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1.Prepare RTM
2.Test Cases during
3.Entry criteria for Test Case
4.Entry criiteria for Test Execution
5.Entry criteria for user acceptance
6.Draw back for 3 tier
7.Adv of 3 tier
8.function of db servers
9.3 tier includes
10.No of types of server
12.Client Server Model
13.Client is one
14.Client makes call to
15.procedure turning on
16.remote computer,butdoes not wait for responses is a part of
17.False keyword
18.object facilitate sqquence access to txt
19.Metric collection &Analysis Activity
20.function returns the no of intervals
21.function that display msg
22.private view
23.type of attachments mail requirements
24.test set is a group of
25.main func of QC
26.testing process you can defer
27.Defect grid
28.Defect with start not closed many test can be associated
30.value can be used b/n & keyword
31.$ Regular Expression (vb)
32.Reverse String (vb)
33.Comment in vb
34.Default Test type in QC
35.How do we load QTP Test Template in QC
36.Testing tool Integration with QC
37.DML stmts
38.Diff b'w union and unionAll
39.Sql Procedures
40.Batch Testing
41.Incident Mgmt Tool
42.LowecaseConvert (vb)
48.qc flags green ,red colors. function(VB)
50.Define 4 testing levels
51.what should be the characteristics of requirements
52.what does the solid blue line indicates in the execution flow tab(QC)
53.which funtion extracts the specified number of characters.
1)mid 2)splite 3.)trim 4)both a and B
54. metric collectiona nd analysis activity comes which phase of test automation
1)plan 2) devlop 3)maintain 4)design
55.what is the direct cover status of requirement which is connected with TC. do you generate file output from SQL
1.)output 2.)spool 3.)generate 4.)print

57) Inputs for developing testplan are taken form

58.)Charateristics of a file server.

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