February 10 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 10, 2016

What is the difference between an ordinary person and one who wishes to
become a spiritual aspirant? Bhagawan lovingly explains so we can take a
relook at ourselves and mend our ways.

Spiritual aspirants must carefully understand the distinction

between the conduct of the ordinary (sahaja) person and
spiritual aspirant. The ordinary person has no
fortitude (sahana), is conceited (ahamkara), and is full of
desires related to the world, through which the person is trying
to have a contented existence. Aspirants engaged in
contemplation of the Lord (Sarveswara-chinthana) as
ceaselessly as the waves of the sea, accumulate the wealth of
equality and equal love to all, and are content in the thought
that all is the Lords and nothing is theirs. Unlike the ordinary
person, the spiritual seeker wont easily bend before grief,
loss, anger or hatred or selfishness, hunger, thirst or
fickleness. Aspirants should master all good things as much
as possible and journey through life in fortitude, courage, joy,
peace, charity, and humility. Realise that tending the body is
not all-important, and bear even hunger and thirst patiently
and engage uninterruptedly in contemplation of the Lord.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 59.

Soft sweet speech is the expression of genuine love. Baba

10 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:iek Awm AwdmI Aqy iek A`iDAwqimk swDk iv`c kI Prk hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM smJwauNdy hn ik AsIN
Awpxy-Awp iv`c qbdIlI ilAwaux leI kI kr skdy hW[
au`qr: A`iDAwqimkqw nUM is`Kx vwly swDk nUM Awm AwdmI Aqy A`iDAwqimk swDk iv`c Prk smJxw cwhIdw
hY[iek Awm AwdmI auh hY ijhVw hMkwrI hY,ijs iv`c sihnSIlqw nhIN hY Aqy sMswrI ie`CwvW nwl BirAw hoieAw
hY Aqy iesy nUM hI AwpxI sMquStI mMndw hY[A`iDAwqimk swDk auh hY ijhVw smuMdr dIAW qrMgW dI qrHW lgwqwr
Bgvwn dy iDAwn iv`c msq rihMdw hY Aqy auh iehI socdw hY ik swrw ku`J Bgvwn dw hI hY Aqy aus dw ku`J vI
nhIN hY,swirAW nUM iek ijhw vyKdw hY Aqy swirAW nwl ie`ko ijhw ipAwr krdw hY[aus au`qy,
du`K,nukswn,gu`sw,nPrq jW svwrQ,Bu`K,ipAws ,kmzorI Awid dw koeI Asr nhIN huMdw[swDk nUM cwhIdw hY ik

auh,ij`nw ho sky cMgIAW cIzW gRhx kry,hOsly,KuSI SWqI,dwn Aqy hlImI nwl jIvn bqIq kry[Bu`K Aqy ipAws
nUM brdwSq kry Aqy ibnW rukwvt dy,eISvr dw icMqn kry[(pRym vwihnI A`iDAwey 59)[
AslI ipAwr auh hY ijhdy nwl mnu`K hr iek nwl,im`Tw boldw hY[(bwbw)[

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