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farran house
Honorable chair, fellow delegates;
The delegation of the United States urges the cooperation of all member
states of the UN so we can achieve our objectives in this extremely
important matter.
Our first objective is to dismantle the ISIS, and for that, we need the help of
all European countries and special help from Syria, which it is the country
where this terrorist network is. Also, the delegation of USA wants to ask all
European countries to prevent the entry of illegal immigrants from Syria and
other countries attacked by ISIS.
Moreover, we pretend to help Syrian people by recovering and repairing
damaged buildings and by building new homes. These are going to be given
to the refugees, which at the same time will be receiving food and
protection. One of the reasons why we do this is so children, adolescents,
adults and elderly are safe in their own land. Also, this would allow Syrian
people living in Europe to come back to their origin country, once the war is
Furthermore, we want to dismantle the ISIS to end the exploitation of natural
and historical sites, as well as the killing of innocent people, since four
weeks ago, the terrorists destroyed a victory arch of 2000 years that
remained in Syria. By doing this we also want to reduce the burden of
migrants in Africa and Europe.
Finally, we would be pleased to help African countries by reducing the
deaths of thousands of migrants trying to reach their coasts. To achieve this,
we would need you to allow us to enter your country, so we can help you by
providing medical assistance, shelters and more social programs.
Thank you

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