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Be noe cali aan Bal Aen poplesong nd aden mas . Tosa by cho! ews 25 The Novels of Oe Kenzo Yasuko Claremont 2 Perversion and Moder Japan Pycoeanipis erate cultie ey Ae Cnmyor ond Keith Vincent Perversion and Modern Japan Psychoanalysis, literature, culture Edited by Nina Cornyetz and J. Keith Vincent 4 Pelluses/phani The multiplication, displacement and appropriations of the phallus Ayelet Zohar The concep ofthe pals 5 “te rvigs signifier ison of te cma fener rtintes by Sgn Fre inks iesono ido xthprinary ann sir markedly the beer : hile both inate the pals a their of Onenentacompa this tex? However, thse work areal locked within the greater discourse of these discussion, my fet offers a new angle, inspired by a semblance, objec, images and concep may coin very difer He Aesicn plc image of the combo (Mura. The insite comtbtd ‘rice eons oft pels an alter tea ‘c thread ailied desea dfie py sacar Iam ing hi ble tem, pellspanis fifo more conpreorsive person of paso incon tdeuigenesofthe lls he sles wishin Lacan's iy inten cf hess poss ion ee demure ei om, erations fh ple sige ee, bu coarbue age 0 psychomalyte discourse: Freud and Lacan ‘The fit ws ofthe term pt in Fouts papcheanalticl hor arse tis aap itil develope of th sens losis cena poston int tis oat withthe complex a a acme ts per be ‘Sting up and he salition ofthe Opal complex. The chose ore He thorefore esliche bray opposition bewoen having and sing in th {ttn sos of bing hae. In mathematical tems, wou ny ta he ‘potion cently res etween (+) and 1}. rath he bay sem FC) and (0), beter expressed in Lac’ ys a pals ad ake, Freda en ta nto to lol sexy he wish theater + ‘atlas stanford nts the wish o have hi, olping he disintion Pte the es, ls an baby int a pyshosac ov 104 Ayelet Zohar ns disuson of theron ofboth sets to the pis, Fre the wom alering fm pon omy, nd, cooding 1 etait, ‘htt shale he pnishnet fi hs nents des!" The alton oF “sues totho hala setup nasi mame reads of homo ‘ion eves te ex, Therefore asodingo red hep fearscasaton by th mother who holds he phallus na phase which hs terme the pai oer Ts ning of sition riety oly er te sore of Che's cantata ste, nl eminne sel trys acieved when the ‘inne pals be cli replace wh te aon othe vag sth te ‘cf genil pectin and potent dere ‘The cto hy Pr spiny ifs rom the aati elite ofthe pn svi as palo va sEpart nites pesumaby in nay Spoon ech they rg tothe possibilty of having ately Tsing ‘Bovingunroestofsigeane,snrzan at exits dence fmt ody "Th du of te primacy fhe pal for bts oes tos rm Fre atin Uta it it ear of renee of the Yoga Freud was here he Fat ais th lls ie ingle ein iat sytem of ving o losing fate thn ling fc any OF seranies a seal zs. The pals Tete on and ating fn the ne, which gv enormous pte power in Pychonaitic and religous scourses The phallas must be one and fe“Onement” dns sl retin to bsence ots proxi The alls ‘selulted by notion nthe Fea ease te pl is ot fy, doh thy og penis orton) seer isonet ha Fret fook his referee far fom he smneram which repented for {teenies Ins dcuson oth symbole a ote deam sym Fred ote tthe phallus one of the ost common ad univer! objets oF ‘motion towere what ieee este presen ofthe lusts {detichble nd tmmsormale ojo, bore Decorting a port-bjc® with "is auonony ate to that sometimes goes as Ta as endowing with eonieaion* “The Lacaionvesion of the Ota comple s formed in a diets