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Al-Zahrawi was the "most frequently cited surgical authority of the Middle Ages"

In the 14th century, the French surgeon Guy de Chauliac quoted al-Tasrif over 200

An early inhaler invented by al-Zahrawi. At the top is the original Arabic while the Latin translation is at the

Al-Tasrif made its way from al-Andalus throughout the Muslim and Christian worlds. Thus, many of the procedures he pioneered were given
names that do not indicate that he originated them. For example, the Walcher position of childbirth and the Kocher method for fixing
dislocated shoulders were invented by al-Zahrawi but credited to later European physicians.

Why we should praise for his work.

Regardless of credit, al-Zahrawis contributions to medicine and particularly surgery were revolutionary for his time. Without the procedures
and tools that he pioneered, surgery today may still be a barbaric guessing game. His abilities and his consistent recording of procedures
helped advance medicine for centuries, and we are still in debt to his genius.

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