Co 2 Thebullyoftheearth

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Co2, the bully of the earth

January 26,2016

~Table of contents~
What is CO?
How can you help?
Who is already involved?
more information on the topic
why should you help?
Work cited

There is something wearing down our atmosphere and is

affecting the future of the human race. That evil thing is CO2. In this article I
will explain what CO2 is, how you can help, who's involved and why you should
get involved. After reading you will be informed on the topic of C02 and climate
change, you may only be one person but you can make a difference.

What is Co2?
Co2 is a gas that is causing many problems all around the
world. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colourless,
non-toxic gas. Carbon dioxide is used commercially in
fire extinguishers. While carbon dioxide occurs naturally, it is
the most common of the man-made greenhouse gases and
is believed to be a significant contributor to global warming.
( to
68% of all co2
comes from production of electricity and the use of
transportation , consequently more than half of the co2 being
produce and discharged.)
into the atmosphere comes from things
that you are contributing to and are able to help stop.

How can you help?

Some solutions that you can contribute to are
instead of taking a car everywhere you go you
could walk, bike or take public transport, this
would mean that less people are driving there for cutting down on the
number of cars on the road and cutting down on the prediction of Co2. While
driving try not speed to
(Cut down on)the production of Co2 because
when you speed more co2 is being produced by your car. Another way to
stop Co2 production is you could make your house more energy efficient by
applying solar panels to the top of your house, not only would you be saving
the planet you will also be saving money. Also you could drive a energy
efficient car, like an electric car. As a result,one day( If more people help)Co2
production could cut down from 90% (Of all gas in the atmosphere). So in

conclusion, try to when possible to walk, bike or take public transit and be
more energy efficient.

Who is already involved?

Two activists who are already taking action are Juliana and Xiuhtezcatl
(Shoe-Tez-Caht). They both have taken action and are similar and different
in many ways. Juliana is a girl who walked across america for the stop of co2
emissions. She stepped off in Los Angeles on March 1 and ended up in
Washington D.C. on Nov. 1. Juliana wasn't as noticed as Xiuhtezcatl,
Xiuhtezcatl received the community service award in 2013 from president
Obama. Some similarities that they both care a lot about the stopping of
climate change and Co2 emissions. They both care a lot about the future of
the earth.
Xiuhtezcatl is a 15 year old boy who if a very
inspirational person, he grew up with the ancient
aztec traditions of being inclined with nature and that
was his inspiration for taking a stand. He said The
biggest challenge we face is consciousness, not
saving the planet.The planet doesn't need saving,we do. (Xiuhtezcatl)This
means that for us to save the planet we need to save ourselves first.There
for saying that once we save ourselves from the influences of life we will save
the planet(I know confusing). He performs all around the world with his
environmental hip hop songs about the problem of climate change, he also
does conferences all over the world about stopping co2 emissions.
Xiuhtezcatl has been working on a solution for many years, will you join the

More information on the topic

Co2 emission keep rising each year and is causing many
problems all around the world . In 2010 the GTC stated that
there was 9 GTAs(what Co2 emissions are measured in) of
carbon on earth. Soon,the ozone layer will be gone if we
don't do anything. Some consequences you could suffer from would be
sunburn, skin cancer, cataracts, damage to plants, and reduction of
plankton populations in the oceans may result from the increased UV

exposure if there was no ozone layer in the atmosphere. Do you want that
to happen?

Why should you help?

The effects of learning about the problems co2 cause
sparked something in me. Two years ago when I was
in 5th grade I was sitting in science class learning
about the ozone layer,when I heard that our ozone
layer was in trouble and the big bully that was
wearing it down was Co2. Once the school day was over and I got home I
wanted to learn more about the topic so the first resource I went to was my
dad, he said that when he was in college he actually wrote a fictional story
about what would happen when the ozone layer was gone and how awful life
would be. Learning about this compelled me to want to help work towards a
solution and to slow down the process of the
down)ozone layer. So once the ozone layer is gone radiation poisoning would
kill all life on earth. Would you want that to happen in the future? With your
help hopefully the future of our earth will be much brighter.

One day, I hope with your and everyone else's help the amount of C02
emissions will go down and save our ozone layer. There may not be a way to
stop it completely it y
but there is a way to slow the process down, are
you daring enough to take a stand? Without your help the future of the
Earth is in jeopardy. In fact, you were just told how to help the cause so stop
reading this and go help! It doesn't have to be a big campaign or anything like
that you could just tell other people about it and try to be more eco-friendly.
I'm not asking you to change your whole lifestyle. Trust me, I won't be
changing my whole life but, I will be making more eco-friendly decisions. You
should somehow get involved from donating to a group already involved to
walking or biking instead of driving. I know I will, will you? So what are you still
doing here, reading this article, get going, go get involved!


Author unknown,Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh,e

arth guardians., Web January 29,2016
Anastasia Pantsios
,Teen Activist Walks Across America for Climate Action
September 19, 2014 2:44 pm, web January 29, 2016
Robert Steward,
The Carbon Dioxide (CO
ND, January 29, 2016
EPA,Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data,EPA, Last edited
12/11/2015, January 29, 2016
EPA, Overview of Greenhouse Gases
, EPA, Last
updated on 12/11/2015, January 26, 2016
ND, January 29, 2016

Fred Singer
, SCOTUS Revisits EPA Regulation of CO2,
Somwhat reasonable,
November 8, 2013

On earth,
7 months ago

image sources

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