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Component I: Classroom Teaching


Intern Name: Katelyn Fryar

# of Students: 20
Unit Title: LDC: Decisions, Decisions

Task A-2: Lesson Plan

Date: 11/5/15
Age/Grade Level: 9th

Cycle: 1
Content Area: English

Lesson Title: LDC Prompt Overview and Brainstorming

Lesson Alignment to Unit

Respond to the following items:
a) Identify essential questions and/or unit objective(s) addressed by this lesson.

B1b. Analyze writing assignments in terms of purpose and audience to determine which strategies to use

b) Connect the objectives to the state curriculum documents, i.e., Program of Studies, Kentucky Core Content, and/or Kentucky Core Academic Standards.

ACT Quality Core Standards addressed:

1. Choose materials for independent reading on the basis of specific criteria.
2. Read independently for a variety of purposes.
3. Use close reading strategies in order to interpret increasingly challenging texts.
4. Compare texts to previously read texts, past and present events, and/or content learned in other coursework.
5. Analyze writing assignments in terms of purpose and audience to determine which strategies to use.
6. Revise, refine, edit, and proofread own and others writing, using appropriate tools to find strengths and weaknesses and to seek strategies for improvement.
7. Prepare writing for publication by choosing the most appropriate format, considering principles of design and the use of various fonts and graphics, use
electronic devices to enhance the final product.
8. Craft first and final drafts of informational essays that provide clear and accurate perspectives on the subject and support the main ideas with facts, details,
and examples.
9. Establish and develop a clear thesis statement for informational writing.
10. Organize writing to create a coherent whole with effective, fully developed paragraphs, similar ideas grouped together for unity, and paragraphs arranged
in a logical sequence.
11. Add important information and delete irrelevant information to more clearly establish a central idea.
12. Rearrange words, sentences, and/or paragraphs and add transitional words and phrases to clarify meaning and maintain consistent style, tone, and voice.
13. Write an introduction that engages the reader and a conclusion that summarizes, extends, or elaborates points or ideas in the writing.
14. Evaluate source information for accuracy, credibility, currency, utility, relevance, readability, and perspective.

c) Describe students prior knowledge or focus of the previous learning.

Students have finished reading Romeo and Juliet and have discussed and analyzed character decisions throughout the play. Students have also done short
writing prompts and are used to writing short (paragraph or less) writings on a regular basis. This will be their first extended writing assignment in English I.

d) Describe summative assessment(s) for this particular unit and how lessons in this unit contribute to the summative assessment.

The summative assessment for this unit is a completed LDC Task. The result will be a teen advice article about good decision-making using examples of
poor decision-making from Romeo and Juliet.


Describe the characteristics of your students identified in section a of Task A-1Critical Student Characteristics, who will require differentiated
instruction to meet their diverse needs impacting instructional planning in this lesson of the unit.

There are no students in this class who require an IEP. There are a few students who struggle to stay on task, but those students are usually able to actively
engage with the material when provided opportunities to move and switch tasks often.

Lesson Objectives/
Learning Targets


I can analyze writing assignments in terms
of purpose and audience to determine
which strategies to use.

Assessment description: Charted rubric analysis difference between 2 and 3 vs 3 and 4.

Assessment Accommodations: No
accommodations are needed

Instructional Strategy/Activity

Strategy/Activity: Students will work in small groups or

partners to analyze the differences between a paper that
scores a 2 vs a 3 or a 3 vs a 4.


Activity Adaptations: N/A

Media/technologies/resources: Chart paper, markers, LDC


Procedures: Describe the sequence of strategies and activities you will use to engage students and accomplish your objectives. Within this sequence, describe
how the differentiated strategies will meet individual student needs and diverse learners in your plan. (Use this section to outline the who, what, when, and
where of the instructional strategies and activities.)

1. Students will enter class and complete a bell ringer from the projector: What is a decision? How do we make decisions? (10 minutes)
2. Teacher distributes LDC task and rubric, students follow along as teacher reads and explains task. (3-5 minutes)
3. Students will then complete a quick-write on their first reactions to the prompt, than find examples from past literature to identify a poor decision and how it
was made in order to connect the task and new content to existing knowledge, skills, experiences, interests, and concerns. (25 minutes)
a. The quick-write students will do on their own - reactions to the prompt. (5-7 minutes)
b. The constructed response will be a partner activity to find examples from past literature to identify a poor decision and how it was made (in Romeo
and Juliet). Teacher will circulate in order to check student understanding, answer questions, and provide feedback and encouragement (15-20
4. Class will discuss responses in order for the teacher to support plans for the task. (5-7 minutes)
5. In the final 15 minutes of class, students will use chart paper to chart the differences between a 2 paper and a 3 paper as well as a 3 paper vs a 4 paper. The
teacher will complete a quick model for students to help them understand the mini-task. Teacher will walk around to check student understanding and answer
questions and provide feedback. (15 minutes)

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