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Minnesota Transitions

Charter School


Reliance is

for Excellence
Wristbands for

Current Enrollment
Goal: Increase 9th & 10th Grades

9th Grade: 24
10th Grade: 46
11th Grade: 87
12th Grade: 64

Trade Skills
Building Maintenance: Students are instructed on
basic wiring, plumbing, painting, wall repair, and all other
aspects of the care of a commercial building
Advanced Woodworking: Students learn to craft
complex pieces of furniture and cabinetry. Past projects
include book shelves, toy chests, and benches.
Intro to Carpentry: Students learn basic construction
and wiring. Each semester, students construct a freestanding tool shed with a finished interior and working
lights and electrical outlets.
Internships: After completing a year of academy
classes, students move into internship positions with
MTSs community and industry partners.

Digital Media Academy

Use professional tools like Final Cut Pro for video
editing, Pro Tools for sound engineering, Adobe
Suite for graphic design
Work with professionals to create real-world
media products
Shoot videos in a professional sound stage with
Canon DSLR cameras
Record tracks in our professional recording
Design ad campaigns, posters, stickers and tshirts with professional graphic designers
Receive a quality, core academic education
through traditional classroom instruction, online
classwork, or a customized blend of the two.


Art & Video Arts

Students have the freedom to create their
own commercials, short movies, & even

Sports & Recreation

As a stand-alone strand of MTS High
School, Sports Rec Academy is committed
to mental and physical wellness. At MTS
Sports Rec Academy, we value strong
academics and dedicated attendance and
our students are school leaders in both
grades and behavior.
Our staff support our student athletes on
and off the field, leading students in daily
work-outs, guiding students through core
classes, supporting students post
secondary goals, and stressing sports
related careers to prepare our students for
life after high school.

Colin L. Powell Leadership Academy

The General Colin L. Powell Leadership

Academy is the only free Army Junior
Reserve Officer Training program in
Hennepin County. This small, personalized
High School program emphasizes
leadership skills, community service and
citizenship. JROTC cadets are more likely
to graduate, go to college and succeed in

Achievement Gap
The achievement gap in education refers to the disparity
in academic performance between groups of students.
The achievement gap shows up in grades, standardizedtest scores, course selection, dropout rates, and collegecompletion rates, among other success measures.
Differences are seen between lower, middle, & upper
classes. Differences are seen between White, AfricanAmerican, Hispanic, & Asian races.

Goal: Increase Academic

704 Title I schools in Minnesota.
Schools that take federal aid to provide
extra support to struggling students.
Last year MTS ranked #3 of the 704
schools in closing the achievement gap.
Most schools showed a decline in math
achievement. MTS was one of the few
schools that showed GAINS in math
testing last year.

Dean of Students: Melvin baker

Fixing Behavior with

Restorative Practices
Fixing behavior with
Restorative Practices

-Last year between February and May (4 months)
Suspensions and referrals at 1,500
*That would be 375 Suspension and referrals per month
-This year we have a total of 82 Suspensions and referrals
in (4 months)
*This year 20.5 Suspensions and referrals (Referrals=Fixits)

*Studies show that when attendance goes up
grades go up and Behaviors go down
*November we are averaging between 15-21
students who are late on a daily bases
MTS Weekly Average of Number of Late Students
50 46.60

3560.00% 3460.00%


Average # of students late weekly


4040.00% 4060.00% 4200.00%


*Lunch detentions are used for teachers and behavioral
support to conference with
students about
continuous unproductive class behaviors.
*Students knowing that they may have to serve lunch
detention for unproductive behavior throughout the
building and in classes detour a lot of bad behaviors.

*Fit-it is a tool used by teachers and staff to
engage students when their behavior causes
class disruptions, not participating in class
work, and any other behavior that is not
productive to the learning environment. Please
flip the paper over to see a fix-it form.

Importance of Awareness
& Communication
Family Skyward Access
A detailed calendar provides options to view any excused or unexcused
absences .
Teacher Message Center links allow for easier communication between
parents and teacher.
Discipline center: Family Access allows for direct parent involvement in the
discussions regarding their children.
One easy touch of a key allows for the viewing of class lists and grades in the
convenience of a single location.
In addition, the Grade Comment Screen allows parents to view teacher

Family Skyward Access

1. Login & Password needed
2. MTS webpage:
3. Click on Parents: Top of webpage
4. Scroll down click on Skyward.
5. Enter Login & Password

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