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English (Inter) Part-I

Time: 45 Minutes

Marks: 45
Name: -------------------------------

Q#:1 Tick the correct synonym for underlined word?


Norma said that an eccentric millionaire.

(a) Generous


(b) Intelligent

(c) Abnormal
d) Dainty

Arthur looked appalled.

a) Energetic b) Sleepy


(d) Researcher

Norma made a contemptuous noise.

a) Scornful b) Beautiful c) Faint



c) Pleased d) Shocked

This was the proposition.

a) Elegance b) Chastisement c) Reward d) Proposal


Arthur looked astounded.

a) Happy


b) Disgusted

It was a drab interior of a bus station along a deserted highway.

(a) Chair less


c) Stunned d) Charming

(b) Hair less

(c) Cheerless

(d) Careless

The girl is sobbing and is out of breath.

(a) Laughing

(b) Smiling

(c) Interesting

(d) Weeping

(viii) The lightning illuminates the up center door.

(a) Rattles

(c) Lights up

(d) Darkness

The man rattles the door viciously.

(a) Violently


(b) Opens
(b) Peacefully

(c) Quietly

(d) Silently

The man was dragging the corpse in the mud.

(a) Hiding

(b) Burying

(c) Pulling

(d) Tearing

Q#:2 Answer the following questions in (3-5) lines?


Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?


Why Mr. Steward did continued persuading Norma?


What was the message Norma received on pushing the button?


Give a character sketch of Norma in three sentences?


How did the second man accuse the first man of lying?


What is the scene of the play?


What was the condition of the weather?


(viii) How did the girl realize the truth?

Q#:3 Write a letter father to increase your monthly allowance?


Q#:5 Translate the following passage into Urdu?


The package was lying by the front door; Norma was it as he left the elevator. Well, of all the
nerve, she thought. She glared at the carton as she unlocked the door. I just wont take it in. she
thought. She went inside and started dinner. Later, she went into front hall. Opening the door,
she picked up the package and carried it into the kitchen, leaving it on the table. She sat in the
living room, looked out the window.

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