per month to travel to different locations and produce the shows. Off-season is from
June to December. Megan works only four days a week during off-season, but collects a full
paycheck. The off-season is reserved for planning and marketing the following year's
competitions. The demanding on-season schedule and the relaxed off-season schedule ultimately
balance each other out. Megan has been fine with working this schedule because she enjoys what
she does. She also doesn't mind giving up her weekends during the on-season because her
manager has told her that if she has something important on one particular weekend, she will try
to accommodate it. On-season is beginning and Megan just found out that one of her close
friends just got engaged. The wedding is planned for the beginning of June. Megan tells her
manager right away about the conflict, but her manager refuses to accommodate her request.
Megan becomes frustrated because she rarely asks for a specific weekend off and now she will
have to miss the wedding.
Another thing that has frustrated Megan from the beginning is how her supervisor micromanages the team through the off-season. Her manager doesn't allow anyone the freedom to
make any decisions regarding the planning. Everything has to be approved before it can be
finalized. This holds up deadlines and doesn't give Megan any autonomy during the off-season.
Megan has recently missed confirming contracts with two new marketing partners because she
was waiting for approval. This not only affects her reputation, but it affects the amount of bonus
money she would have gotten for signing new partners. Megan has also been frustrated with the
lack of growth opportunities within the company. The company is small, so after working for the
company for three years, she has already reached the peak of her job responsibilities.


Recently, Megan has contemplated looking for a new job. Although Megan loves the spotlight
and physically working the shows, she has become dissatisfied with her job. Because of recent
and ongoing frustrations, she is no longer motivated to go "above and beyond" on or off the
stage. She has started to resent giving up her weekends for half of the year. She is fed up with her
manager and the way she controls every decision, especially when it affects Megan's paycheck.
Finally, Megan realizes that there are no growth opportunities and doesn't know how much
longer she can continue doing the same thing over and over.
Megan loves the type of job she is doing; she also has a good relationship with her co-workers
and finds her pay adequate, most of the time. She has worked with the company for three years
and doesn't feel much autonomy in her work. She continues to perform well despite her
supervisor's micro-management. This lack of freedom to make decisions has resulted in Megan
missing out on several bonus opportunities, as well as acquiring valuable new partners for the
company. More recently, Megan became dissatisfied with her work schedule as well. She didn't
mind spending most of her weekends traveling but she always assumed that if she had to take
one weekend off to tend to personal business, she would be able to. The refusal of her manager
to give her a weekend off for her friend's wedding contributed greatly to Megan's growing
dissatisfaction with her job. Another aspect of her job that became dissatisfying is the lack of
growth and promotion opportunities. Even though Megan loves what she does, she is not willing
to do the same thing over and over indefinitely. Megan is considering finding a new job because
she is dissatisfied with too many important aspects of her work for her current company,
including supervision, promotional opportunities, autonomy, and pay. Loving the type of work
alone is just not enough anymore.
In conclusion, it may be necessary for Megan to tell her manager that she is dissatisfied in order
to seek resolution. This way, the manager knows exactly what is wrong and can work to make
improvements. If Megan doesn't speak up, the manager may never realize that there is a problem
and will not be able to correct it. Megan is an exceptional worker, and what she and the other
employees are asking for is not unreasonable. It would be unwise to ignore the situation any
longer as the company would lose a valuable worker should Megan decide to quit her position.



This study refers to how job characteristics, work environment, pay satisfaction, and
advancement opportunities influence employees job satisfaction. .
The sample consisted of 203 civil servants employed by the Ministry of Public Health in Niger.
Administrative clerks made up the greater number of respondents that participated in the study
(21.2%). The majority of respondents were medical workers (60.5%) with the sample being more
representative of males 102 than females (61.6%). Most of the respondents have a std. 10
educational level (40.9%), are in the age group 30-39 years (45.8%) and are married (59.6%).
The majority of respondents are permanently employed (87.2%), have 11-20 years service in the
public sector (51.7%) and fall in the income bracket R 5001-R 10 000 (n = 76 or 37.4%).
The results of this study indicate that employees at the Ministry of Public Health in Niger where
the research was conducted are most satisfied with their coworkers followed by the nature of the
work itself and the supervision they receive. They are however, less satisfied with promotional
opportunities and least satisfied with the pay they receive. The results indicate significant
relationships at the 99% confidence level between respondents job satisfaction and occupational
class, race, gender, educational level, tenure, income as well as job status. Furthermore, there
was a significant relationship between age and job satisfaction at the 95% confidence level.
However, no significant relationship between marital status and job satisfaction was found.
The study results showed that job clarity, effective communications with management, a
participatory management approach, organizational support of career development, opportunities
for advancement, and family-friendly policies are all significant variables affecting the job
satisfaction of employees. The effect of pay satisfaction on employee job satisfaction was not
significant. This study also found gender differences in factors affecting employees job
The main focus of this study was to examine the level of job satisfaction of employees of the
ICICI bank in their organizational context. A convenient sample of employees at selected six

