MCP Meeting Minutes 2016-02

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Madrid Cultural Projects Meeting

February 7, 2016
The Madrid Cultural Projects (MCP) is a 501 (c) (3) organization, with a mission to preserve
and protect Madrids historical structures and foster cultural projects. We support and promote
community, provide for the arts, recreation and education, encourage youth projects and
enhance the sustainability and economic viability of our historic town.
The meeting, held at Glen Neffs and Eliane Alegres house, was called to order at 11:03 A.M. by
president Amanda Bramble.
Officers, board of directors and members attending: Amanda Bramble, Clinton Anderson, Ellen
Dietrich, Alyson Gilman, Bruce McIntosh, Glen Neff, Eliane Alegre, Mark Bremer, Stella Linder
Byrne, Katie Reed, Peter Singdalson, Dale McDonnell, Monika Callewaert, Nancy Duncan,
Anne-Marie Coughlin, Beth Lee-Herbert, Rebecca Nafey, Nancy McIntosh, Richard Hoover,
Ken Wolverton, Claudia Cielensky
Minutes: Bruce McIntosh moved that the minutes of the December 2015 meeting be approved as
published. Alyson seconded. The motion carried without opposition.
Dreams and Visions
Stella began this opening segment of the annual meeting by saying that she would like to see
more public spaces in Madrid and to hear public-service announcements by all the MCP
committees on the radio station.
Amanda would like to see an organized salvage yard as a complement to the free box.
Anne-Marie would like to see a farmers market in Madrid.
Eliane would like to see the ballpark receive more use. (Rebecca noted that the ballpark schedule
for this coming summer is already beginning to fill up.)
Beth would like to see a washing machine.
Dale would like to keep the community going.
Bruce would like to see Madrid move toward energy self-sufficiency.
Mark Bremer would like to see more water self-sustainability.
Katie Reed would like to see information about our community more readily available: she
believes we need a Community Resource Guide.
Peter believes that we should continue what weve got and perhaps add a hardware free box.
Glen wishes to continue the Gypsy Fest.

-2MCP Meeting Minutes February 7, 2016

Alyson would like to bring more local fresh food to the community.
Ellen would like to see the usage of the ballpark continued or expanded.
Monika would like to see a mentorship program for the children.
Rebecca noted that a shade structure is needed for the ballpark.
Glen Neff would like to schedule the next Gypsy Fest for Friday, Sept. 16 or Saturday, Sept. 17.
Clint will reserve the dates.
Monika announced that American Sign Language classesd are being held at the Red Railcar
portion of The Hollar on Tuesdays at 6:30 P.M.
State of the Union Address
Amanda noted that the MCP has changed over the 15 years of its existence from a single-purpose
organization set up to renovate the grandstand in the ballpark to a multi-purpose organization
managing multiple projects. Accordingly, the MCP has worked hard to re-organize itself in the
past year to accommodate this new reality and to build a board of directors committed to looking
out for the MCP as a whole. Our non-profit status allows for applications for grants and taxdeductible donations, but it also comes with legal obligations.
Our committees have a dual relationshiop with the MCP, both through the treasury and through
social support. Some committees are the cores of larger communities. (For example, the Ballpark
Committee is the core of the community of ballpark users, including the softball team and the
concert/festival attendees.)
What the MCP needs is for the board positions to rotate regularly. Amandas goal is to strengthen
the community around the board and to improve our fundraising. The current board has done a
good job in amending the by-laws and clarifying the history and current status of the various
funds in the treasury.
Treasurers Report:
Alyson distributed and discussed the Treasurers Report, including both a summary of the last ten
years of transactions in the various funds and a report of income and expense over the last three
months. The original funds managed by the MCP were the Ballpark Fund and the Childrens
Fund; the others were established more recently. Katie Reed said that the Radio Fund is willing
to put a little extra money into the General Fund. Alyson noted that money in the Resources Fund
will be directed toward the food bank fund or the ballpark fund until and unless the Resources
Committee decides otherwise.
Expenses will be paid either on a specific vote at a meeting or pursuant to a pre-approved budget.
Clint moved that the treasurers report be approved as corrected. Ellen seconded. VOTING: The
motion carried unanimously.

