Summary, Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations

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Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations

This study aimed to assess the fishballs sold at West
Visayas State University La Paz, Iloilo City.

What are the microbes present in the sample?

What are the population counts of the microbes present?
Are the microbial populations present significant?
Are the samples unfit for human consumption?

The results of the study revealed the following:

1. 5 samples of Fishballs passed the standards in the APC and
S. aureus standard, but failed in the E. coli MPN/g.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions were made:
The fishballs are not safe because not passing in the E.coli
test indicates that fishballs are not safe for consumption.
Based on the findings and conclusions, the following
recommendations are advanced:

1. The study was limited only on one fishball vendor, It is

recommended to widen the span of the study for more credible
2. It is also recommended to try other street foods to
compare their microbial counts.

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