confi, nko ie arine ar oo tH! be he pals, oo Rave oe nt Iv According o acu, the symboioderrefers tthe lego suing. ‘offend, abort an pee, ere pluses Bethe mean {he spinon, or what symbolized in its ow ight. Since the pals 0 [Lacan hgh ite origin te geste, regs asa clear ape ‘freer romthe sen of shot nabingne, of unser, nde shes. Tn Laci thany, ho the pals derbi pr tens to Gnesi he esi al hinges prserie inte Bs when the sito God te orga ‘fall was eager ns, bung to esos at plae i prll © the-namefhe ther abd becoing the og of meaning and sigan, ‘Thanh ahr rng fora li engage: wanspenstiough ‘anand for mm it sens Man becomes he material of anguage, sins be ‘conutioated by language. Petsephant 108 Fo this pot on, tepals, andr ts sable ates, am tke pat in “tlie nd lett ean varus sts penis oer ei) {Caminay, thse cj a al produce of tty, btext seal to be ‘Soult om one eon sth The prbl for aca as walla or Fd) ‘rescntedon teu of gh pus explanation bat aves dang [ots Bolg irence tren Sex, provids inte nxt often fraying onde Lacan tacos conczpton ote pallostrough {hed of he sexe relaioeshp, esc ote woron whos reation {Oh pl en deseo eset of manguerade, orsign eee ri and Lac therefore extn an econ ofthe alls, based cn eas of having. Being. Ick, envy and desi. ives that hepsi the ‘Soni of esr, and dai alway nde, vle, even masquerade Teas inthe peceion tnt the woran isthe pals, and he mun ha he ies. Phanises, mullet, le corps morcel and hody-without-organs| “The ig of he dy npc” (corps more) aps in Lac's Seminar Uae he diesen he meng of We marr ape the yin pia ids nt inthe image tO, which sitsowm ‘eicpinuge acl ston hihisa polar be ony eon, {iste cat. Tho ube ones song nies. An iti jnmes,sucked nye nage fe dengan rea ras, of th, ‘realy cw pce mage. Tha vere Esty. ‘Ther ate sve mans where Lacan epi at th mor stage she ‘ome ening te itn fe Bd) I pieces ito a continous wed bie “Tein age a dama wos interna prs pessoal fom Iesficlony fo antiation aod forthe aubjc ent up bee of ‘Sati testo trou sath proceed mages age ‘ofthe bay 0 wi wil al ap ethpei fom of taal wl tar his nr mel developenct wi is igi suc. Ths, cbaing ‘ofthe fnont Unc cle ives ise 6a nextaasble squaring oF Weegee mate ‘ety ad ely, te sei nd the woes, The dscasion of he lls a aca bol theeore be sex nthe igh of is vows ofthe Bd I plc ‘ore has aledy inetd hatte pals soul be compared tthe mleor = the bet within which he mao ofthe nied sixties in char postbityof prio ofthe Laranan mor sage aed the mago fond in ane discos of th imagined wii sl as prt of my argiment of man ‘Snails, pie rot The transfer into horiaona structures eaionship isalso ‘fod by Jet Mel in erty of eal ease rations Dewees which she ste my tx flows in aemping dso he ingly of the pial Morwover, «close reading of the Locman textes ti epunet cf mulpliity tht ofthe bya the ago once! ell ‘cated though his ite Dees hin eBoy pecs, anh poet istrsted tering unin agen {Gh miro tt wil kee al pce tached together to cet th ajet 4 ‘ontrastto Feta and Lacan's desrigson ofthe pres of cnsoidtion of lfc inthe chino emplyed for Kenting now Zonas of ero fy i piesa sir to Deleuze and Guat concept af the bowithout the draws a paral between Lacan's dacs of the mirror and he pal Jeintng ut tow Lara tert to ave aon analganating piel forming Centmty betwen the tthe pals Ble prosede fom hs pi Consider the ton ofthe phallus within bin ers props to conse take thirepective loss enon i hat