Notes From Report

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It is a way of telling stories with images that would normally be told with text.

The stories can be told through photos, sketches, diagrams, flipbooks, colour and
inventive typography.
The first types of comics that existed started when printing presses were
Famous early examples of text-image experiments include Laurence Sternes
elliptical Tristram Shandy (1767) and William Blakes self-illustrated poems in
Songs of Innocence and of Experience (1794).
Graphic devices were limited, therefore they became popular the sixteenth
century, when communication media changed dramatically, such as the
invention of the printing press.

This demonstrates the increase in

popularity of graphic narratives from 1922, 2012.
Hybrid texts are any kind of graphic text; long or short. A graphic novel is a
longer graphic story.
Hybrid texts are less well-known than a graphic novel.
Hybrid texts are ones where readers follow what catches their eyes, graphic
novels are hybrids because people look at pictures in their order of interest,
there is no particular path for the eye to follow, unlike the words on a text.
Willie Van Peers gives a definition of typography as the graphical
representation of language on paper and its concrete arrangement (type face,
paragraph arrangement, type size, etc.)
It is said that the appearance of a graphic novel is really important to even
improve the content of the novel if it is really good, or affect it if the appearance
isnt good.
Illustrated includes early novels from Charles Dickens and William Makepeace,
they created illustrated editions of their novels. Writers can create these
themselves after their book has been published, or people can even create the
editions after they have died.
An example of typography mirroring the narrative is Irvine Welshs Filth in 1998,
in the novel, the character, Bruce narrates it, but as the novel progresses it is
narrated more and more by the tapeworm living inside of him until it dominates

There are six main ways that visuals in hybrid texts challenge the conventions,
these are; exaggeration, alteration, repetition, deletion, combination and the
adoption of conventions from other forms.
Hartmut Stockl thinks that the linguistic reflection on typology would have no use
to creative writers twenty years ago, it used to be something that happened
mostly after a book was written, but now most books are published with
illustrations, or people seem to be more commonly publishing their own work
using the internet or in eBooks.

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