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Phar 185

Christine Aileen M. Ching, RPh MPH

Department of Pharmacy

Reading Activity

Read/ Scan the documents uploaded on

the Phar 185 Resource Website:
5th Report on the MDGs Philippines
Global Health Statistics 2015

Using reliable references from WHO and

the Philippine Government, summarize the
most important global and national updates
on the following items to be presented next
meeting by each group (max of 10

Group 1

Noncommunicable diseases
Maternal, infant and young child nutrition
Report of the WHO Commission on Ending

Childhood Obesity
Draft global plan of action on violence
Prevention and control of noncommunicable

Group 2

Promoting health through the life course

Monitoring of the achievement of the health

related Millennium Development Goals

Health in the post-2015 development agenda
Multisectoral action for a life course approach to
healthy ageing: draft global strategy and plan of
action on ageing and health
Health and the environment: draft road map for
an enhanced global response to the adverse
health effects of air pollution
International Classification of Diseases: update
on the eleventh revision

Group 3

Preparedness, surveillance and response

Implementation of the International Health

Regulations (2005)
Pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of
influenza viruses and access to vaccines and
other benefits
Smallpox eradication: destruction of variola virus
WHO response in severe, large-scale
Global action plan on antimicrobial resistance

Group 4

Communicable diseases
2014 Ebola virus disease outbreak: Updates
Global health sector strategies for
HIV, 20162021
Viral hepatitis, 20162021
Sexually transmitted infections, 20162021

Global vaccine action plan


Group 5

Health systems
Health workforce
Global strategy and plan of action on public

health, innovation and intellectual property

Substandard/spurious/falselylabelled/falsified/counterfeit medical

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