of te pls, which ‘ny enh mutpiciy of genderand th sl." Ths metodo bliahs Te preence ef ser whch sor one the fale eal organ ae lie tui ofthe female sex Tay Gm clamav tre ih or pot pec ond jd Patasphanis: pens or phallus? Pryehnaayic langage dings clay beeen the lls andthe penis: wil oni ef othe ysl ale cpa in tantric ely, he plas Udetnes ayo functon sed onan sbetve relatos.” A close ‘onpanic state~the pals alwaysand ony ecto (and veiled), while he penis ‘rep tn plas he defied Ths const as Dee allege by iret “iran utc hr tot si on he veing of he lls od te exposure ft perinase metinpartant snc betwee ste epuaon fat ene (acon to Lace) te diferniaonbewere he Ign td oak oe ht as that wich only the mal ej can av" Siverman, however, eis ans crcl ference between he ens ad ihe pls ~ the plas out veld bt alo eet, wee pens 2 good del of slippage in Lacan. between the plus and he penis, but alo] ‘wee he pallosan the Symbolic apc an be pals andthe airy alc satsacfon™~" Homer hs coatin may dive the woman fhe sly of ber own desi and therefore one sold comer the pall asthe "Har ofthe vil al, he signer of ack ae the sovring of lack pat 108 eer Zotar imtherhodsth opposite of aston ine he afemaiona his toa ‘Srovgh i esbssmen of lack an "having" In my ie, rminng wih he big fhe bert and te vel wil eve io soaps oe heey bate mis and palin ato lo Laan douse ‘Bat peseats the cllepe of te pels al th phallus rom ont pint tw: By ating abot th ature of ig” inline plas he aso ‘ustns he treo exposure” wth the dcouse othe estian po) Butler's et heefor, imei aries target itemise ‘ston between the Imgpnary a! he Symbol, mater an anguage: The ‘lle aay slp in te penis tobe wht enn pe, eos frp mp” orimapnay osc rate ds Lacan's "peiieged Siete” ‘My eg of tn above cigs by Sibernan, Adams an Ble a wll as ny uerttng of Dele an Guat’ erie of ro and Lacan To 0 ‘helbediason wa expression ht pers hs lsd doblenes thepellas andthe hans. Those wo ier fm each tern prot he pels ‘is tthe tne nd astm deed eran hat reer dei ants ‘eptalpostoring, wile pins Yes othe stasis manpage ‘aushane at my eemble a popotan or oul te pei bc ctl or ‘maomzaldapctonsf heal exe ora, xposton were conc preceles fm Baths mull iis deta recariing te peels sed ‘oube teeinlogy of perithalks, malefomale, man/woman, bev, Takes, velldexposed by inredcing an aalgamated te th kes he scsson ino aid space of maple sigur and objects ~ whet: a Tanning, ech wood met or aterrre The ole afte icons btwecn the pens andthe palo the gry al the Syboi bacomes the pt {eho oven th teraleain ofthe nag ant ied peli, My rain however ane level of enageert wt th coop of te rela sean ond byte Rd of costompory at and consis "ew angle othe prcediag eta discussion. This tet is there ap ater ‘nlp be fe fm eet ell perpetve lap) an i in rout while proposing an aerate isnt question a most import ‘onvep in pcos though. tan fron mytext lenges the concept of uniques and singly ftps ent ink tock wit binary struct. Te cod elf his endear isnot dite stoning pearl ot fom diferent full posi, bur eends the argument of mpi and mule Yo Sednoone of generis aa esnatoundenstandtheoonaston of eae td socal aan economy of divert aera sa sand binary daly. “otis end {ave preveal argued forthe wukpicty of ponders ntl ‘ell mnie peootecon fares care” nt [acetate here my tp tah text does ot reset epnen cla pros orFapan” apace, asa unique perfomance of excel cours ‘fen, gender othe sl a how thew