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Vehicle Depots

The Company's position and Policy has always been that crews do not
start to work and be paid until 5 minutes before their 1st job and finish 25
minutes after clearing their last job regardless of time and distance they
have travelled to or back from the job.
Excerpt - Bulletin 33, March 2012

Excerpt - Company's Proposals 2014-09-17

Excerpt - Company's Proposals 2015-02-19

The Company's 5 and 25 policy was raised numerous times during Focus Group meetings
and it was apparent from the Company's Response they were already considering Depots
even before the start of negotiations.

Excerpt - Town Hall Meetings

The Company's 5 and 25 policy was also the subject of an Unfair Labour Practice.
Despite the strong likelihood of a successful challenge by the Union the allegation was
withdrawn as a concession during negotiations. The financial ramification on the Company
could have been considerable.
The Union's position through out negotiations was for drivers and assistants to be paid for
work they perform for the Company. The Union also recognized the need for flexibility and
negotiated Depots or starting 15 minutes before and finishing 30 minutes after your last job as
2 options available to the Company.
Excerpt - Collective Agreement, Article 5 - Hours of Work

The Union has no input as to who is or who is not assigned to a Depot nor did it insist the
Company adopt Depots as the only option.
Excerpt - Collective Agreement, Letter of Understanding Shift Start Times
The Company has chosen to
assign drivers and assistants to

The Company continues to allow certain drivers, who despite living within the geographical area
of a Depot, to take their Company vehicle home.
Drivers and assistants assigned to Depots are now paid from the time they start at the Depot to
the time they finish at the Depot. If there is a discrepancy between the time indicated on the
Return to Depot docket and the actual arrival time there is a process to indicate the
discrepancy. Drivers are to send a Text Message to Dispatch advising of their Actual Arrival
Time. ie: AAT and the arrival time.
Drivers and assistants assigned to 'Home Depots' now receive an extra 15 minutes a day pay
but still face lengthy drives to and from their start and finish locations.
Depots, negotiated by the Union as an option under the Collective Agreement, allows 4 on, 4 off
drivers to enjoy their full 4 days off and eliminates the need for them to arrange the exchange of
a Company work vehicle on their own time and without compensation.

Who is better off?

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