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By Kayla

Tornadoes form
when hot air and
cold air combine.
Causing winds to
form and a funnel
cloud to appear.

A tornado is not yet

a tornado until it
touches the
ground, until that
point, it is still a
funnel cloud.


 Whenever you are notified that a tornado has
been spotted or a funnel cloud is in the area,
always get to the nearest, safest place. What is
a safe place?

 1. If you are home; a basement or bathroom

 2. If you are driving; pull over and find the

nearest shelter where you can go to a
bathroom or a storage unit, pull over and
cover in a ditch.

 3. If you are not in either of these situations,

and can’t quite find out what you should do,
always find a heavy piece of metal, or sturdy
appliance that you can protect yourself from.

 A tornado can occur anytime of the year. However,

most of them occur in the month of May.

 The wind speed of a tornado is recorded between 40

mph to 110 mph. These rotating tornadoes can
travel many miles and destroy almost anything in
its path.

 These funnel shaped tornadoes mainly occur in

areas of Southern Canada, Southern Africa, and in
some areas of Asia. They also occur in some areas of
Europe and southeastern regions of Australia and
New Zealand.

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