obs performed toh he ‘ignifcation and manifestation of the pellus/phanis. Quite the opposite: my Paliserphant 109 spinon inthathe etings suggested wil serves aclu equ and apoiat ‘of dparare 0 comeing gender and sexual tn varying cl, lacs Ista cieumatancer. My sim eto pov the toed fram expansions ‘wierng of peychonaytisal foto ical alge varity of formations fl symotoms, psychic stroctrs and pins of vie, relevant to diferent ‘ur aa nd tnes, which ved te sperinposed univers cll ‘icone av perfomed. by Froud and Cavan. My undentanding of ‘he pelanphn, tguter with th view of gender lip, intended 0 ‘rma more rae, divene snd ie eadng a hum body goer, scvand te consrcion of ele “The works Foe my Sscusin ofthe tic of the lly th ex examin he ‘works tes orteporary Jaane ris hoe work repaspesal atsan ‘othopallsphai ete as an abstat shape or san acl rg. The works ‘ers inlode Sigs Kou’ Vagina Panta (1963) Moira Ysa s ‘Black Mere (1996) end Marsa Taka My Lovo Cowboy (199) “Thesworks show varying epesof enpigemet with penivphal oping ‘rr pra tnd sds tbe rimay vals ached the pales tngueness, cei and above al, Us sigur. Though sy real, 1 ‘hllangs thi spose of ingly, robin n= obit of rx, Sed gene asin eames. \ShigchoKubo’s Vagina Pain (1969: penis ny, the phallic mother andthe autonomy ofthe ena ‘StigotoKabua’s Yon Paling (Figure. was performance tat ok pace ‘ing the Perpetual FlunusFestival athe Claemalequ, 4 Sy New Yor, on {ly 1985 uring shoe, Kubo daca ad moved alg the te wih rikosofelthssto within glo rer vagy celia habe acon aiming age onthe stage foe. Trt ti work he opeing sot in my aie of apne wrk wt ‘hat ehaloge th concept of the paths esas it stares with an ambaene, Prine a prnanes of doubletexs nd miley, which clip the "mage of th pls wih that ofthe vagina. Ksbot’s wok cat be exemined scoring tsever Fein copes sala pens ty lh pale more, tue believe manly wil frpround th prblomate stance, ending Wh the deortrton ofthe pals by weaning no a feminine pallu, oF 3 “gone prothets bya woman who har snr, peromning Bale sarge ‘tte pln apt isd Te pining el, which nth cae he of th vag and the pte pals, Werks ona iret level of eprsertation: he plating mines and sks te malin acon pang, ‘Becoming a mosnent of jdesance, The panting isthe fouissance ofthe orgasm, ‘imoveme an putng pods by the eg red non phl. Peni ey the pal metherrman and th feminine pales emis ater sree it te deseo fave a chiand th win exjoy the pent ois, Howeve Fre hie deady showed tht pons he ese or {child is a exclusive to th gi. Pens omy can be he female apes of Sewalertepestte ro ty one fate aya th lis with a power ewatve toa of personal expression trough he perfomance o Paitin. The als fceiviy nd personal powers ow pr the vagina, Petserphon 111 inthe eet forms ist ses the sj of be om wer she ecues teccteof te sage andl eyes treed ovens her oer Kobo at ‘scve woman who undeakes the pefomancsston hat thi sae coh be ibd to th mace doa of sbsnct sing and hphrodeiy, 4 dnc xcnngc! nd vl by a ow of oat ml eis nde ‘ithaca alloca Chon Greco" Thi shes th plan Tonga sje tached he ei ato move dara, Sig The pc of lath come if hough the mulayee posi th eon te pl x primar spf oc it steely aol sero ten rnney coin an Kah wth, hens Tasos Ygie Paige re chat pep te pti al thereat sh teh wih a msqerade. The macs oe vans hol he Ima mutant ici era jp th dped ink Tae he moment of mucosa eoaan em te Hawever the pai ul (wich nth ce the "cH of