branches of the ICICI bank in the state of Himachal Pradesh was used. It comprised of eighty
employees. A five point Likert Scale questionnaire containing fifteen questions extracted from
the short form of Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) was administered for data
collection. Besides, questions on personal characteristics, the questionnaire included important
dimensions of organizational structure. This study was carried out with the following objectives;

To assess the level of job satisfaction of employees of the ICICI bank.

To identify organizational factors contributing towards the job satisfaction of employees
of ICICI bank.

Organizational context and job satisfaction



Training and Development
Nature of Job
Work life balance
Inter-personal Relationship
Job Security
Rewards and Recognition
Attitude of Superiors
Role Clarity
Working Conditions
Team Work

Job Satisfaction

(70.00%) of the
employees were


relationship with their colleagues at their work place. This they felt is a healthy sign of
development of an organization. This they viewed leads to discharge their responsibilities better
and in this task they get cooperation and guidance of other colleagues. It also felt that employees
relationship with management and other co- employees as one of the major factor for improving
job satisfaction of employees, while It appears that a little over 30 percent of respondents were
contented with the nature of job which includes flexibility, workload on the employees, working
hours etc. Those who were not contented often felt overloaded with work of different kinds in
addition to their own work.


After the analysis of statistical data and findings arrived, it can be concluded that employees in
the ICICI bank in Himachal Pradesh nurture differential level of satisfaction across
organizational variables, such as, salary/ compensation, training and development, the nature of
job, work life balance, colleagues relationship, job security, chain of communication or
relationships, decision-making, welfare measures, rewards and recognition, attitude of superiors,
roles of the employees, working conditions, team work promotion policies etc. On the face of
statistical findings, difference in percentage between satisfaction and dissatisfaction suggests that
factors of salary, inter-personal relationship, communication, attitude of superiors, working
conditions and team work are more significant in determining job satisfaction of employees of
the ICICI bank in Himachal Pradesh. It can be pointed out that improvement in organizational
variables, most particularly, in performance appraisal system, promotional strategies, position
status and related rewards etc. may enhance job satisfaction and morale of employees in the
ICICI bank.
The results obtained from analysis of data revealed that salary, inter-personal relationship,
communication, attitude of superiors, working conditions and team work have more bearing than
the factors of training and development, rewards and compensation, nature of job, job security,
morale and role clarity in determining job satisfaction of employees of the ICICI bank in
Himachal Pradesh. Some suggestions for further research and improving were also made.


This research of the researcher find some factors of the employees job satisfaction in the Apple
Company and find the effective way to give the employees satisfaction to get most profits in the
company. Nowadays the employees are very important for the Apple Company. Its very
important for a manager to identify the employees satisfactions in the company by follows the
Companies rules and regulations. If a manager successfully satisfied employees then the
employees are increase their activities and working capacity in the work place. If the employees
are dissatisfy in the company then the company cannot progress and get the target from the


If the minimum payments give skill workers this payment is not sufficient for the skill workers.
The skill workers need the payments according to their works. One of the employees in Apple
store Stratford (Westfield) branch who work in the company last three years when the researcher
ask him about the question for interviews then the worker answered that:
Apple Company does not pay me as my expectation. I am work on each section and keep
myself busy. Every second I use for give the best service. When I get the money as a salary I saw
that this was not sufficient as I work hard in the company, as I compare with other companies.
Its very important that every company have competitors and for the competition markets its
need to pay the competitive salary as the other competitors pay their staffs. in a company work is
not flexible. The company need to improve their salary structure according to the employees
demands. When an employee does not get their salary as their expectation then they are
dissatisfy in their work. The worker work hard and work in the different department as the
company needs and the worker use their every second for achieve the company goals and give
the best service. But when they saw that the salary competitively low from others retails
company then they are dissatisfied. For the employees satisfaction Apple needs to pay the perfect
salary as the market demands.
Some of the employees satisfaction related with the financial support like: get bonus and
intensive, pension after retired, get safety from the company, etc.
E.g. one of the employees who work in the Apple Company Stratford (Westfield) UK branch last
three years give answered the researcher question that:
We are whose are work in the Apple company come from different countries. Our culture, our
religion is different and also our life style capabilities are different from each others. But the
Apple store treat us a same scale that we are work in a same company. Its very grateful for every
employee in the Apple Company.
This indicates that Environmental issues are also the factors of employees job satisfaction. For
getting the job satisfaction in the job place every organization need to arrange comfortable and
secure environments. For the age difference and gender difference job satisfactions are vary in
the company. Managers helping behaviors can improve the job satisfactions in the company.


