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English 310

Literary Theory
MWF 1:30-2:20, TLC 045
Professor: Rick Fehrenbacher
Office: 202 Brink Phone: 885-5563
Office Hours: TR 12:30-3:30, by appointment
Class Wiki URL:

Required Texts:
The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism
Readings posted on class wiki

Class Requirements:
15 Weekly Reading Responses-- at least 400 words a week. (40%)
Two 5-7 page papers (40%)
Classroom Participation (20%)

Regular attendance in this class is essential; most of the readings build upon
each other, so missing a class on, say, Kant will put you at a disadvantage for
the rest of the semester. Your grade will suffer significantly for every absence
(excused or unexcused) after the third.

Week Fourteen

Wednesday, April 14 . . . Jacques Lacan, 1278-1290

Friday, April 16 . . . Michel Foucault, 1615-1648.

Reading Response 12 Due

Week Fifteen

Monday, April 19 . . . Michel Foucault, 1648-1670.

Wednesday, April 21 . . . Jean Baudrillard, from The Precession of the


Friday, April 23 . . . Jacques Derrida, from Dissemination, 1830-1876.

Reading Response 13 Due

Week Sixteen

Monday, April 26 . . . Frederic Jameson, 1932-1974

Wednesday, April 28 . . . Edward Said, from Orientalism

Friday, April 30. . . NO CLASS

Week Seventeen

Monday, May 3 . . . Gayatri Spivak, from A Critique of Postcolonial Reason

Wednesday, May 5 . . . Donna Haraway, “A Manifesto for Cyborgs”

Friday, May 7 . . . Judith Butler, from Gender Trouble.

Final Paper Due

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