vagina and transgression of the convertion! discourse of gonder idewiy, a it ‘Shatoenny mince selena, ees rpm ihe pent ro Fala eae isimporany, profi cnr tain, war he eat ath eh tras rte mae pts whose tne he dows woman el ht pal mote cet hain th it vw ft ‘Semon heel hte hal gr epsilon cone docetobevone a muber (ohne neon sts baa othe palin) te shetea parame cle oft pails wx cs tsa he 112 Ayelet Zar hao in his as as a doable meaning ~ on oe ats parc, Emon sed inthe 95D and 1960s" har ba thong th alsion tote aes the sbracton of he hl) bjt ink toca Kubatacus hap th rymbolopur-ojc a eigen eve ots the Lacnianconspoy ofthe pl i nd foremost sips, Iota an masquerade hn Mormons, Lacan ales acl distinction that man hoyle on ond yb ‘eau, belangnge-whle woman sth pala, bse eros dese, ‘Seisdoae Ina corp mame, Sho Kl, ig une what ude ‘he pals, anne pall prety mssquering a womanly ant ‘simoue the de ofthe viewer Morimura Yasumasa:womanlins 1 masquerade: the fitch the In ower tobe the pha, tha i ts, the spiro the des of the ‘they, the woman wl jx a estental par of hr fenisiny, noah lle atrbues tough enquradewesbuld not ogetha he org ‘cull invested wit he sgnfingYoneton takes on the vals fa ote "enya Sick” (1990) which Merman cre lpr 1 gusessctal Hallywood movi stars ick Vive Ligh ite ay, Aue Hepburn Foe. The image of Mays Mone hates ess Nari in ed. Mai i Wea ary Un Black which i te age Inlck Maryn the hatograp shows Merinm hse resolu ins black «besa ete roe nt wha negative version of Maryn Montes i ‘pw bilo desaturase fom The Seen Yr hh Spiny, ‘the dss ater, what senpsed jst uo bent emnn ege step hold th dred ly eect long iki plac hich ngs ver Mori's ge ae, nthe revo ection fed tat Kaas ad a pt) palin = yl abjot reminisce oft Balsa sani of th power of ere ee, Meinung {mother fo of parody a pate wx oy inthe shape of perf pel, The ‘iesionarig hei whahe rim’ PP bets tated al, {5.6 Kubota dating pies ofnlpped lth In ter wordy what he ‘tua sta of Mori's PEP? In bisisusion of ess, Feud expsins ht the fist perpen the ‘hale mote yt simultaneous disses and sckooedgeren of the ct ‘ffomisinecusntn. Thisinconstne ante piting te set to Patisesphant 113 IR cnaer align oft betaine tg, ibe ae tine, Thi splints betwee th val (extra ‘iio nterntin adn ons eons, ‘eter eaity. >The ert element in Morin Back Merde prt in double way since the pict prosens the dole iyo he pale ania exgoel PPP. Fess bere mnie tc asa lationship between the eaposd snd th hidden, the chore sl he abvous the paring td tohiddenacuality, Noverles nan exposed mons, he chaos pte io bacome s woman. By fly presenting the plc object within he ae, tore pei satu ony ax image o's pens therefore mt become Moriara’ images in «broader context, where be is meted in maple masquerade. Since masquerae is ened in Lacan ious with ak, “Morimura embodies the multe posncs of th pallas hough his fll Deyondhis specially sexulnedbody. Avan bjt aan Morera pays on the multe of possibilities of womanly tnangusra, a his own image Novera dll amet. Aer the vewer aly ase hat Moimaais tly a peret woman inthe Lacan Sens) be comes + Lacanian at and refit Seca anchors awa or eset Nonmerchnses yang smytery, anda fee ny polity of ting the viewer hi hate oe ‘may hve solved hid ad eache the core of sewn, woul the ‘ening ofthe pales athe oj of Sse and that ofthe ween. He plays with he given signifies to insert fstbiity ino apres asus, tesa esis pisng down ofthe pallial