Training improves the working capability of the staffs and can give understanding about the job
Recommendation-Salary is very important for an employee. For the workload Apple Company
need to consider the Apple companies employee salary. Its found that maximum job
dissatisfaction cause for the salary. Every employee requires their specific need. Managers need
to check the employees ability and take action about the salary according to the staffs ability.

Achieving a high level of employee performance is considered the common goal for many
organizations. Employees satisfaction is the gateway to the success of an organization. This is
because employees who exhibit a higher level of satisfaction tend to put more effort in their jobs
that may then lead to better job performance. Hence, for an organization to achieve a higher level
of performance, a satisfying working context is required. Job satisfaction as the attitude and
feeling employees has towards their job. The feelings and attitudes are divided into two
categories which are the positive and negative attitudes. Pleasant feelings and positive attitudes
tend to show that employees are satisfied while negative and unpleasant feelings exhibit
dissatisfaction of employees. Briefly, job satisfaction refers to how employees feel about the job
and to which extent the value of the job is consistent to the employees needs.
An organization will not work without the contribution from the employees as the employees
could lead the organization to a better position in the highly competitive market nowadays.
Employees satisfaction in a company is very important for a company. For the market
competition the employees give the best and effective service to the customer The managers of
the company decide to achieve the company goals by giving their employees inspiration.
Employee productivity depends on the employee satisfactions. There is a system in a company
which is must follow by the employees. The managers and the employees of the company are
more committed, qualified and more effective for willing to work in the company in the case of

applying the employees satisfactions. Employees satisfactions carry the employees Job
Satisfaction. Organizational success depends on the employees success of useful Job
A well-managed business organization normally considers the average employees as the primary
source of productivity gains. These organizations consider employees rather than capital as the
core foundation of the business and contributors to firm development. To ensure the achievement
of firm goals, the organisation creates an atmosphere of commitment and cooperation for its
employees through policies that facilitate employee satisfaction. Satisfaction of human resource
finds close links to highly motivated employees. Motivated employees then develop loyalty or
commitment to the firm resulting to greater productivity and lower turnover rates.

In a company its important for a manager to know that how the employees are satisfied in the
company. For that reasons the practice of employees satisfactions is very important in a
company. If a company want to get full benefits from the employees its needs to satisfy the
employee in the workplace by inspecting the responsibilities.

Promotion involves higher responsibilities and therefore promotion policies should be

effectively implemented by organizations as this forms an effective reward for commitment,

loyalty and long service.

Working conditions in terms of flexibility, workload and working hours should be tuned in
such a way that they do not serve as barriers in maintaining work life balance which is

essential for individual and social development.

Seniors should inculcate positive attitude towards their subordinates in helping them to

perform assigned tasks with increased efficiency and in turn learn comfortably
There should be a special focus on Appraisal System, Work Place and Training and

Management behavior should be monitored to get the high performance from satisfied

Employees have a strong concern regarding workplace so this factor should also be a focus
of the organizations.

If the employees are satisfied, they are supposed to contribute more for their organizations

competitive edge.
Employees of the private organization should have clear goals and objectives by other

management, so that they can participate in growth of the organization.

Appropriate performance appraisal system on employees progress is necessary for

achievement of the expected performance.

In the job place every employees are important as they are men or as they are women. Job
satisfactions need all gender for doing their work frequently and work for achieve the
companys expectations. In a company men and women work together and they work equally
in the company. Therefore no gender bias should be made.




Fall 2013 job satisfaction case study
26_Employee Job Satisfaction in Public Sector A Study pdf
A Study of Job Satisfaction of Employees of ICICI bank in Himachal Pradesh pdf
The Effects of Employee Satisfaction on Company Financial Performance article/


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