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Grove Society Calendar of Events

Feb 2016
Friday, Feb 12th
5:30 p.m.

Mar 2016
Thursday, Mar 3rd
6 p.m.

Dr. Evans birthday party. Dr Evans will return to Evansville for his
birthday party to be celebrated at the Eager Free Public Library,
lower level. Civil War re-enactor, Dr. Steven Oreck, will talk about
the life of a surgeon in the field and demonstrate a surgeons
instruments and techniques. He will be prepared to perform surgery,
if anybody needs emergency medical attention. President Lincolns
favorite honey almond cake will be served with corn bread and
maple syrup. Guests are encouraged to bring a dish-to-pass from the
Civil War era and wear clothing from the Civil War era. There will
be a special exhibit on Dr. Evans at the Grove Society Museum with
articles about Dr. Evans in the Evansville Review. Eager Free
Public Library.
Genealogy Group: The benefits of the free online website Find a
Grave by Jeanne Hamilton of Evansville, a member of the
Genealogy Group and a volunteer for the website Find a Grave.
This website can be a valuable resource for genealogists, which, if
you are lucky, may contain a photograph of your ancestors
gravestone with genealogical data. She will explain what the
website can offer and how individuals can add information to the
website, if they desire. Creekside Place.

Thursday, Mar 17th Old House Social Group [OHSG] meeting at Rockn Rollz
6 p.m.
Sandwich Co., 1 West Main Street, Evansville, to visit, view, and
discuss the significance of this historic building. Standard menu
items will be available for dinner, if desired.
Also, the Grove Society Museum will offer a special exhibit on
donations received from descendants of C.H. Wilder, who operated
the business at 1 West Main Street. The Review will feature an
article about C.H. Wilder and his family.
April 2016
Thursday, April 7th Genealogy Group: There will be no speaker for the April meeting.
6 p.m.
Instead, everybody is invited to present a summary of their research
and discuss their dead ends or brickwalls. Newcomers are welcome.
Creekside Place.
Monday, April 11th Joyal of Holder Printworks will present a program at Eager Free
5:30 p.m.
Public Library on various techniques that he can offer to help
people preserve family memories, including converting family
movies into DVDs. A special event may precede the program to
listen to the DVD, converted by Joyal, of interviews with Ruth Ann
Montgomery, Janet Sperry, Betty and Harry Roderick, Walter

Gollmar, Margery Buckeridge, Mr. Knapp, Sally Eager and her

father-in-law Leonard Eager, which were recorded on reels in the
May 2016
Thursday, May 5th Genealogy Group: Researching Your Civil War Ancestor at the
6 p.m.
Wisconsin Historical Society Library Archives and Beyond. Do
you think you have found the complete story of your Civil War
ancestor? Come hear Lori Bessler, Reference Librarian, explain
the various collections that can shed more light on that Civil War
ancestor and his story. This presentation will also include ideas of
other places to look for more information. Lori Bessler has worked
at the Wisconsin Historical Society Library Archives since 1988.
She specializes in breaking down brick-walls and finding hard-tofind resources. Eager Free Public Library.
Thursday, May 19 Old House Social Group meeting at a private residence. Notify
7 p.m.
Jennifer Ehle, if you are interested in joining the group to learn
more about historic preservation and restoration.
June 2016
No Genealogy Group Meeting.
Saturday, June 11th Walking Tour of Evansville. Offered by the Rock County Historical
9:00-10:00 AM
Society, Evansville Grove Society, and Evansville Historic Preservation Commission. Starts at Eager Free Public Library.
Thurs., June 23
7 p.m.

Old House Social Group meeting at private residence for outdoor

social event to admire landscaping and hardscraping completed by
owner. Notify Jennifer Ehle, if you are interested in attending.

Contact Jennifer Ehle for more information, 608-302-1722,

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