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Suffix Lesson

Objective: This lesson is meant as a review of the definition of a suffix and

also review the applications of suffixes ly, ful, ed, and ing. Then, the
students will learn the definitions of er and est.
Introduction: Review what a suffix is. A suffix is a letter or letters put
at the end of a root word. Suffixes change the use and sometimes the
meaning of the root word.
1. Pass out the checkerboard of words and have the students circle
the words that have suffixes.
2. When finished, have the students check and discuss their choices
with their partners. I have specifically mixed in some words like
bring or fly that look like they have suffixes but are not, which
creates some great discussion from the partners.
3. As a whole group, talk about what words confused them.
4. Pass out the review suffix page with suffixes ful, ly, ed, and ing.
5. Have the students complete the page.
6. Have them check and discuss with partners.
*You should be walking around and checking for understanding.
New Suffixes:
7. Introduce on poster, board, or power point the new suffixes er and
8. These are suffixes that compare, and when added to roots become
describing words.
9. Er= more _________ (compares 2 things) It is important to note that
er can also have another meaning. (a person who _______ or
someone who __________)
10. Est= most___________ (compares 3 or more things)
After discussion and some examples done together, pass out the
suffixes page with er and est for them to practice independently.
12. Have them partner check and discuss.

*You should walk around to check for understanding.

Recap the lesson. Either have the students talk with partners about the two
new suffixes or you can review as a whole class.

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