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Notes for Dec 19th Roll20 Game

Ganthor (Tom) and Falkyn (Garret) training, and to meet Chiteng priest to destroy statuette of Sarku
aspect (Toolu) (because of what it contains). This will be on the 25th day of the 2nd month, Shapru.
(Festival: Descent into the Tomb Forever, Sarku & Durritlamish, City of Sarku.
Underground rituals. * Bring deceased relatives for internment / to begin the
transformation. PCs will not have been invited, they are uncouth barbarians.) Hlaka
(winged monkeys) might still be spotted observing. Players won't spot clowns (face-painted street
performers) again.
Keahilani (Dan), Egros (Frank), Goth (John O) and (Mike) remained at tenement with clown working
party. There are usually six (although they come and go). They have sleeping space assigned in the
tenement, also their own residence. (They seemed to obey Tom, and initially told him that Everything
is in position. They have subsequently begun to doubt he is a leader in their Secret Society.)
Clowns will ask any players present where Ganthor is, and if there are any plans for action yet. If
questioned, they will demure, ominously. If followed, they will lead party members to Ganthor at the
Palace of War (Foreigner's Quarter).
Swarm of hu-bats drop gold, which turns out to be skull-candy wrapped in foil, with the message,
Prepare. (The assumption here is that this is a Sarku message re the upcoming festival. But it might
be the Secret Society of the clowns instead.)
Jakalla Random Encounters (see printout sheet)
Descent into the Underworld
Su'umel Kaavukem hiNmi, 5th Level Sorcerer-priest of Chiteng. Orange & Purple Robes. Shaved head.
14 Hps, AC 6 (Leather +2 Dex), 2-handed Sword (+1 dmg fr Str), Dagger. Spells 6/4/1:
Curse, Cure Light x3, Light, Darkness. ESP, Improved Phantasmal Force, Hypnotic Pattern, Levitate.
Monster Summoning I. Skill: Underworld Survival. Psionic Abilities: Minor Detection of Good or
Evil, Object Reading, Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions. Psionic Ability: 150 pts.
Changadesha Zuru hiNdayetla, 3rd Level Female Temple Guard of Chiteng. Tall.
15 Hps, AC 5/6 (Scale & Shield), Spear (+1/+1), Bola. Lantern instead of shield if necessary. Healing
On the specified day, the party will meet the priest of Chiteng, Su'umel Kaavukem hiNmi, near the
Temple of Chiteng. Many citizens are streaming through the city on their way to the City of the Dead.
Ka'avukem joins them, wearing a brown hooded cloak over his Chiteng garb. The crowd bears incense
burners and torches, and moves down the ceremonial boulevards, over bridges and past the arena to the
gate. Most wear cloaks similar to Ka'avukem's. Some carry (or have slaves carrying) biers with
shrouded forms. Here and there are groups of Sarku and Durritlamish priests chanting blessings over

the crowds.
The City of the Dead:
Vendors sell grave candy, incense and braziers, scented oils, wreaths of grave flowers, shrouds, black
and white face paint, cheap brown cloaks, as well as finger food and drink (paper cones provided at no
additional charge).
The huge pyramids and tombs loom over all. Swarms of hu-bats fly across the moons. Groups of Tomb
Police watch the crowds carefully, but they are woefully outnumbered. Rubble contrasts with well
cared for monuments. Chanting and the boom of gongs fill the air, along with clouds of incense. The
main body of worshipers heads to the Temple of Sarku. Underworld ventures will continue below,
arrive on Level One, near Green 74 to cross bridge and head to Sarku temple on upper right.
Ka'avukem eventually darts off out of the main flow of people. He is not the only one. Perhaps some
worshipers are heading to family tombs? He heads into the ruins of collapsed and looted edifices. Two
of the Tomb Police are encountered they acknowledge the priest's temple, accept a gratuity, and
ostentatiously look the other way as he leads the party into the rubble. He comes to a tarnished copper
gate set at the start of broad stone stairs descending into the darkness.
Encounters: (remember to use Stability parties if possible)
(Add Steel armor/weapons where appropriate)
Clown Secret Society members. Psionic Hypnosis. Monks, Lvl 1-4. AC 10-> 7. Dmg d3->d6. # attks
1/1/1/5-4. Chance to Stun. AC 10 7. Move Silently, Hide in Shadows (say between 20-35% each),
etc. HD: 2d4 at 1st, +1d4 ea lvl. Crossbows, Spears, Bolas. Nenyelu Poison on weapons: Save with +2.
On success, take an additional 1-2 dmg. On failure, take 1d4 dmg 1st rd, 1d2 2nd rd.
Religious Party of Appropriate Temple. 2-4 Ftrs Level One, AC 5/6 (Scale/Shield), Pole Arm, Mace. 1
Sorcerer Level 3-> 5. Staff, Dagger (or Sword if war god). Spells: (1) Cure Light, Light/Darkness,
Bless/Curse. (2) Improved Phantasmal Force, Hypnotic Pattern. (3) Monster Summoning I, Bestow
Escaped collared Renyu slave (from whoever's territory he's found in). Gradur, HD2, Hps 10, AC5,
unarmed dmg 1-2, semi-intelligent (can speak simply), sees in the dark. To be sacrificed? (no personal
affiliation to an alignment or human temple)
6 Qol, pale grey in black robes, HD 1+1, AC 3, 2 Attks (poisoned bite 1d4, fail means add'l 1d8) + by
weapon (polearm). Opportunistic, abandoned their post, will flee if outmatched.
Chiteng Priest knows route off main cemetery tunnel that ends in a locked door. He has key, stairs
down to boat landing on Level One, west side. Will take a boat and head to landing near bridge, head
up through Hru'u temple area, then west to Vimuhla temple. Appropriate encounters en route. If
something happens to him, he will gasp out final directions. The plan is to approach Vimulha temple
with password for Vreddi priests, explain Goddess, and beg to drop statuette into flames. Inside at altar
is better than the moat, but either will do in a pinch.

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