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90-CE PHY PAPER 1 WONG KONG EXAMINATIONS AUTHORITY PHYSICS PAPER | 8300m-10.00am (14 hous) This paper must be answored in English 1990 ‘Answer SIX questions only, choosing at least ONE question ‘rom each of the Sections A. B and C. ach question caries 15 masks. “The lst page of this queston paper contalan a lst of physics formulae which you may find wsefl soceony int as WONG KONG CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION EXAMINATION 1860 i) Take = 10 ms SECTION A Figure 1 shows «trolley of loagth 0.25 m esting on horizonia! runway ‘An elastic sing of unstretched length 0.15 1 1 ted to the volley. The froley Is poled along. the runway by stretching the elsic sring Dy Keeping the length of the stretched izing equal to the length of the trolley, ‘constant force f,N is applied to pull the tole, Figure 1 @) The foreeaxtension characteristic of the clastic sting is shown in Figure 2. What i the vale of f, 7 (1 mak) Force/N 06 os Figure 2 02 o Batenson/m 004 00802 poce ey 1-2 * —- 30— (©) Desrbe 4 method 10 determine the acceleration of the wolley along 2, Figure 3 shows pat of the route of a rolecoaster in an amusement park the runway. ‘Avart fll of pssngee with Coll mas 1200 kg runs down from rest atthe (4 mats) staring point #7 the terminal platform, 11 is 30 m above the terminal platform. The track provides an average fictional force of 300 N (©) The same experiment is repeated in tum with two, thre and four fhxoughout the jou IWentieal trngs in parallel. The owing results are oblained Number of elastic stings r]o2{ af 4 Force on trolley rN) a | al al fe Acedeation aime fois [07s | 13s] 195 a (i) Flod the values of ffs an fe ne ae Be J Teva (W) Using a scale that 4 cm represents 0.5 N and 4 em represents RDA Petfoom (0.5 ms, plot a graph of F against _ Rep SIRES BIN AS - Bedexixxt (ii) Find the equation relating # and a from the graph in i Figure 3 Gv) Comment on the physical meaning of fo the intercept on the ‘als, when equals 280, (00 marks) (0) The cart travels « distance of 150 m (0 reach the highest point of the vertical loop, which i 20 m above the terminal platform, (Im moving fom Hf to A, cslelate (1) tetToss in potential energy, 2) the work done against (rietion, and ©) the gain in Kinetic energy of the cat (8) Fie the speed of the cart at A 7 ark) socerny ea 0 socePny toa ” — 3) ) (&) The cart eaches the terminal platform at a speed of 10. me. A braking device at the platform stops the cart In 2 seconds, Find the aveage force on the ea exerted by the device. © marks) (©) Suggest one safety device for pastengers riding on the rolleccouser and briefly explain its funtion, . marks) (8) tthe design of the rollercosster do you think the summit B can be higher than point 41 Explain briefly. (@ mutts) wocerny 1 2 out yl) 2 Figure 4 shows 1 scoop dragging mud (rom the seabed. Its operated by 2 ‘machine system which eBasts of 2 200 V motor and 2 single pulley. The scoop i filed with mud and moves up with 2 uniform speed of 0.2 ms" ‘The current drawn by the motor is 11 A. The scoop and ud have a total mats and volume of 1300 kg and 0.5 o> respectively (Density of seawater = 1030 kgm”. Neglect air and water resistance) Single pulley soceenr 6 ” —+ 32— (@) Find the tension in the cable. (4 marks) (b) Caleutte (0) the output power, id) the input power of the machine system. ‘Account for the difference. (6 marks) (©) Assuming that the output power of the machine system remains unchanged, will the scoop move faster or slower after emerging from the water ?- Explain briefly. (@ masks) (@) Give one advantage of replacing the single pulley by a block and tackle system. (2 marks) socerny 1-7 o Figure 5 shows the cooling ‘curve of a substance changing from liquid to solid state, 4a) Given a bolling tube half filed with this substance in its solid state, describe, witht the help of a diagram, an experiment to obtain the cooling curve of the substance, (maria) (b) Read from the above cooling curve the melting point ofthe substance (1 mark J Beplin why the temperatuse remains constant as the substance toldifin ‘at its melting pois, even though beat Is Tost (2 the surroundings. @ mats) (@) tf the mass of substance used is 005 kg and the rate of heat loss Co the surroundings at tx meting point is 25 W, (nd the specific latent heat of fusion of the substance. (3 marks) (©) Deseribe the atrangernent and motion of the molecules of the substance in the solid state, and quid state, (4 marks) soceeny Ia 9s —L 33— ) 5. A vertical vibrator generates waves on a string, It takes 0.25» to produce a complete wave of wavelangth 0.8m on the string, (0) Find the fequeney and speed ofthe waves. 