orate sire le Toss ising, miguenee and ony ‘While coasiderng the veiled pala ofthe asgueraded man, Morimora shuts the cards i an unexpected way ot ofthe utimte masucrae ‘hich mst position elf the phlliigifi the objet ofthe viewers Murakami Tok’: My Lonesome Camby (1998 damian, Sperm, wae ink, unt, pruned dye: the pharmakon says penetrates Tike gud isotonic no these, wc i fest tk withthe rds ofthe, 008 to vee and iu with resins seanized ngsleiagesofaboy giant wate endowed with Crazed seal features a commonly the cae wih fen merge Watashi pal fter, x mel Fig tbe flowed, smite way a A ele ook revels thatthe gis rl slowing rom her bret while the 118. Apt Zar ‘ht deconsrcts th egos ak pals taste them, sd ines ‘te body a the coe of he decent ser he than Gad ula, ‘wild abet cet}. The mulipition cteonpssed by the concept of ‘seminton wit as, ore, ta elapse of psa sb bith ote pll and paras Conetasion ‘Theconcasions rn oe eding he lpi igo pelle ink works reseed hee oy be tate emalgamated oat of te pal she pinay signer of clu int be quetaned The duptetion, repae "em mir, peopiton ad ienation pan an pees erin isu, expec in tocol fpost-lepanen care 3 em thtrfeo e lift mer of opreneatin peared ore deepal presse ie Amecanaspet iin panne cre, whichcaelomsntate iid ‘iginspelass tat alld othe unconscious in hve work, Moreover, thas ‘rks arent jsta mee repesation yori, bu were produced ‘Wosemeatlemedin~ Momus imagsprediton ex pogapy sed gad ‘uchnology aswel a ts somverons of dress and page. Kubot's work was rodiced in New York wile she was living tee nd ven the mod of ‘france acon psig ical the era Marans work whites ‘Sis mang inpnton rooms enw iangge of cpt and ce Adneasionaliy in ato the "super at” cone Mera prom, Tse of sing models of yee | peer to employ prosede of i= smintion and mip, presenta ro he mio plies. My ‘onclson tt wha peyshoaay tedious digo thal forall care ‘obs united ura single dominae (aes, on shold a) docu of the phalos, God and Westem cule. By exposing the pball&o so¥ ‘aupiton ant deceestuctin mailto and demure odie, lowing ths possiblity ofp layers muliplepal,morethanone omit onczpt, more tan one dere, more then one esac, more tun eae ‘ext, mare thin wo gender onda malic of pels a Imeem By acting the He of "are awe pen th doe an shart of posites nd at jstthe iar jem of oppositions of Pa tn ok Freud and Lacan have eine i cone The bnay st of Freud and Lacan ress ithe ezision of women, wht hey calle pervert” yet and on str cule. Theol mage dete pokey by Fed {hd Lica asthe matters Wes boron tects itisaboutine expend his dscoueto ema variainr apo Ine sais theres stone orto be dons inate ding mated mel he ‘sf nn manner debs aed expanse nomena of West cle, ‘sexpeseby theconceplofte ples inFrecand Laan The wr prs is this text among ote) are examples of postage eultarett preset ‘ligt, hybey, and the possibey of more than ane pals Patisesphont 119 Notes 1. noes (192) “The mening oe pain Mil ad gun Roo alsa sam) Fomine Sel neue Laon edhe ee fee, {ise ach rp. 8-85, A revs Sun fe by ‘Sash nit ft plan wan piel Lacs En 4 ese min Ra ep 91 pry eo a. Twinn oan amas pr cel pray “Tee ton getewcen Fra ia wd Lc Ti hate ie {Sesto resent ln a pac he Imran Se om No Spin 200) "Psng He nin Ooo 2. Panos ns (Sing 952) “Wage Kap Senn, he acai or hues mepnl mieThe ‘Phe me Difco ona Poset Cara Sade 85, 4. Reta pal btn ing tn a yap he yan ete ‘ocr dae ancl pont of io pie lve, Spas Can ‘si a pine