Presentation On: SAS Institute

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SAS institute
Presented by-
Nitesh bhawsar
Prateek thakur
Satyam sharma
Kunal matani
Nitin meher
Abhishek tiwari
Introduction about SAS institute
SAS institute(statical analytical system) is world largest
private software company.
Established in year 1976, cary north carolina, USA
James good night is the founder and CEO of a company.
SAS is the leader of business analytical software and
SAS have a 5400 employee, two-third of its employee work
in its head quarter.
The company have 31000 customers in 120 countries.
Revenue of company in is 2.36 billion $ in 2009
SAS institute is the world best employer in the year.
organisation details…
 business,statical software is the core product of
company and it is developed for analysis the data.
Sas invest more than 30% to its R&D.
Company give the more focus on what the customers
SAS is a place where loyalty matters more than the
SAS create a country club and child care like physical
surrounding to encourage his employee.
Issue in the case
The primary goal of John goodnight is to create good
environment where employee work with fun, stimulating and
good environment.
The culture of a company is make a different to others company
SAS is truly care about its employee.
The company provide his own office to each and every
employee to mximize its effectiveness.
SAS institute is give more focus to take a challenge on the job
Company give a freedom and flexibility to do perform a job.
The physical surrounding in SAS make a different to others
Issue con’t
SAS treated his employee like a family
The environment of SAS is resources-rich also
contribute to unique culture.
Jim goodnight give the more focus to make a good
culture in the organisation.
There is no designated parking space and no dinning
room for executives.
Analysis the issue
Creating and sustaining its work environment
The work of SAS institute different from NASA
No difference b/w executive and workers
Primary goal is fun with goal
Mainly focus on employees effectiveness
Employee-friendly benefit
Good night believe that if employee will be happy then
productivity will increase
Company truly care about every man and women on its pay
Employee strategy.
Company value are employee-centered
Every facility to employees health care, real state , financial
every employee has there own office for work
Employee independency
Encourage- even demand and team work are success of
Competing with own target
Challenging environment but should not be burden
Physical surrounding and make big difference to SAS
Analysis con’t..
Hire hard recruitment strategy
Emphasis not only technical skill but also on attitude
35 hr work week ,complete work with advanced technology
People have choice on working hr
Compensation system-company not believe in high salary
to offer employee for work but employee work itself
Mr. Goodnight is silent kind of leader and believe in
motivation of employees
Mr. Goodnight spend 50% on time programming
He not believe in wasting money on more recruitement
Impact and learnings
Healthy environment in a company increase the
productivity of a employee.
Employees is primary assests of a company
 policy makes a strong organization.
There should be gives a freedom for work.
Leadership styles effect a employee to great extend.
James goodnight give more focus on employee
effectiveness not employee productivity.
 good Organisation culture play important role in a


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