Basic Eee

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An instrument that measures the voltage or

electrical pressure in a circuit.

A. Voltmeter
A multimeter consists of a
a. voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter
How is a voltmeter connected in a circuit?
a. Connect in shunt across the load
Which of the following is an integrating
A. Wattmeter
An ammeter is connected ________.
a. in series with the load
Electrical measurement used to measure
electrical power
a. wattmeter
Instrument used to measure electrical energy.
a. Wattmeter
A 50- V battery is connected across a 10 -
resistor and a current of 4.5 A flows. What is
the internal resistance of the battery?
a. 1.11 ohms
A load of 10- was connected to a 12-V
battery. The current drawn was 1.18 amperes.
What is the internal resistance of the battery?
a. 0.169
The electromotive force of a standard cell is
measured with a potentiometer that gives a
reading of 1.3562 volts. When a 1-M resistor
is connected across the standard cell
terminals, the potentiometer reading drops to
1.3560 volts. What is the internal resistance of
the standard cell?
a. 147.5
If a resistor rated at 5 watts and 6 volts is
connected across a battery with an opencircuit voltage of 6 volts, what is the internal
resistance of the battery if the resulting current
is 0.8 ampere?

a. 0.30
A 6-volt lead-acid battery has an internal
resistance of 0.01 ohm. How much current will
flow if the battery has a short circuit?
a. 600 A
A dry cell has internal resistance of 0.02 ohm
and terminal voltage of 1.5 V on open circuit.
What will be its terminal voltage if a 0.1-ohm
resistance is connected across its terminals?
a. 1.25 V
A dry cell has an internal resistance of 0.02
ohm and open circuit voltage of 1.5 V.
Calculate the power delivered to a resistor of
0.6-ohm resistance.
a. 3.5 watts
A 10-ohm resistor is connected across a
battery whose internal resistance is 5 ohms. If
the voltage across the 10-ohm resistance is
12 V, how much is the open circuit voltage of
the battery?
a. 18 V
A cell of emf 1.45 V is connected to an
external circuit of resistance of 2.25 ohms and
the current is found to be 0.2 A. What is the
internal resistance of the cell?
a. 5 ohms
A battery having a total emf of 7.5 volts and a
total internal resistance of 1.25 ohms. What
external resistance will send a current of 2 A?
2.5 ohms
A battery whose internal resistance is 5 ohms
is connected to an external resistor of 10
ohms. The batterys terminal voltage is 15 V,
what is the emf of the battery?
A. 22.5 V
Commercial unit of electrical energy
a. Kilowatthour
A 25-W incandescent bulb rated 120 V and
operated on a 120-V line has burnt out and

has to be replaced as soon as possible. There

A motor is 70 percent efficient and requires

are several lamps available but not of the

1200 J of energy. How much energy does it

same rating. Which one of the following bulbs


should be used to approximate the power

consumption of the busted bulb?
a. 100 watts, 240 volts

a. 840 J
An electric motor requires 1760 joules of
electric energy to produce 1086 joules of

. One horsepower is equivalent is how many

mechanical energy. What is the efficiency of


the motor?

a. 746

a. 61.7%

A carbon composition resistor when

A flashlight uses 110 joules of chemical

connected across a 24-V battery draws a

energy to supply 100 joules of electric energy

current of 1 mA. What is the ,minimum

to the flashlight bulb. What is the efficiency of

required resistance and wattage rating of the

the battery?

a. 24,000 ohms, W

a. 90.9%
How much mechanical energy will be

How many kilowatts is the power 200 joules

produced by a motor that is 70 per cent

per second equal to?

efficient and requires 1960 joules of electric

a. 0.2
It was experimentally found by James Prescott

a. 1,372 J

Joule that the heat produced in a current

carrying conductor is proportional to
a. the square of the current
One joule of electrical energy is equivalent to
a. one watt-second
Find the cost of running 100-W, 220V- lamp
for 20 hours at P3.00 per kW-hr.
a. P6.00
How much current does a 24-ohm resistance
that dissipates 600 watts need?

a. 5A
What is the efficiency of a motor which
requires 914 Joules of electric energy to
produce 585 joules of mechanical energy?
a. 64%
How much energy is required by an electric
lamp that is 18 per cent efficient and provides
5463 J of light energy?
a. 30, 350

A dry cell has an emf of 1.52 V. Its terminal

potential drops to zero when a current of 25 A
passes through it. What is its internal
a. 0.0608 ohm
What is the emf of a battery whose internal
resistance is 2 ohms if the terminal voltage is
16 V when a current of 2 A flows through the
a. 20 V
Find the internal resistance of a battery having
an emf of 6 V if it supplies 2 A under load at a
terminal voltage of 1 V.
a. 2.5 ohms
A battery has an emf of 10 V and an internal
resistance of 2 . The battery is placed in a
circuit with a single external resistor. The
terminal voltage across the battery is 8 V

when the circuit is closed. Find the resistance

of the external resistor.
a. 8 ohms
A cell whose emf is 1.45 V has an internal
resistance of 4 ohms. What current will flow if
this cell is connected across a 1-ohm resistor?

a. 0.29 A
If the current from a short-circuited 1.5 V dry
cell is 25 A, what is the internal resistance of
the cell?
a. 0.06 ohm

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