ae nc We ‘Som ps5 nn oS eae fone aw ‘Scriven poroioe nats allen Wee ‘Stra Gaya Cake Sa (96, te a ea nary Nokon antauoree Goes 0) Mort nd The pre of hur Une Use ata gy 71a Ho Ba Feo how he vue be iy Shaicpes or he gl tt fn eer, TRisrmod npn wort we far roped aboot vere plc sce Wt lf wore of Gale we he wt nl et ‘Sp tinge repeing ee HK abn 98) “Sy! wl ig sn orn pen eens nd erty ‘nto Bu a 87 he Lc of ans Raat, pessiol toa s. Th wpe ne dy bon eteey disuse an alr, al ‘Sewn ype udu Lal clang een i pe ‘nviioaywngundmaging ee Seo Ads 992 97; Baler 992, pid Se Shernan 1921p. dor «Tins tops ed be fee eh oe ngage ‘icp sine becy arte them ensheargi athe ne ‘ricci tenn ener aunt one ‘ocpuleeemane ogy er 4 coe, eos Role, miss en 20 17. Moment ot cae wih ee fede iy, tt it ‘cron wis hs tnd on tow hte enacted inp ealre ins pevous et ave tps este gr enon mons pst of einen adh, ‘Song nya trie ferent sbi. See Ayelet Za 200)" {ven gsr of pans Posten Generous nd Pera) Erte pe Hats et Tse ae «Jo ape tt Jn Darn oni (986) The Lanne of choo 120, Aye Zotar Dum Nace See Lond Kars ak, 9a pied a, fibetitacalielPshmy eebenae e 5 1, aise is sas dingo Kee oy ing a ‘Site de em ty para te geben at bey beak A S88 1. Fennel trini sin ie proe e em ouh ‘Cc a i ae en ‘esi nf Con Phe! Worse ral, {nib 3 35-an aban 13 Lo i Mem fhe. el 0) in fre" (108). ans Sey estes Loc gece ace eee Notes 1s Tete predetttn ee tata bjs France on Ge mshi eect sient Ma Nay 1s nian nay liven kan Wie FT 17 Sarma (82) pp 983 1. us a (8) Te Sr ofp Laon, Ph igs in Prats Thy are Tchr B50 S.A Wir eh Cogs Genie tory Bap ether eae 2. ean 07) Tics frie ion eee infamy aetone mas Shon oe) Ev fen Cons Fes 24 tt 2 Un hn 80 re Pcs Te Prague pre Moen 2 hep Teles te pegaatn.. % Dansk lan yp. 09 2 1 eG Sg Son Vance, Cane: Ply re 5 het aca vi urs ae mene nett athocoganeh esi sch dice ah ‘annie pre Fe ele Costes he py er ewig toro eh Fyne Sapa ms be peme ooS ‘pcre eapne Bement tev ts opens te aa ‘eam Ferre Suan fhe on fom (Ot nl Cata ‘Moe Sn nay ia bale sar Sco foie et a hom nr ar ‘ep es este SrrgerayCons tansy ose iti orgy Hl dP Tats tm oo » Be Sian Cv) is Dele idan hitch he ont neept eb Sata a ea 84 Te ‘ews ho incest se ou ey ‘jn! een eeu icine sa ply es heb Indany wT Ovo a cones of antes on weed ener | Dac Sar eins sp mean 20 [sSktsenb tt ci bao soon das. 15 an aan Be sae faut we ele (8) Somat etre ps tj ‘ie sinyng pe tomate hist 2S cr rin te Laem ‘Senor says seen a fem, he ‘hee ena cp pre 3 Ln pam 31 Rati Sn a ny of may tint an ae Rp: caning nl rpton clr Od, pad pte beth gel Zao) Pande’ ax Lien 77) Tha es Mh or On Carin Paar and Caray Due (ti) Cel avery ra 9 raly pa a Ph Ces Wena Tp ‘4 Iai at (0) Cor Fr: Fini ad he Sasi of lo, {des Raies 15 235i an (8 p24 Mingo BSc ps 8-115, patwany a a. Ce gomeaeiieetencinrtnatestn emimaeeentrteetoe crete i Ee 2 Sars ET ream me mt Spec ee te eats ne oat cea er rmercreopesettaiges Seacrest ease Benth ree sreamterrine, sou psn won na wept banaue tr May fe ieeleinueduneeeconemmnent ata: EEE ce tae raceaeeei eemaetemeiate eerie ‘nb lr the askin ofk'sponoecorumsmeses young women iiemneeceayieneramtcieram Eicninaera ee 52, haba) Gd Pe: Pema ures ny, Lond: selene 185 pm 122 AyeetZohar SS Sex, cumple Sto Tara (208) Seay of Cle Mle and ‘ai nda a eons” elt nar) Pon Mic 209. 5 nele 9p. 36 5 es aan 182) “The sin of th pa” at Mice ane oC tn ioe Sli Ss on th Prono, 1. 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