Activtrades PLC Is Authorised and Regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority

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ActivTrades Plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority


This document sets our Conflicts Policy which we maintain in order to manage conflicts of
interest in respect of the duty of care we owe to our clients.
ActivTrades PLC (the firm) is legally required to take all steps that are reasonable to identify
any conflicts of interest that may occur between the firm, its employees, its clients and any
associated third parties or affiliates
Above all, the interests of the clients are paramount. Every effort will be made to ensure that
all clients are treated fairly and professionally.
In the event of a potential conflict where more than one client has an order in the same
market, the trades will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
The firm, its employees or any third party associates should not benefit directly from any
conflict of interest, apart from its normal business.
You accept that while every effort will be made to ensure no conflict occurs. If there is a time
when conflict occurs, it will be managed professionally and recorded.
Compliance will review the firms procedures from time to time.
The following are examples of material interests and conflicts of interests which may occur
during the course of our dealings with you:
We may execute hedging transactions which may impact on the price you pay or receive in
relation to such orders
We may act as principal in trades which you enter into
Subject to the FCA Rules, we may pay to and accept from third parties (and not be liable to
account to you) benefits, commissions or remunerations which are paid or received as a result
of orders conducted by you
Staff at the firm, may on occasion, accept small gifts or hospitality from third parties
associated with the business. At no time will this affect or impair their ability to act in the best
interest of our clients.

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