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The Great War (1914-1918) Chapter 13-A

Section One: Marching Towards War (pages 407-410)


1. Militarism2. Triple Alliance3. Kaiser Wilhelm II4. Triple Entente~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1. Identify how three main factors led to the outbreak of World War I.
a. Nationalism-

b. Imperialism-

c. Militarism-

2. Identify the countries that formed the following alliances

a. Triple Allianceb. Triple Entente3. Who took over as the head of the German government after Bismarck was forced to resign? __________
4. Identify two changes in foreign policy that he made bringing Germany and Europe closer to war.(Page 409)
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
5. Why is the Balkans known as the "Powder Keg" of Europe? _______________________
6. Summarize the list of events and people which set World War I in motion. (Essay Question)
(A Shot Rings Throughout Europe page 410) When did it occur, where did it occur, & who was involved?



The Great War (1914-1918)

Section Two: Europe Plunges into War (pages 411-415)

1. Central Powers2. Allies3. Western Front4. Schlieffen Plan5. Trench Warfare6. Eastern Front~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. Describe the chain of events (alliances) which led to World War I. __________________________

Describe the Schlieffen Plan. (Essay question test possibility # 3-5)
2. Who came up with the plan? ____________________________________________________________
3. What was the strategy in this plan? _______________________________________________________

4. What problems occurred which caused the plan to fail? ______________________________________

5. Why did the Germans panic and back out of this plan? _______________________________________

6. After the Schlieffen Plan failed, describe the strategy in fighting earliest on the Western Front. Why was
this significant? ___________________________________________________________________


7. List & explain several problems soldiers encountered by the soldiers in the trench? _________________

8. Identify 4 new weapons developed for the first time in World War I. a. _____________________
b._________________________ c. ______________________d. ___________________

Describe the death tolls at the battles of Verdun ___________________________________________

Somme- ___________________________________________
10. Describe the weaknesses of the Russian army? How did this affect their battle casualties?


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