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Final ALE Refection

Within the Discipline

I have learned so many skills that can be applied in many aspects of life. One area
of the self-control that I have grown in is gaining patience. I believe that every good
leader is able to maintain a calm composure. In this position as a Residential Leader
I have been put in several frustrating situations. Patience and prayer have been the
only things that have carried me through in these situations. I have gained much
knowledge in secretarial skills. I have learned how to maintain a desk, and have
become very efficient and organized in everything that I do. Another skill that has to
be honed as a Residential Leader is listening. This is a skill that must be practiced
throughout life. Often times, people do not listen to what others say, they solely
focus on their replies, and that leads to many problems. Being a proficient listener,
will save much frustration and hard feelings.
Beyond the Discipline
I have had many experiences in my life that have helped me grow as a person and a
leader. This last summer I was able to do research with a professor here at Tarleton.
This helped me gain many programming skills. I was also able to gain much insight
from the professor, and he helped mentor me a lot. I gained writing and oratory
skills, and was able to pursue knowledge, which is a big passion of mine. I have also
been a Jr. Counselor at a youth Church Camp. I have to say that this was one of my
best memories. I was able to provide a good example to youth, and I was able to
mentor and help them grow. I was blessed with the opportunity to do this two
summers in a row, so I was able to see the kids slowly grow up. Another experience
that has really shaped me, has been owning and operating a mowing company. I
have learned confidence, management skills, and people skills. All things that will
help me in my future goals. I would like to own my own company after college, so all
of the skills I have learned have been part of the preparation for me in pursuing
Beyond Academics
I recently had an interview with a recruiter and a human resources personnel from a
global-scale company. This was one of the most beneficial conversations I have ever
had. I was able to sit down with them and they coached me, and advised me on
making good relationships, and how to prepare for my future after college. They
advised me to become friends with professors, and the career services here at
Tarleton. They also gave me advice about how to prepare for interviews, and how to
excel in an interview. I have also been able to interview many people from all walks
of life. These conversations have been life-changing, and have positively impacted
my perspective and ultimately my life and future. I have realized that wisdom is an
important attribute to have and that true wisdom can be gained by listening to

Anything in life that happens, I believe happens for a reason. Everything that I have
experienced whether in the classroom, or beyond is preparing me for bigger and
better. I have been able to gain the necessary confidence to realize that I may not
know how to do something at the beginning, but I have the skills and resources to
accomplish almost anything. Knowing this is very empowering, and will allow me to
excel throughout life.
Global Awareness
I have always known that there are many different viewpoints, and everyone is
unique, however, my world view has grown like never before since becoming a RL.
Before this opportunity arose, I had lived my whole life under my parents roof.
Moving into Integrity has immersed me in a whole new culture. There are students
from all over the country. Each of them bring a new dynamic, and the culture of my
hall, and Integrity has evolved over the course of the school year. I have only known
Erath County. This is the only area I have ever lived. I was brought up in a very
conservative home, with great parents. I have met many people, with nothing in
common with my upbringing. I have always though everything in life was black and
white; right or wrong. I have known grown to understand that this is not always the
case. There are always two sides to every coin, and at least as many perspectives
to every issue.

Broader Implications
There are many issues that affect everyone on the planet. The need to belong is a
big issue that is essential to every human being alive. That is one of my strengths
that has been amplified and pushed to new measures since becoming an RL. Some
global issues that I have learned more about this year is the global problem with
trash. There are several gyres in our worlds oceans. These gyres are ginormous
mounds of floating trash. The largest being in the Pacific Ocean, and is over 6 miles
long. The future implications for these kinds of environmental problems will be very
devastating to not only the wondrous creatures God created, but it will also greatly
impact human life as we know it. I have also learned more about politics, and I have
seen how the media have fueled the racial conflict in this nation. I am not trying to
deny the fact that there is racism in this day and age. However, the media neglects
many aspects of it, and there is not an accurate portrayal of the issue on television.
There are many issues that need people to take a stand, but, sadly in our time, a
large majority of people lose focus on the important issues, and they spend their
time here on the small, trivial issues.

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