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‘The Painter This story is about a young girl of about 17 years old, She was a great artist in canvas painting, Her life was full of misery as at a young age, she lost her family in an accident. Everyday, she has to deal with all the bills, house works and school work to keep herself afloat. There was only one thing that keeps hersane enough to face thw world and that was painting. She paonted great works of art froma simple butterfly on a rose to the great city life. She loved it so much that everyday, she paints a story of how a itl such as herself finds true love, Many of us knew that fairy tales would never come true but this gil, hhers came true, One day, while she was working parttime ata coffee shop, the girl thought that she saw a familiar silhouette. There was a man who looked like the drawing that she drew the night before. He approached the gis! and smiledas he ordered a cup of coffee. The girl nodded and abided to his instructions, After she made him coffee, the girl returned to her work station to which the man then left smiling as he waved to her. That evening, when the gil returned to her home, she saw that her paintings were moved. The git! then looked for the painting of the man that she drew, it was gone but the silhouette was still there, She thought it was peculiar and placed the painting back to its original place. ‘The next day, a the gil had just returned from school to her part time job, the same man went to visit her again. This time he fad a bouquet of roses with him, He approached the girl and gave the flowers toher, He then gave herhis numberto call himand left the place. The girl was perplexed by the sudden. act of the man but accepted the number. That evening, the girl called the man and he answered to her call ‘They talked all night long till dawn, Days past and the feelings of the girl grew for the man. The girl realised that the man was doing exactly as what she drew on the canvas, From the walk in the park to the day at the theme park. The girl never felt so happy in life. Then, one day, the girl was trying to think up of what to draw. She then drew a white wedding gown with a long terrain, The girl was astonished by the drawing herself that she decided to frame it up. Usually, it was about time for the man to call her but he did not. The girl too felt quite busy with her schoolwork, did not bother to check up on him so, she left him be. Days past and still there was no sign of him. Then, one day, as the girl was about fo call him, @ sock came atthe door: The gir! opened the door to find a bouquet of flowers on the floor. It was from ‘the man. Saying that he wants her to paint something she loves the most on the canvas and put it under the moonlight. The girl was perplexed by this but do what she was told to. So, that night, under the full ‘moon. The girl drew elegantly and cleanly on the canvas. Every stroke ofthe brush was as confident asit can be. Then, after she finished, the drawing started to move. It was coming to life. ‘She drew the picture of the man that came to her a few days before. The man came to life and stepped out of the canvas and embraced the girl, Then, the gil felt dizzy and fell down fainted. The girl ‘woke up in her bed with all the paintings in their original places. She looked around to find that she was all alone until she saw the canvas near her bed. It was the painting of the man that she drew. It was there and there was something drawn next to the man. It was a drawing of herself ina wedding gown. The gitl ‘then finally realised that it was not true, All of that was just her imagination. ‘That morning as the girl was doing her part time job, a man approached her smiling. “Excuse me but I think we have met before, "said the man. The girl smiled and their friendship grew from there. ‘This story tells you that never stop dreaming of what you want to achieve in life. It may come to you in the hours of when you least expect it to be.

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