-3MCP Meeting Minutes February 7, 2016

All of the board members except Alyson had indicated that they were willing to continue in their
current positions. Barbara Fail had indicated that she is willing to become the MCPs treasurer.
Accordingly, Peter Singdalson moved that the current board be re-elected by acclamation, with
the exception of the treasurers position, where he nominated Barbara Fail to replace Alyson
Gilman. Katie Reed seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Committee Reports
Ballpark (Dale McDonnell, Alyson Gilman, Ellen Dietrich, Clayton Bain): The committee would
like to put up a manual scoreboard (Estimated cost, $1500), and hold a second softball
tournament June 11-12. The committee would like to improve the infield before the tournament
if possible, and the committee is open to contributing toward goatscaping as needed.
It was said that Smiths is starting a program similar to Albertsons Community Partner
program (which Albertsons claims to have terminated, although Clint has noted that the plastic
key-cards still scan at the Albertsons checkout as they used to).
Food Depot: We've had a good year, with the amazing help of our dedicated, responsible and
caring team of weekly drivers, who pick up the food in Santa Fe and bring it back here to
Madrid, and of the helpers who come every Thursday morning to help bag and distribute the
food. Because of them, our commitment to providing good food to everyone needing help in our
community continues forward into this new year with great enthusiasm. We also appreciate
donations from the community garden in season, eggs from locals with chickens and all other
local food donations.
Fundraising ideas are still being formulated. We currently have donation jars at Crystal
Dragon, the Mineshaft and Weasel & Fitz for community members and tourists interested in
supporting us. Any other businesses who would like to join in this effort, please contact me.
Also, the Resources group is planning a big community-wide yard sale in the space under the big
top behind the Mineshaft this spring; we've earmarked the Food Depot for part of the proceeds
from that. And the Madrid Volunteer Fire Department has recently committed a portion of its
donations from last summer's Fill the Boot collection to the Food Depot. Any other ideas or
initiatives toward raising funds for the Food Depot are welcome; again, please contact Gail
Garden: Planting parties will occur in April and May. The irrigation system needs to be done
over to accommodate a direct connection to the Madrid Water Co-Op system, with its higher
pressure. Ken Wolverton will help with a sculptural arbor or other community art in the garden
this spring. Amanda will plant basil and parsley early. Work sessions will occur on Wednesday
evenings at the usual times. The Garden Fund has $450 on hand and the re-construction of the
irrigation system is apt to cost more than that. Perhaps plants can be sold for a garden fundraiser.
He-She Bang (Rebecca Nafey, Barbara Fail: Rebecca reported that one fundraiser each year
provides the funds income of about $3000/year, which is limited by the ticket price and the

-4MCP Meeting Minutes February 7, 2016

capacity of the theater. Donations have been half to Southwest Cares and half to the community
over the past several years. Southwest Cares is now a large organization that doesnt need our
money as urgently as it used to, while dental-care expenses are still going up rapidly.
Accordingly, Rebecca is open to shifting the outlay to reduce the donation to Southwest Cares
and give more to community medical and dental needs. So far no community member has been
turned down.
Radio Station: Major recurring expenses are rent, phone, Internet, and music-licensing fees. In
addition to these there will have further expenses for streaming onto the Internet, which should
begin in a couple of weeks. The committee plans a summer fundraising carnival and a winter
fundraising event. A dozen underwriting sponsorships ought to cover monthly costs.
Resources (Denise Jones, chair): Ellen reported that a ballpark cleanup day is to be advertised. A
flea market behind the Mine Shaft is proposed for May 7. Free tables would be offered to other
MCP committees; outside individuals and organizations would pay $25/table. The committee is
planning a second softball tournament for June 11-12. Volunteers are neede for all the events; the
committee currently has about six core members.
Roads: Clint read the following e-mailed report from committee chair Carol Carpenter in her
The Back Road / Cave Road Committee has raised $350 since September (2015) via
Crowdrise. After fees are taken out, this amounts to $320. In addition, there is
approximately $221 in leftover funds from our 2013 road fundraiser, resulting in about
$541 in total funds. Because this fund is a rainy day fund that functions more than a
savings account than like an active fund, we do not have any projects planned for the near
future. Rather, we hope to continue to grow the fund over time so that we can undertake
repairs to Back Road and Cave Road when new repairs are really needed. In that
scenario, we would also use these funds to try and get matching funds from the MLA in
order to leverage our monies for greatest effect. If anybody at the meeting lives on Back
Road or Cave Road and wants to donate, please contact Carol at or find her Crowdrise link on the Madroids page.
Studio Tour: This committee needs a new chairperson; Mike Wright is the remaining committee
Youth Fund: $1000 is budgeted for a fence (to keep children from falling off the low stone wall
at the north edge of the playground), tetherballs are to be added; water catchment is to be added
to the existing shade structure; a teepee is to be put up as a fort for about $350; and repairs are
to be made to the swing set; barbecues are to be held in the spring and the fall. The question was
discussed whether trash-can emptying was an expense this committee/fund should incur.
Fundraising ideas include a possible recycling program.
Clint moved that the budget for 2016 be approved as amended. Dale McDonnell seconded. The
motion carried unanimously.

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Tentative Event/Fundraising Schedule

April: Initial garden work party
May: Resources flea market
June 5: Radio fundraiser (carnival)
June 11-12 Softball tournament
July 10: Ballpark concert [date requested as of Feb. 11]
August 27: Ballpark concert [Bluegrass Festival]
Sept. 17: Gypsy Fest / He-She Bang
October 7: Ballpark concert (NM Jazz Workshop)
October; Studio Tour
November: Radio station fundraiser
November: Garlic planting in garden
December 3: Christmas parade
Proposed but un-scheduled:
Outdoor movie
Corporate funding
Free Box Fashion Show
Next Meeting: March 7 at 6:00 P.M. at Nancy Duncans, 5 Peaceful Way [south end of
Madrid but not as far south as Mike Wrights; please park as near to Route 14 as possible
as turning around in the driveway gets more difficult as you proceed further up it]
Meeting adjourned at 1:23 P.M.

-6MCP Meeting Minutes February 7, 2016

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