00 th 68. as) (0) Figure 6 shows the shape of the string at the instant when the vibra hat made one complete vibration. B 4 | Direton of wave motion Diveetion ¢ of vibration x - Vibrator oem Figure 6 (At the instant shown, which of the particles A , B,C, D isfare (1) moving downwards, @) ent (W) Sketch the shape of the seing after 0.125 5, showing the position Of the particles A,B, C and D. (mans) © 4 ean pa 1 on ig Bel 16 he i a ‘ity Ey tt ge | SSE Lot x ont sy Dicection of bration Vibe (Describe the motion of parucles X and Y at this instant (W)Skatch the shape of the string after one quarter of «cycle, us ‘he sr ring in (6) also sets the neighbouring alr vibeating, List two differences between the waves tn alr and those on the string. @ marks) soe ray 1-8 96 Figure 8 Figure 8 shows an experimental setup t0 study image for convex fens A of focal length 40 om. The object is an laminated letter °F placed a few metres away. The tracing paper fs moved to catch a sharp image. (@) (What ie the approximate distance between lens A sind the image ? Explain brie. (i) Sketeh the shape ofthe image scen by the miss () Ifthe experiment is repented with a convex lens of Tongsr focal length what wil be the change in the size of the imugs ?llstete your snawee wih «ay dlagram, es much © 4 ssope ss up By plang nate comer lene Ih einen the tracing paper and tho eye. Lens B acts as 9 ugnifying gis x ‘The final image is adjusted to be far away from the eye. ont ‘| HL) are bv eof ca nth 10, em a 3 ? axe avalable, which one is most appropriate 10 be used 26 tine 2 (i) Sketch the shape of the final image seen by the observer and state whether itis real or virtual (i) How would the final image be affected, if at piece of tracing paper is removed (Go) Suggest a resson why this kind of telescope Is ot suitable 10 ‘observe things on earth, (mass) socery 10 ” tu SECTION C ‘Transformer Figure 9 shows a 3-pin electrical plug and a transformer. The three wires XY, Z of the Kansformer are 10 be connected to the pivg. The plug will ibe eaunected to 4 200-V xc. supply. Atansformer will be 110 V. Assure the wo a w w © ‘The output voltage” of the ‘wansformer is 100K efficient. ‘To which of the terminals 4 , B and C of the plug should each ‘of the wites X, Y and Z be connected ? connected to the termina! Explain briefly why the fuse should 8 Suggest one eeaton why It is necessary to have the X-wite connection. Find the turns ratio (primary coll to secondary coll) of the (tansformer (8 marks) ‘An iron of rated values ‘110 V, 1100 W" ls connected to the output of the trnsformer and switchad on for half an hour. 0 o iy soceeny ont Calculate the current drawn ftom the transformer by the Ion, Calculate the cost of electricity if one kilowatt hour of electrical eneray costs 804. {fuses masked 14, 3A and 7A are avilable, which ons is most ‘appropriate to be used In the plug in Figure’9 ? Explain your choles (7 marks), 98 2 out sy! Contacts Aro a Le ov Figure below & tho hea of —135— SocerHY I-12 Figure 10 10 shows the design of @ water heating system. When the water is ‘eertain temperature and when the contacts are covered with water, tris switched on by the electromagnetic relay. (©) Construct a truth table relating the inputs 4 and and the output Q the ‘AND? gate. (Take 1 for *high* and 0 for ‘ow voltage.) What the state of @ when the heater is on ? @ mosis) () The sate of input 4 it controlld by devices X and ¥, (0) Name the devises X and ¥, How will the exitance of device x dange when the temperature of the water increases ? State under what condition the input A. wil be “high Hi) What isthe function of device ¥ (7 marks) ” ) (©) The sate of input B ie controlled by the contacts and the resistor R (What will be the state of input B when the contacts are wholly mead in water ? (i) Explain brie why the contacts should be placed near the top ofthe tank, : @ marks) (2) Suggest one safety device which could be added to the water heating system, @ marks) —— 36 P SE Phony tt eee Lead block Ts Figure 11 Figure 11. shows the setup of an experiment carried uut in au eracusted chamber to study the radiation from 2,8 and 7 radiation, A magnetic fed (pointing ino the paper is applied. ‘Tae photographic fllm is developed and marks in the postions ” and Q ae observed, adionstve souee "ents (Copy Figure 11 tnto your answer book. Sketch and label the paths of the a, 8 and 7 radiation emitted fom (5 wis) (®) Explain bieny (why the experiment is caved out in an evacuated chan (8) the se of the lead block inthe setup. (4 marks) socerny 1-14 04 } J (0) 104 piece of cardboard is placed between the source and the lead Hock, what (peQ) of radiation would be recorded on the ‘nef Formulae in Physics shotoyapic fm @ mats) (2) Relationships between inital velocity, constant acceleration a, final (@) Suggest an alternative detector to replace the photographie fm in Yelocty » and distance travelled s after ime 1 the experiment. mas) veata (oUF 2 x decays by eniting one a gattcle and one particle to form sewed 4 product nucleus Y, what wil be the atomle, number and mass z umber of ¥ 7 | @ mats) i 2 wt tes ' |, Fate very nd ya bay of mas m wen id oh et iemgh. (0 nt eey of boty of mat m igh ped» «Lin? (@) Power « force reoety END OF PAPER (©) qutaentsextance of two resistors Ry and Ry () inseries = RU + Ry i) in porate = — BR +R (0 Power = potential dference x current me tt 102 soceey oat socssny 1 vos — 3]—

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