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Redhound Day Lesson 10 - 7th Grade Social Studies

This lesson replaces one day of classroom instruction in Social Studies. These tasks will be graded
based upon correct completion. Students will have a five-day period including two ESS dates to
complete any work that is not finished on the actual day that we miss school.

Part I: Read the non-fiction text, Early Settlements of North America to answer the following


Settlements in North America were established for religious and economic reasons.

Sir Walter Raleigh wanted England to share in the immense wealth to be had from the

Americans, so in 1587, using his own money, he sent settlers under the command of John White to a
region off the coast of present day North Carolina. There they established the first colony called
Roanoke Island (Lost Colony). White returned to England for supplies leaving behind over 100
settlers. Because of the war between Spain and England, White was unable to return to Roanoke
Island until 1589. Upon his return he discovered the colonists were missing. Finding no trace, he
returned to England.

Sir Walter Raleighs great economic loss convinced people it was too expensive as individuals

to establish a colony. Men joined together to form companies to raise money for the purpose of
establishing settlements in America. One such company was the Virginia Company. In 1607 the
Virginia Company sent settlers to establish Jamestown Settlement as an economic venture. This was
the first permanent English settlement.

Investors and adventurers looking for profit and gold had started the colony of Virginia. The

people who planted the next English colony were seeking something far different-the right to worship
as they wished. They were separatists from the Church of England who wanted to avoid religious
persecution. This group became known as the Pilgrims because they made their journey for religious

reasons. King James gave the Pilgrims permission to settle north of Jamestown and in 1620 the
Plymouth Colony was settled.

Massachusetts Bay Colony followed in 1629. Puritans settled it for much the same reason as

the Pilgrims, to avoid religious persecution.

William Penn, who started the colony of Pennsylvania, was a very different sort of proprietor.

He was the son of a wealthy admiral and friendly with the future King Charles II. In the mid-1660s
Penn joined a new religion, the Religious Society of Friends. Members were called Quakers because
they quaked before God. Quaker beliefs upset religious and government leaders in England. They
saw no need for ministers and refused to pay taxes to the Church of England. As a result, Quakers
were persecuted in England and also in Massachusetts. Penn dreamed of finding a haven for Quakers
in America, and his connections with the king made it come true. In 1681 he received a grant from
Charles II for territory north of Maryland. He called it Pennsylvania.

In 1732, James Oglethorpe received a charter from King George II to found a colony between

South Carolina and Spanish Florida. Knowing that thousands of poor men and women were thrown
into debtors prison because they were too poor to pay their debts, Oglethorpe decided to help them
get a fresh start in America. Georgia, named after King George, was first settled by people who had
been in debtors prison. They hoped to experience a new life in the colony and economic freedom in
the New World.

Part II: Follow the following steps to complete the chart below based on the passage.

1. In the first column list the names of the settlements in the order they were first settled.

2. In the second column give the year that colony was established.

3. In the next column, choose whether the colony was settled for an economic reason or a

religious reason.

4. In the 4th column write the name of the person / group that first settled that colony.

5. In the last column, create a unique and different symbol to represent the colony (do not

repeat symbols).

by Whom



Sir Walter Raleigh
















KCAS SS 7 KCAS SS 7 Academic Expectation 2.20: Students understand, analyze, and interpret historical events, conditions, trends, and issues to develop historical perspective.
Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 612: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.1 - Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.

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