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Greek Amphora Project

Task: The Greeks often depicted gods, goddesses, and myths on

their artwork. We have read multiple Greek myths over the past
few weeks. Choose 1 Greek myth that we have read and design an
amphora that depicts a scene from the myth. Then write a
paragraph that explains the scene the amphora shows.
Myths to Choose From: Pandora; Dedalus and Icarus, Atalanta
and the Great Race, King Midas and the Golden Touch, Arachne
(from homework)
Criteria for Success for Art:
Done in black and white (pencil)
Incorporates Greek patterns (see patterns sheet for help)
Depicts a scene from one of the myths weve read.
Scene is in the middle of the amphora.
Criteria for Success for Paragraph:
Complete sentences.
Has a short summary of the myth (a retell).
Explains the picture.
Checked for capitalization, punctuation, and usage.

Examples of Greek Patterns to Use

Name: __________________________________________

Name: __________________________________________


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