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Schedules and Start Windows

The Company operates in a changing work environment with shifting

demands for service.

This feature, perhaps more than any other factor,

causes extreme issues for drivers, assistants and their families.

The Union negotiated 1st Collective Agreement and stability it brings has not
changed the nature of our work.

Yet we are now frequently told "Request Denied" due to

Operational Needs when an adjustment to a shift has been requested.

Excerpt - Town Hall Meetings

The issue of
schedules and daily
changing start and
finish times was
raised as an issue
during Focus Group discussions.

Through the indiscriminate use of Operational Needs the Company now denies requests for
reasonable changes to scheduling.

The Collective Agreement provides flexibility in Scheduling to meet operational, personal, family, or
health issues.

Excerpt - Collective Agreement, Article 5 Hours of Work

The Collective Agreement negotiated
by the Union provides for a variety of
'regular shifts' to accommodate the
needs of the Company.

The Collective
Agreement also
provides the

Company the ability to accommodate the specific needs of an employee or client.

Recently a certain employee approached the Company and requested to have their shift changed
from 4 on 4 off, to a 4 on / 3 off rotation to meet family needs. Their request was accommodated.
Similar requests have been refused.

The option still remains for an employee to request early or late starts through Bamboo.
It is the Company's decision to accommodate or deny an employee's request.

Excerpt - Collective Agreement, Article 5 Hours of Work

Conversion Chart - Percentage of Minutes Worked

We used to be hourly paid employees.
The Company used to round start times down
to the nearest 5 minute mark and finish times
were rounded up to the nearest 5 minute
mark IF no overtime was involved. Now we
are 'minute by minute' workers as the
Company now calculates your pay down to
the exact minute.

The Union has asked the Company to assign drivers and assistants to one of the 3 start windows
based on seniority. The Company continually refuses to recognize seniority in conjunction with
schedules saying it is too challenging due the unique nature of the business.

Company's Position: Excerpt -JLMC, 2015-12-06, 2

The issue of fixed schedules is not insurmountable due to the uniqueness of our work as the
Company claims. It only takes resolve and a willingness to be open to alternatives.

The use of Start Windows, while not perfect, is a positive change affording a measure of stability
for drivers, assistants and their families brought about as a result of Union efforts during

The Union has proposed viable alternatives that the Company choose to ignore.

Who is orchestrating the hardship!

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